This gadget provides a way to see the status of all the Test Runs of a group of Test Executions.


This gadget enables you to see which Tests were or are going to be executed, along with their corresponding results.

Possible usage scenarios:

  • see all the runs of a given Test Execution
  • see all the runs of all Test Executions associated with a Test Plan
  • see all the runs associated with a particular component
  • see the executions performed by or assigned to a specific user.

How to use

Please note

The performance of this gadget can be optimized in the Miscellaneous section of the Xray Administration, by setting specific limits to the number of Test Runs (set to 2000 by default).

Select and filter Test Execution issues with:

  • Saved Filter: a saved filter containing Test Execution Issues. This field is mandatory
  • Date range: only Test Runs with a start date and end date between the selected range will be considered
  • Test Run Assignee: the Assignee of the Test Run
    • Current User: option to choose dynamically the current user logged in as the selected user
  • Executed by: the user who executed the Test Run
    • Current User: option to choose dynamically the current user logged in as the selected user when sharing dashboards with others. Please note that in confluence, the current user will always be the user that owns the connection between Confluence and Jira.
  • Test Component: the project component associated with the Test
  • Test Priority: the priority of the Test
  • Test Run Status: the status of the Test Run

It is also possible to configure the:

  • Custom Title:  specify a title for the list; otherwise, it will display "Test Runs List"
  • Number of results: the number of results per page
  • Refresh Interval: how often the gadget will be updated

  • No labels