This page has been deprecated and is no longer maintained.

Please see the page Curated list of Xporter Templates instead.

The reports mentioned here are mostly obtained from the "Xray Test Runs Report" and "Xray Requirements Report" which are found on the Xporter template store.

Note that some charts show the number of Tests while others show the number of test runs. A Test may have multiple test runs; therefore, having many test runs does not tell you anything about the number of different Tests that were run in those test runs.

Examples of reports

Requirements Traceability Matrix

Shows the requirements, their status, related Tests and Defects.

Template used: XRAYRequirementTraceabilityMatrixReport.docx

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Story"

Test runs per day, per person

Shows the number of test runs that were executed per time unit, grouped by test run assignee/executor.

Template used: XRAYRequirementTraceabilityMatrixReport.docx

Filters: Test labels, test run status

Grouping: test run assignee/executor

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Test Execution" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Test runs per day, per status

Shows the number of test runs that were executed per time unit, grouped by test run status.

The pivot table allows grouping the date (X axis) per day, month, etc.

Template used: Xray_testruns_reports.xlsx

Filters: Test labels, test run assignee/executor, test run status

Grouping: test run status

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Test Execution" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Test runs, per elapsed time

Shows the number of test runs, per elapsed time. The "elapsed time" corresponds to a range that is mapped to a value (e.g., "< 30m", ">1h").

Template used: Xray_testruns_reports.xlsx

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Test Execution" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Tests, per amount of executions

Shows the number of Tests executed once, twice, etc. (i.e., per number of test runs).

Used Template: Xray_testruns_reports.xlsx

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Test Execution" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Component Coverage

Shows the number of tests, grouped by latest status, per component.

Template used: Xray_testruns_reports.xlsx

Filters: test run status

Grouping: test run status

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Test"

Requirement Coverage, per Component

Shows the number of requirements, grouped by requirement status, per component.

Template used: Xray_requirements_reports.xlsx 

Filters: requirement status

Grouping: requirement status

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Story" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Requirement Coverage, per Priority

Shows the number of requirements, grouped by requirement status, per priority.

Template used: Xray_requirements_reports.xlsx 

Filters: requirement status

Grouping: requirement status

Sample JQL:

project = CALC AND issuetype = "Story" and fixVersion = "v3.0"

Sample Templates

Below are sample templates you can use as reference to create your own. You can also check the Xporter template store.

Xray_Test_Report.docxA template that shows the export of a list of Test issues to PDF, docx, etc. using Xporter. It contains the test run status of the Test.
Xray_Template_test.docxA template that shows the basic functionality of Xporter, particularly how a Test issue can be exported and listing its details.
Xray_Template_testset.docxA template that shows the basic functionality of Xporter, particularly how a Test Set issue can be exported, listing its details and of the Tests included in it.
Xray_Template_bulk.docxA template that shows the basic functionality of Xporter, particularly how a Bulk of Test issues can be exported, grouping tests from a Test Set, if available, and the remaining as Standalone.
XRAYRequirementTraceabilityMatrixReport.docxA template that shows how Xporter may be used to create a requirement traceability matrix.


A template that contains multiple test runs-related charts (e.g., test runs per day grouped by status, etc).
Xray_requirements_reports.xlsx A template that contains multiple requirement-related charts (e.g., requirement coverage by priority/component).

  • No labels