Importing Execution Results
Execution results can be imported to Jira through JSON/XML representation formats specified in Import Execution Results.
For each import file format, Xray provides a specific REST endpoint:
Xray JSON format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution |
Xray JSON format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/multipart |
Cucumber JSON output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/cucumber |
Cucumber JSON output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/cucumber/multipart |
Behave JSON output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/behave |
Behave JSON output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/behave/multipart |
JUnit XML output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit |
JUnit XML output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit/multipart |
TestNG XML output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng |
TestNG XML output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng/multipart |
NUnit XML output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit |
NUnit XML output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit/multipart |
Robot Framework XML output format | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot |
Robot Framework XML output format multipart | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot/multipart |
Compressed .zip file (e.g., Calabash execution results) | /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/bundle |
Xray JSON results
When importing execution results using Xray JSON result format in a Continuous Integration environment, you can specify which Test Execution issue to import the results on using the "testExecutionKey" property. Alternatively, you can create a new Test Execution for the execution results and specify the Test Execution issue fields in the "info" object.
Import the execution results present in query variable "executionResults".
Example 1: new Test Execution
{ "info" : { "summary" : "Execution of automated tests for release v1.3", "description" : "This execution is automatically created when importing execution results from an external source", "version" : "v1.3", "user" : "admin", "revision" : "1.0.42134", "startDate" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finishDate" : "2014-08-30T11:53:00+01:00", "testPlanKey" : "DEMO-100", "testEnvironments": ["iOS", "Android"] }, "tests" : [ { "testKey" : "DEMO-6", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00", "comment" : "Successful execution", "status" : "PASS" }, { "testKey" : "DEMO-7", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:51:00+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:52:30+01:00", "comment" : "Execution failed. Example #5 FAIL.", "status" : "FAIL", "evidences" : [ { "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)", "filename": "image21.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg" } ], "examples" : [ "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", "FAIL" ], "steps": [ { "status": "PASS", "comment": "Coment on Test Step Result 1", "evidences" : [ { "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)", "filename": "image22.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg" } ] } ], "defects" : [ "DEMO-10", "DEMO-11" ] } ] }
Example 2: update existing Test Execution
{ "testExecutionKey": "DEMO-1206", "info" : { "summary" : "Execution of automated tests for release v1.3", "description" : "This execution is automatically created when importing execution results from an external source", "version" : "v1.3", "user" : "admin", "revision" : "1.0.42134", "startDate" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finishDate" : "2014-08-30T11:53:00+01:00", "testPlanKey" : "DEMO-100", "testEnvironments": ["iOS", "Android"] }, "tests" : [ { "testKey" : "DEMO-6", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00", "comment" : "Successful execution", "status" : "PASS" } ] }
Example Request
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Xray JSON results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create or update a Test Executions and have control over all Test Execution fields. It allows you to send two JSON files, the normal Xray JSON result and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create/update issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here. Note that in this endpoint the info
property in the Xray Json result part will be ignored.
Import the execution results present in query variable "executionResults".
Example 1: new Test Execution
{ "tests" : [ { "testKey" : "DEMO-6", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00", "comment" : "Successful execution", "status" : "PASS" }, { "testKey" : "DEMO-7", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:51:00+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:52:30+01:00", "comment" : "Execution failed. Example #5 FAIL.", "status" : "FAIL", "evidences" : [ { "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)", "filename": "image21.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg" } ], "examples" : [ "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", "PASS", "FAIL" ], "steps": [ { "status": "PASS", "comment": "Coment on Test Step Result 1", "evidences" : [ { "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)", "filename": "image22.jpg", "contentType": "image/jpeg" } ] } ], "defects" : [ "DEMO-10", "DEMO-11" ] } ] }
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Brand new Test execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ], "customfield_10032" : [ "TES-38" ] } }
Example 2: update existing Test Execution
{ "testExecutionKey": "DEMO-1206", "tests" : [ { "testKey" : "DEMO-6", "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00", "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00", "comment" : "Successful execution", "status" : "PASS" } ] }
{ "fields": { "customfield_10032" : [ "a_label" ], "description": "update the issue description" } }
Example Request
curl -u admin:admin -F info=@issueFields.json -F result=@results.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/import/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Cucumber JSON results
After executing Cucumber features, you must import the outputted JSON execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the Cucumber JSON output formatter. For more information please check the Cucumber reports documentation (example here).
[ { "keyword": "Feature", "name": "Arithmetic Operations", "line": 3, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@DEMO-48", "line": 1 }, { "name": "@REQ_DEMO-45", "line": 2 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations", "uri": "features/1_DEMO-45.feature", "elements": [ { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 18, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;2", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "{data base64}" },{ "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "{data base64}" } "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 20 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "20" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 487000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 30 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "30" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 340000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 327000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 50 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "50" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 11723000 } } ] }, { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 19, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;3", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 2 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "2" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 992000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 5 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "5" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 775000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 322000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 7 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "7" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 423000 } } ] }, { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 20, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;4", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 0 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "0" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 384000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 40 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "40" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 313000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 280000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 40 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "40" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 350000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 32, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;2", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 8 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "8" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 344000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 4 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "4" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 292000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 291000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 2 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "2" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 320000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 33, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;3", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 12 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "12" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 1102000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "3" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 891000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 291000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 4 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "4" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 339000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 34, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;4", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "3" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 304000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 1 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "1" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 309000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 257000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 5 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "5" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 840000 } } ] } ] } ]
Example Request
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Cucumber JSON results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send two JSON files, the normal Cucumber result JSON and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Import the execution results created with the Cucumber JSON output formatter. For more information, please check the Cucumber reports documentation (example here).
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
[ { "keyword": "Feature", "name": "Arithmetic Operations", "line": 3, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@DEMO-48", "line": 1 }, { "name": "@REQ_DEMO-45", "line": 2 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations", "uri": "features/1_DEMO-45.feature", "elements": [ { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 18, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;2", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "embeddings": [ { "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "{data base64}" },{ "mime_type": "text/plain", "data": "{data base64}" } "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 20 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "20" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 487000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 30 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "30" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 340000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 327000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 50 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "50" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 11723000 } } ] }, { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 19, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;3", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 2 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "2" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 992000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 5 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "5" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 775000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 322000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 7 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "7" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 423000 } } ] }, { "comments": [ { "value": "#In order to avoid silly mistakes", "line": 4 }, { "value": "#As a math idiot ", "line": 5 }, { "value": "#I want to be told the result of basic arithmetic operations between two numbers", "line": 6 } ], "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Add two Numbers", "line": 20, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-47", "line": 9 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;add-two-numbers;;4", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 0 into the calculator", "line": 11, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "0" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 384000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 40 into the calculator", "line": 12, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "40" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 313000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press add", "line": 13, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "add" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 280000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 40 on the screen", "line": 14, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "40" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 350000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 32, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;2", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 8 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "8" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 344000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 4 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "4" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 292000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 291000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 2 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "2" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 320000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 33, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;3", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 12 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "12" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 1102000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "3" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 891000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 291000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 4 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "4" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 339000 } } ] }, { "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "name": "Divide Two Numbers", "line": 34, "description": "", "tags": [ { "name": "@TEST_DEMO-46", "line": 23 } ], "id": "arithmetic-operations;divide-two-numbers;;4", "type": "scenario", "steps": [ { "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "line": 25, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "3" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 304000 } }, { "keyword": "And ", "name": "I have entered 1 into the calculator", "line": 26, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 15, "val": "1" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:14" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 309000 } }, { "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press divide", "line": 27, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 8, "val": "divide" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:18" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 257000 } }, { "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 5 on the screen", "line": 28, "match": { "arguments": [ { "offset": 21, "val": "5" } ], "location": "features/step_definitions/calculator_steps.rb:22" }, "result": { "status": "passed", "duration": 840000 } } ] } ] } ]
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for cucumber Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ], "customfield_10032" : [ "TES-38" ] } }
Example Request
curl -u admin:admin -F info=@createTestExec.json -F result=@results.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/cucumber/multipart
Assigning Test Environment(s) to Test Execution
It's possible to assign Test Environment(s) to the newly-created Test Execution. For that, you need to pass the ID of the custom field corresponding to the "Test Environments" custom field. In the JSON example below, it is 10030 for the info object.
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
{ "fields": { "project": { "key": "XRAY" }, "summary": "Test Execution for cucumber Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10009" }, "customfield_10030" : [ "iOS", "Android" ] } }
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Behave JSON results
After executing Behave features, you must import the outputted JSON execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the Behave JSON output formatter.
[ { "status": "failed", "elements": [ { "name": "Test automatic", "keyword": "Scenario", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I have entered 20 into the calculator", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.0994415283203125e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:7" }, { "name": "I have entered 30 into the calculator", "keyword": "And", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.5033950805664062e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:8" }, { "name": "I press add", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.288818359375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:9" }, { "name": "the result should be 50 on the screen", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.2172927856445312e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:10" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:6", "type": "scenario" }, { "name": "Test -- @2.1 Consumer Electronics", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I put \"iPhone\" in a blender", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 5.1021575927734375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "thing", "value": "iPhone" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:16" }, { "name": "I switch the blender on", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.4809112548828125e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:17" }, { "name": "it should transform into \"toxic waste\"", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.6941299438476562e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "other_thing", "value": "toxic waste" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:18" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:27", "type": "scenario" }, { "name": "Test -- @2.2 Consumer Electronics", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I put \"Galaxy Nexus\" in a blender", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.814697265625e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "thing", "value": "Galaxy Nexus" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:16" }, { "name": "I switch the blender on", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.5033950805664062e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:17" }, { "name": "it should transform into \"toxic waste\"", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.8133392333984375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "other_thing", "value": "toxic waste" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:18" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:28", "type": "scenario" } ], "name": "", "keyword": "Feature", "tags": [ "XTP-2" ], "location": "1 (8).feature:2" } ]
Example Request
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Behave JSON results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send two JSON files, the normal Behave's result JSON and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Import the execution results created with the Behave JSON output formatter.
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
[ { "status": "failed", "elements": [ { "name": "Test automatic", "keyword": "Scenario", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I have entered 20 into the calculator", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.0994415283203125e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:7" }, { "name": "I have entered 30 into the calculator", "keyword": "And", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.5033950805664062e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:8" }, { "name": "I press add", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.288818359375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:9" }, { "name": "the result should be 50 on the screen", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.2172927856445312e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:10" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:6", "type": "scenario" }, { "name": "Test -- @2.1 Consumer Electronics", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I put \"iPhone\" in a blender", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 5.1021575927734375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "thing", "value": "iPhone" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:16" }, { "name": "I switch the blender on", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.4809112548828125e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:17" }, { "name": "it should transform into \"toxic waste\"", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.6941299438476562e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "other_thing", "value": "toxic waste" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:18" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:27", "type": "scenario" }, { "name": "Test -- @2.2 Consumer Electronics", "keyword": "Scenario Outline", "tags": [ "XTP-11" ], "steps": [ { "name": "I put \"Galaxy Nexus\" in a blender", "keyword": "Given", "step_type": "given", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 3.814697265625e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "thing", "value": "Galaxy Nexus" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:16" }, { "name": "I switch the blender on", "keyword": "When", "step_type": "when", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.5033950805664062e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:17" }, { "name": "it should transform into \"toxic waste\"", "keyword": "Then", "step_type": "then", "result": { "status": "failed", "duration": 2.8133392333984375e-03 }, "match": { "location": "steps/", "arguments": [ { "name": "other_thing", "value": "toxic waste" } ] }, "location": "1 (8).feature:18" } ], "location": "1 (8).feature:28", "type": "scenario" } ], "name": "", "keyword": "Feature", "tags": [ "XTP-2" ], "location": "1 (8).feature:2" } ]
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for cucumber Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ], "customfield_10032" : [ "TES-38" ] } }
Example Request
curl -u admin:admin -F info=@createTest.json -F result=@results.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/behave/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
JUnit XML results
After executing JUnit tests, you must import the outputted XML execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the JUnit XML output formatter. For more information, please check the documentation about JUnit integration.
parameter | type | description |
projectKey | String | - key of the project where the test execution (if the testExecKey parameter wasn't provided) and the tests (if they aren't created yet) are going to be created. |
testExecKey | String | - key of the Test Execution. |
testPlanKey | String | - key of the Test Plan; if you specify the Test Plan, the Tests will be added automatically to the Test Plan if they're not part of it. |
testEnvironments | String | - a string containing a list of test environments separated by ";" |
revision | String | - source code and documentation version used in the test execution. |
fixVersion | String | - the Fix Version associated with the test execution (it supports only one value). |
"file" : a MultipartFormParam containing a XML file to import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <testsuite tests="15" failures="0" name="" time="0.163" errors="0" skipped="0"> <properties> ... </properties> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidLimitOverflowOption_returnsExpectedSubset" time="0.114"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withNullOptionsAndValidIssue_throwsIllegalArgumentException" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidEmptyOptions_returnsAllIssues" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptions_returnsExpectedTests" time="0.016"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndInvalidColumnSearchOption_returnsAllTests" time="0.007"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidLimitUnderOption_returnsExpectedSubset" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMachesIssueKey_returnsExpectedTestWithMatchedKey" time="0.006"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidSummaryColumnAscSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInAscOrder" time="0.006"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidSummaryColumnDescSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInDescOrder" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMatchesAllElements_returnsAllTests" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidColumnSearchOptionThatMatchesOneElement_returnsOneTest" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidColumnSearchOptionThatMatchesNoIssue_returnsEmptyList" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMachesNoIssue_returnsEmptyList" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidKeyColumnDescSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInDescOrder" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidKeyColumnAscSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInAscOrder" time="0.001"/> </testsuite>
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit?projectKey=XTP
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit?testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit?projectKey=XTP&testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit?projectKey=XTP&testPlanKey=XTP-12&revision=v2.1.0
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
JUnit XML results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send one XML file (the JUnit report) and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Import the execution results created with the JUnit XML output formatter. For more information, please check the documentation about JUnit integration.
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <testsuite tests="15" failures="0" name="" time="0.163" errors="0" skipped="0"> <properties> ... </properties> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidLimitOverflowOption_returnsExpectedSubset" time="0.114"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withNullOptionsAndValidIssue_throwsIllegalArgumentException" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidEmptyOptions_returnsAllIssues" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptions_returnsExpectedTests" time="0.016"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndInvalidColumnSearchOption_returnsAllTests" time="0.007"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidLimitUnderOption_returnsExpectedSubset" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMachesIssueKey_returnsExpectedTestWithMatchedKey" time="0.006"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidSummaryColumnAscSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInAscOrder" time="0.006"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidSummaryColumnDescSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInDescOrder" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMatchesAllElements_returnsAllTests" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidColumnSearchOptionThatMatchesOneElement_returnsOneTest" time="0.002"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidColumnSearchOptionThatMatchesNoIssue_returnsEmptyList" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidGlobalSearchOptionThatMachesNoIssue_returnsEmptyList" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidKeyColumnDescSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInDescOrder" time="0.001"/> <testcase classname="" name="testApplyOptions_withValidIssueAndValidKeyColumnAscSortOption_returnsExpectedIssuesInAscOrder" time="0.001"/> </testsuite>
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for junit Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ] } }
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" -F "info=@testExec.json" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
TestNG XML results
After executing TestNG tests, you must import the outputted XML execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the TestNG XML output formatter. For more information please check the documentation about TestNG integration.
parameter | type | description |
projectKey | String | - key of the project where the Test Execution (if the testExecKey parameter wasn't provided) and the tests (if they aren't created yet) are going to be created. |
testExecKey | String | - key of the Test Execution. |
testPlanKey | String | - key of the Test Plan; if you specify the Test Plan, the Tests will be added automatically to the Test Plan if they're not part of it. |
testEnvironments | String | - a string containing a list of test environments separated by ";" |
revision | String | - source code and documentation version used in the test execution. |
fixVersion | String | - the Fix Version associated with the test execution (it supports only one value). |
"file" : a MultipartFormParam containing a XML file to import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testng-results skipped="0" failed="2" ignored="0" total="8" passed="6"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <suite name="TestAll" duration-ms="33" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <groups> </groups> <test name="calculator" duration-ms="33" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <class name=""> <test-method status="PASS" signature="setUp()[pri:0,]" name="setUp" is-config="true" duration-ms="9" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- setUp --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbers()[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbers" duration-ms="2" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbers --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[1]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[2]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[3]]> </value> </param> </params> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="FAIL" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="1" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[2]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[3]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[4]]> </value> </param> </params> <exception class="java.lang.AssertionError"> <message> <![CDATA[expected [4] but found [5]]]> </message> <full-stacktrace> <![CDATA[java.lang.AssertionError: expected [4] but found [5] at at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEqualsImpl( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.testng.internal.MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods( at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( at at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite( at at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuites( at at at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGXmlTestSuite.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGProvider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( ]]> </full-stacktrace> </exception> <!-- java.lang.AssertionError --> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[-1]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[1]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[0]]> </value> </param> </params> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="FAIL" signature="CanDoStuff()[pri:0,]" name="CanDoStuff" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <exception class="java.lang.AssertionError"> <message> <![CDATA[null]]> </message> <full-stacktrace> <![CDATA[java.lang.AssertionError: null at at org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.testng.internal.MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods( at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( at at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite( at at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuites( at at at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGXmlTestSuite.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGProvider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( ]]> </full-stacktrace> </exception> <!-- java.lang.AssertionError --> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- CanDoStuff --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanDivide()[pri:0,]" name="CanDivide" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanDivide --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanMultiplyX()[pri:0,]" name="CanMultiplyX" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanMultiplyX --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanSubtract()[pri:0,]" name="CanSubtract" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanSubtract --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="tearDown()[pri:0,]" name="tearDown" is-config="true" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- tearDown --> </class> <!-- --> </test> <!-- calculator --> </suite> <!-- TestAll --> </testng-results>
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng?projectKey=XTP
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng?testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng?projectKey=XTP&testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng?projectKey=XTP&testPlanKey=XTP-12&fixVersion=v2.1.0
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
TestNG XML results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send one XML file (the TestNG report) and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Import the execution results created with the NUnit XML output formatter. For more information please check the documentation about TestNG integration.
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <testng-results skipped="0" failed="2" ignored="0" total="8" passed="6"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <suite name="TestAll" duration-ms="33" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <groups> </groups> <test name="calculator" duration-ms="33" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <class name=""> <test-method status="PASS" signature="setUp()[pri:0,]" name="setUp" is-config="true" duration-ms="9" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- setUp --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbers()[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbers" duration-ms="2" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbers --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[1]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[2]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[3]]> </value> </param> </params> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="FAIL" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="1" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[2]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[3]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[4]]> </value> </param> </params> <exception class="java.lang.AssertionError"> <message> <![CDATA[expected [4] but found [5]]]> </message> <full-stacktrace> <![CDATA[java.lang.AssertionError: expected [4] but found [5] at at org.testng.Assert.failNotEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEqualsImpl( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertEquals( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.testng.internal.MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods( at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( at at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite( at at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuites( at at at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGXmlTestSuite.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGProvider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( ]]> </full-stacktrace> </exception> <!-- java.lang.AssertionError --> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData(int, int, int)[pri:0,]" name="CanAddNumbersFromGivenData" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" data-provider="ValidDataProvider" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <params> <param index="0"> <value> <![CDATA[-1]]> </value> </param> <param index="1"> <value> <![CDATA[1]]> </value> </param> <param index="2"> <value> <![CDATA[0]]> </value> </param> </params> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanAddNumbersFromGivenData --> <test-method status="FAIL" signature="CanDoStuff()[pri:0,]" name="CanDoStuff" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <exception class="java.lang.AssertionError"> <message> <![CDATA[null]]> </message> <full-stacktrace> <![CDATA[java.lang.AssertionError: null at at org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals( at org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals( at at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.testng.internal.MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethod( at org.testng.internal.Invoker.invokeTestMethods( at org.testng.internal.TestMethodWorker.invokeTestMethods( at at org.testng.TestRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runTest( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.runSequentially( at org.testng.SuiteRunner.privateRun( at at org.testng.SuiteRunnerWorker.runSuite( at at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesSequentially( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuitesLocally( at org.testng.TestNG.runSuites( at at at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGXmlTestSuite.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.testng.TestNGProvider.invoke( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.invokeProviderInSameClassLoader( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.runSuitesInProcess( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.execute( at org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.ForkedBooter.main( ]]> </full-stacktrace> </exception> <!-- java.lang.AssertionError --> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- CanDoStuff --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanDivide()[pri:0,]" name="CanDivide" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanDivide --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanMultiplyX()[pri:0,]" name="CanMultiplyX" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanMultiplyX --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="CanSubtract()[pri:0,]" name="CanSubtract" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> <attributes> <attribute name="test"> <![CDATA[]]> </attribute> <!-- test --> <attribute name="requirement"> <![CDATA[CALC-1235]]> </attribute> <!-- requirement --> <attribute name="labels"> <![CDATA[core]]> </attribute> <!-- labels --> </attributes> </test-method> <!-- CanSubtract --> <test-method status="PASS" signature="tearDown()[pri:0,]" name="tearDown" is-config="true" duration-ms="0" started-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z" finished-at="2018-03-06T11:53:00Z"> <reporter-output> </reporter-output> </test-method> <!-- tearDown --> </class> <!-- --> </test> <!-- calculator --> </suite> <!-- TestAll --> </testng-results>
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for TestNG Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ] } }
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" -F "info=@testExec.json" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/testng/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
NUnit XML results
After executing NUnit tests, you must import the outputted XML execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the NUnit XML output formatter. For more information please check the documentation about NUnit integration.
parameter | type | description |
projectKey | String | - key of the project where the Test Execution (if the testExecKey parameter wasn't provided) and the tests (if they aren't created yet) are going to be created. |
testExecKey | String | - key of the Test Execution. |
testPlanKey | String | - key of the Test Plan; if you specify the Test Plan, the Tests will be added automatically to the Test Plan if they're not part of it. |
testEnvironments | String | - a string containing a list of test environments separated by ";" |
revision | String | - source code and documentation version used in the test execution. |
fixVersion | String | - the Fix Version associated with the test execution (it supports only one value). |
"file" : a MultipartFormParam containing a XML file to import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <test-run id="0" testcasecount="14" total="14" passed="13" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="14" result="Failed" portable-engine-version="" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.140400"> <test-suite type="Assembly" id="1021" name="x, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" fullname="x, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="14" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.110549" total="14" passed="13" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="14"> <settings> <setting name="WorkDirectory" value="C:\Users\Sergio\x" /> </settings> <failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-suite type="TestFixture" id="1000" name="TestClass" fullname="TestClass" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="2" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.084668" total="2" passed="1" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="2"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1003" name="SubtractTest" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="2" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.080887" total="2" passed="1" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="2"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties><failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-case id="1001" name="SubtractTest(1)" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest(1)" methodname="SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" seed="1166833138" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.043525" asserts="1"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[ Expected: 10 But was: 1 ]]></message> <stack-trace><![CDATA[at TestClass.SubtractTest(Int32 x) in C:\Users\Sergio\x\TestClass.cs:line 13 ]]></stack-trace> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1002" name="SubtractTest(10)" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest(10)" methodname="SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" seed="1003146807" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="12.000098" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestSuite" id="1022" name="x" fullname="x" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="12" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.015218" total="12" passed="12" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="12"> <test-suite type="TestFixture" id="1004" name="CalculatorTests" fullname="x.CalculatorTests" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="12" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.014979" total="12" passed="12" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="12"> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1008" name="CanAddNumbers" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.004228" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties> <test-case id="1005" name="CanAddNumbers(1,1,2)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(1,1,2)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1846389584" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.001194" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1006" name="CanAddNumbers(-1,-1,-2)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(-1,-1,-2)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1113780989" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000067" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1007" name="CanAddNumbers(100,5,105)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(100,5,105)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1585332966" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000103" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1020" name="CanDivide" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.004041" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties> <test-case id="1017" name="CanDivide(1,1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(1,1,1)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1285501252" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000354" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1018" name="CanDivide(-1,-1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(-1,-1,1)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1436436719" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000073" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1019" name="CanDivide(100,5,20)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(100,5,20)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="213310888" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000060" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1016" name="CanMultiply" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.002759" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <test-case id="1013" name="CanMultiply(1,1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(1,1,1)" methodname="CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1192735127" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000331" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="label" value="multiplication" /> </properties> </test-case> <test-case id="1014" name="CanMultiply(-1,-1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(-1,-1,1)" methodname="CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="39988064" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000059" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="label" value="multiplication" /> </properties> </test-case> <test-case id="1015" name="CanMultiply(100,5,500)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(100,5,500)" methodname="CanMultiplyAgain" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1462346243" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000052" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="requirement" value="DEV-34" /> </properties> </test-case> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1012" name="CanSubtract" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.002827" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="requirement" value="DEV-328" /> </properties> <test-case id="1009" name="CanSubtract(1,1,0)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(1,1,0)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1019357734" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000303" asserts="1"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[Error subtracting]]></message> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1010" name="CanSubtract(-1,-1,0)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(-1,-1,0)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1322022615" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000056" asserts="1" > <failure> <message><![CDATA[Error subtracting]]></message> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1011" name="CanSubtract(100,5,95)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(100,5,95)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="4493553" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000053" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-run>
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit?projectKey=XTP
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit?testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit?projectKey=XTP&testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit?projectKey=XTP&testPlanKey=XTP-12&revision=v2.1.0
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
NUnit XML results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send one XML file (the NUnit report) and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Import the execution results created with the NUnit XML output formatter. For more information please check the documentation about NUnit integration.
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <test-run id="0" testcasecount="14" total="14" passed="13" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="14" result="Failed" portable-engine-version="" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.140400"> <test-suite type="Assembly" id="1021" name="x, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" fullname="x, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="14" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.110549" total="14" passed="13" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="14"> <settings> <setting name="WorkDirectory" value="C:\Users\Sergio\x" /> </settings> <failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-suite type="TestFixture" id="1000" name="TestClass" fullname="TestClass" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="2" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.084668" total="2" passed="1" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="2"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1003" name="SubtractTest" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="2" result="Failed" site="Child" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.080887" total="2" passed="1" failed="1" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="2"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties><failure> <message><![CDATA[One or more child tests had errors]]></message> </failure> <test-case id="1001" name="SubtractTest(1)" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest(1)" methodname="SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" seed="1166833138" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.043525" asserts="1"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[ Expected: 10 But was: 1 ]]></message> <stack-trace><![CDATA[at TestClass.SubtractTest(Int32 x) in C:\Users\Sergio\x\TestClass.cs:line 13 ]]></stack-trace> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1002" name="SubtractTest(10)" fullname="TestClass.SubtractTest(10)" methodname="SubtractTest" classname="TestClass" runstate="Runnable" seed="1003146807" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="12.000098" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> </test-suite> <test-suite type="TestSuite" id="1022" name="x" fullname="x" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="12" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.015218" total="12" passed="12" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="12"> <test-suite type="TestFixture" id="1004" name="CalculatorTests" fullname="x.CalculatorTests" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="12" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.014979" total="12" passed="12" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="12"> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1008" name="CanAddNumbers" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.004228" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties> <test-case id="1005" name="CanAddNumbers(1,1,2)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(1,1,2)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1846389584" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.001194" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1006" name="CanAddNumbers(-1,-1,-2)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(-1,-1,-2)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1113780989" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000067" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1007" name="CanAddNumbers(100,5,105)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanAddNumbers(100,5,105)" methodname="CanAddNumbers" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1585332966" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000103" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1020" name="CanDivide" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.004041" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="Requirement" value="DEV-771" /> </properties> <test-case id="1017" name="CanDivide(1,1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(1,1,1)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1285501252" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000354" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1018" name="CanDivide(-1,-1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(-1,-1,1)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1436436719" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000073" asserts="1" /> <test-case id="1019" name="CanDivide(100,5,20)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanDivide(100,5,20)" methodname="CanDivide" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="213310888" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000060" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1016" name="CanMultiply" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.002759" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <test-case id="1013" name="CanMultiply(1,1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(1,1,1)" methodname="CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1192735127" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000331" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="label" value="multiplication" /> </properties> </test-case> <test-case id="1014" name="CanMultiply(-1,-1,1)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(-1,-1,1)" methodname="CanMultiply" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="39988064" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000059" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="label" value="multiplication" /> </properties> </test-case> <test-case id="1015" name="CanMultiply(100,5,500)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanMultiply(100,5,500)" methodname="CanMultiplyAgain" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1462346243" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000052" asserts="1"> <properties> <property name="requirement" value="DEV-34" /> </properties> </test-case> </test-suite> <test-suite type="ParameterizedMethod" id="1012" name="CanSubtract" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" testcasecount="3" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.002827" total="3" passed="3" failed="0" inconclusive="0" skipped="0" asserts="3"> <properties> <property name="requirement" value="DEV-328" /> </properties> <test-case id="1009" name="CanSubtract(1,1,0)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(1,1,0)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1019357734" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000303" asserts="1"> <failure> <message><![CDATA[Error subtracting]]></message> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1010" name="CanSubtract(-1,-1,0)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(-1,-1,0)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="1322022615" result="Failed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000056" asserts="1" > <failure> <message><![CDATA[Error subtracting]]></message> </failure> </test-case> <test-case id="1011" name="CanSubtract(100,5,95)" fullname="x.CalculatorTests.CanSubtract(100,5,95)" methodname="CanSubtract" classname="x.CalculatorTests" runstate="Runnable" seed="4493553" result="Passed" start-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" end-time="2016-12-26 14:36:03Z" duration="0.000053" asserts="1" /> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-suite> </test-run>
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for nunit Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ] } }
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@report.xml" -F "info=@testExec.json" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/nunit/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Robot Framework XML results
After executing Robot Framework tests, you must import the output XML execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results from Robot Framework XML output format.
parameter | type | description |
projectKey | String | - key of the project where the Test Execution (if the testExecKey parameter wasn't provided) and the tests (if they aren't created yet) are going to be created. |
testExecKey | String | - key of the Test Execution. |
testPlanKey | String | - key of the Test Plan; if you specify the Test Plan, the Tests will be added automatically to the Test Plan if they're not part of it. |
testEnvironments | String | - a string containing a list of test environments separated by ";" |
revision | String | - source code and documentation version used in the test execution. |
fixVersion | String | - the Fix Version associated with the test execution (it supports only one value). |
"file" : a MultipartFormParam containing a XML file to import.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <robot generated="20170220 14:18:54.562" generator="Robot 3.0.2 (Python 2.7.13 on win32)"> <suite source="C:\Users\lmfv\Documents\Saco de Features\xray-1238\robot-example\robotframework-webdemo\login_tests" id="s1" name="Login Tests"> <suite source="C:\Users\lmfv\Documents\Saco de Features\xray-1238\robot-example\robotframework-webdemo\login_tests\gherkin_login.robot" id="s1-s1" name="Gherkin Login"> <test id="s1-s1-t1" name="Gherkin Valid Login"> <kw name="Given browser is opened to login page"> <kw name="Login Page Should Be Open" library="resource"> <kw name="Title Should Be" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Verifies that current page title equals `title`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>Log in - Your Company JIRA</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:07.693" level="INFO">Page title is 'Log in - Your Company JIRA'.</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.158"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.158"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:18:55.937"> </status> </kw> <kw name="When user "admin" logs in with password "password123""> <kw name="Input Username" library="resource"> <arguments> <arg>${username}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Input Text" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-username</arg> <arg>${username}</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:07.696" level="INFO">Typing text 'admin' into text field 'login-form-username'</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:09.314" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.696"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:09.314" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.695"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Input Password" library="resource"> <arguments> <arg>${password}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Input Text" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-password</arg> <arg>${password}</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:09.316" level="INFO">Typing text 'password123' into text field 'login-form-password'</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:10.956" starttime="20170220 14:19:09.316"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:10.956" starttime="20170220 14:19:09.315"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Submit Credentials" library="resource"> <kw name="Click Button" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Clicks a button identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-submit</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:10.958" level="INFO">Clicking button 'login-form-submit'.</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.476" starttime="20170220 14:19:10.958"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.477" starttime="20170220 14:19:10.957"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.478" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.695"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Then welcome page should be open" library="resource"> <kw name="Location Should Be" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Verifies that current URL is exactly `url`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>${WELCOME URL}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Capture Page Screenshot" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.</doc> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:18.702" html="yes" level="INFO"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3"><a href="selenium-screenshot-1.png"><img src="selenium-screenshot-1.png" width="800px"></a></msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.702" starttime="20170220 14:19:18.004"> </status> </kw> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:18.705" level="FAIL">Location should have been 'http://localhost:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa' but was 'http://localhost:8080/login.jsp'</msg> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.705" starttime="20170220 14:19:17.483"> </status> </kw> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.706" starttime="20170220 14:19:17.481"> </status> </kw> <kw type="teardown" name="Close Browser" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Closes the current browser.</doc> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.382" starttime="20170220 14:19:18.707"> </status> </kw> <tags> <tag>WEB-1</tag> <tag>WEB-3</tag> </tags> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.383" critical="yes" starttime="20170220 14:18:55.936">Location should have been 'http://localhost:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa' but was 'http://localhost:8080/login.jsp'</status> </test> <doc>A test suite with a single Gherkin style test.This test is functionally identical to the example invalid_login.robot file.</doc> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.397" starttime="20170220 14:18:54.670"> </status> </suite> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:22:12.549" starttime="20170220 14:18:54.567"> </status> </suite> </robot>
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@output.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot?projectKey=XTP
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@output.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot?testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@output.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot?projectKey=XTP&testExecKey=XNP-23
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@output.xml" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot?projectKey=XTP&testPlanKey=XTP-12&revision=v2.1.0
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Robot Framework XML results Multipart
Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create new Test Executions and have control over newly-created Test Execution fields. It allows you to send one XML file (the Robot report) and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create new issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here.
Imports the execution results from Robot Framework XML output format. For more information please check the documentation about
Note: Currently, if you specify the Test Plan custom field, the Tests of the Test Execution will not be added automatically to the Test Plan.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <robot generated="20170220 14:18:54.562" generator="Robot 3.0.2 (Python 2.7.13 on win32)"> <suite source="C:\Users\lmfv\Documents\Saco de Features\xray-1238\robot-example\robotframework-webdemo\login_tests" id="s1" name="Login Tests"> <suite source="C:\Users\lmfv\Documents\Saco de Features\xray-1238\robot-example\robotframework-webdemo\login_tests\gherkin_login.robot" id="s1-s1" name="Gherkin Login"> <test id="s1-s1-t1" name="Gherkin Valid Login"> <kw name="Given browser is opened to login page"> <kw name="Login Page Should Be Open" library="resource"> <kw name="Title Should Be" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Verifies that current page title equals `title`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>Log in - Your Company JIRA</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:07.693" level="INFO">Page title is 'Log in - Your Company JIRA'.</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.158"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.158"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:07.693" starttime="20170220 14:18:55.937"> </status> </kw> <kw name="When user "admin" logs in with password "password123""> <kw name="Input Username" library="resource"> <arguments> <arg>${username}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Input Text" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-username</arg> <arg>${username}</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:07.696" level="INFO">Typing text 'admin' into text field 'login-form-username'</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:09.314" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.696"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:09.314" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.695"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Input Password" library="resource"> <arguments> <arg>${password}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Input Text" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Types the given `text` into text field identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-password</arg> <arg>${password}</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:09.316" level="INFO">Typing text 'password123' into text field 'login-form-password'</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:10.956" starttime="20170220 14:19:09.316"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:10.956" starttime="20170220 14:19:09.315"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Submit Credentials" library="resource"> <kw name="Click Button" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Clicks a button identified by `locator`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>login-form-submit</arg> </arguments> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:10.958" level="INFO">Clicking button 'login-form-submit'.</msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.476" starttime="20170220 14:19:10.958"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.477" starttime="20170220 14:19:10.957"> </status> </kw> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:17.478" starttime="20170220 14:19:07.695"> </status> </kw> <kw name="Then welcome page should be open" library="resource"> <kw name="Location Should Be" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Verifies that current URL is exactly `url`.</doc> <arguments> <arg>${WELCOME URL}</arg> </arguments> <kw name="Capture Page Screenshot" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Takes a screenshot of the current page and embeds it into the log.</doc> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:18.702" html="yes" level="INFO"></td></tr><tr><td colspan="3"><a href="selenium-screenshot-1.png"><img src="selenium-screenshot-1.png" width="800px"></a></msg> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.702" starttime="20170220 14:19:18.004"> </status> </kw> <msg timestamp="20170220 14:19:18.705" level="FAIL">Location should have been 'http://localhost:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa' but was 'http://localhost:8080/login.jsp'</msg> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.705" starttime="20170220 14:19:17.483"> </status> </kw> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:18.706" starttime="20170220 14:19:17.481"> </status> </kw> <kw type="teardown" name="Close Browser" library="Selenium2Library"> <doc>Closes the current browser.</doc> <status status="PASS" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.382" starttime="20170220 14:19:18.707"> </status> </kw> <tags> <tag>WEB-1</tag> <tag>WEB-3</tag> </tags> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.383" critical="yes" starttime="20170220 14:18:55.936">Location should have been 'http://localhost:8080/secure/Dashboard.jspa' but was 'http://localhost:8080/login.jsp'</status> </test> <doc>A test suite with a single Gherkin style test.This test is functionally identical to the example invalid_login.robot file.</doc> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:19:22.397" starttime="20170220 14:18:54.670"> </status> </suite> <status status="FAIL" endtime="20170220 14:22:12.549" starttime="20170220 14:18:54.567"> </status> </suite> </robot>
{ "fields": { "project": { "id": "10402" }, "summary": "Test Execution for robot Execution", "issuetype": { "id": "10007" }, "components" : [ { "name":"Interface" }, { "name":"Core" } ] } }
Example Request
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u admin:admin -F "file=@output.xml" -F "info="@testExec.json" http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/robot/multipart
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10200", "key": "XNP-24", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
Multiple Execution Results
In order to import multiple execution results (e.g., outputted from Calabash or Xamarin Test Cloud), you must import the bundled compressed file with multiple execution results to Jira using the following endpoint:
Import the execution results created with the Cucumber JSON output formatter. For more information, please check the Cucumber reports documentation.
"filePart" : a MultipartFormParam containing a compressed zip file to import or a JSON file to import.
Example Request
200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.
{ "testExecIssue": { "id": "10000", "key": "DEMO-123", "self": "" } }
400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
How results are mapped to Test entities
Whenever importing results from some frameworks (i.e. JUnit, TestNG, NUnit, Robot framework), Xray can identify the automated test from the report/results file, based on an hardcoded criteria (such as the class name plus the class method corresponding to the automated test). However, depending on the test automation framework, it's possible to specify the Test issue key to which report the results in the test's code.
Independently of whether the test is identified implicitly (based on some attributes present in the test result file) or explicitly (based on the provided Test key), related Test Runs are always reported against the correct Test issue. As a consequence, if you report results multiple times there won't be duplicated Test entities.
When the identification is implicit, Xray is able to create (Generic) Test entities, if needed, per each automated test; these will be reused afterwards in similar cases.
Whenever processing results from a automation framework, for each automated test result,
- If the Test key is provided and...
- it exists, then create a Test Run for that Test
- it doesn't exist, then don't create any Test Run (since for some reason the explicitly identified Test does not exist)
- if no Test key is provided...
- try to find a Test in the identified project with the same Generic Test Definition (e.g. with the same class name+class method for example)
- if it exists, then create a Test Run for that Test
- if it doesn't exist, then search for a Test with the same Generic Test Definition in all JIRA projects
- if it exists, then create a Test Run for that Test
- it doesn't exist, then create a Test in the identified project (based on the project's key or the project associated with the provided test execution key)
- try to find a Test in the identified project with the same Generic Test Definition (e.g. with the same class name+class method for example)
For some frameworks, including Cucumber and Behave, Tests must exist previously to the submission of results related to them.
The reason for it,resides mainly in the fact that is not possible to create the complete Test specification from the results file.