Test Examples
- To view a specific Test Example from a (Cucumber Scenario Outline) Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run and the index of the test example (from 0 to number of test examples minus 1).
- To update the status, an additional parameter is required: the Status that you want the Test Example to have.
Return a json that represents the test run.
parameter | type | description |
id | Integer | - id of the test run. |
exampleIndex | Integer | - index of the example. |
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run example.
{ "id": 5068, "rank": 1, "values": [ "0", "factorial", "1" ], "status": "PASS", "statusDescription": "The test run has passed", "duration": "0 millisec", "backgrounds": [ { "id": 1337, "rank": 1, "type": "background", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "a calculator I just turned on", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "hooks": [ { "id": 1338, "rank": 2, "type": "hook", "keyword": "Before", "name": "FactorialCalculator.setUp()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1339, "rank": 3, "type": "hook", "keyword": "After", "name": "FactorialCalculator.tearDown()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "steps": [ { "id": 1340, "rank": 4, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1341, "rank": 5, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press factorial", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1342, "rank": 6, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 6 on the screen", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ] }
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred getting the test run example.
The Cucumber Scenarios Example/Result details (i.e., Hooks, Backgrounds and Steps) are only available for executions done in Xray v2.2.0 and above.
Update the test run example status.
parameter | type | description |
id | Integer | - ID of the test run. |
exampleIndex | Integer | - index of the example. |
parameter | type | description |
status | String | - The status you want the test run to have. |
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred updating the test run example status.