Test Runs
Test Run
- To view a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run. Another way to view a Test Run is to specify the Test Exec and Test Issue to which the Test Run belongs.
- To update a Test Run, you need to send a JSON with the Test Run fields you want to update.
Return a json that represents the test run.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Return a json that represents the test run.
{ "id":371, "status":"TODO", "testKey":"CALC-12", "testExecKey":"CALC-13", "assignee":"admin", "executedBy":"admin", "startedOn":"2016-10-11T17:14:03+01:00", "finishedOn": "2016-10-24T14:58:35+01:00", "duration": 1115072328, "defects":[ { "id":15017, "key":"test-114", "summary":"summary 1", "status":"Open" }, { "id":15018, "key":"test-115", "summary":"summary 2", "status":"Open" } ], "evidences":[ { "id":313, "fileName":"stuff.txt", "fileSize":"0,0 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin", "fileURL":"http://lenovo-pc:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/313/stuff.txt" }, { "id":314, "fileName":"stuff2.txt", "fileSize":"0,0 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin", "fileURL":"http://lenovo-pc:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/314/stuff2.txt" } ], "comment":"new comment", "scenarioOutline":"Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator\r\nAnd I have entered <input_2> into the calculator\r\nWhen I press <button>\r\nThen the result should be <output> on the screen\r\n\r\n Examples:\r\n | input_1 | input_2 | button | output |\r\n | 20 | 30 | add | 50 |\r\n | 2 | 5 | add | 7 |\r\n | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |", "examples":[ { "id":1377, "rank":0, "values":[ "input_1", "input_2", "button", "output" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1378, "rank":1, "values":[ "20", "30", "add", "50" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1379, "rank":2, "values":[ "2", "5", "add", "7" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1380, "rank":3, "values":[ "0", "40", "add", "40" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" } ], "environments" : [ "IOS", "Android" ] }
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred getting the test run.
Return a json that represents the test run.
parameter | type | description |
testExecIssueKey | String | - key of the Test Execution. |
testIssueKey | String | - key of the Test Issue. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Return a json that represents the test run.
{ "id":371, "status":"TODO", "testKey":"CALC-12", "testExecKey":"CALC-13", "assignee":"admin", "executedBy":"admin", "startedOn":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "defects":[ { "id":15017, "key":"test-114", "summary":"summary 1", "status":"Open" }, { "id":15018, "key":"test-115", "summary":"summary 2", "status":"Open" } ], "evidences":[ { "id":313, "fileName":"stuff.txt", "fileSize":"0,0 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin", "fileURL":"http://lenovo-pc:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/313/stuff.txt" }, { "id":314, "fileName":"stuff2.txt", "fileSize":"0,0 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin", "fileURL":"http://lenovo-pc:2990/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/314/stuff2.txt" } ], "comment":"new comment", "scenarioOutline":"Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator\r\nAnd I have entered <input_2> into the calculator\r\nWhen I press <button>\r\nThen the result should be <output> on the screen\r\n\r\n Examples:\r\n | input_1 | input_2 | button | output |\r\n | 20 | 30 | add | 50 |\r\n | 2 | 5 | add | 7 |\r\n | 0 | 40 | add | 40 |", "examples":[ { "id":1377, "rank":0, "values":[ "input_1", "input_2", "button", "output" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1378, "rank":1, "values":[ "20", "30", "add", "50" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1379, "rank":2, "values":[ "2", "5", "add", "7" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" }, { "id":1380, "rank":3, "values":[ "0", "40", "add", "40" ], "status":"PASS", "statusDescription":"The test run has passed" } ], "environments" : [ "IOS", "Android" ] }
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred getting the test run.
Update the test run. The fields that can be updated on the test run are: status, comment, defects, evidences, examples and steps.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - ID of the test run. |
{ "status": "FAIL", "comment": "new comment", "defects": { "add": [ "test-114", "test-115", "test-116" ] }, "evidences": { "add": [{ "filename": "test1.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }, { "filename": "test2.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }], "remove": ["254", "443"] }, "examples": [{ "id": "1379", "status": "TODO" }] }
{ "status": "FAIL", "comment": "new comment", "defects": { "add": [ "test-114", "test-115", "test-116" ] }, "evidences": { "add": [{ "filename": "test1.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }, { "filename": "test2.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }], "remove": ["254", "443"] }, "steps": [{ "id": "731", "status": "TODO", "comment": "the comment 1" }, { "id": "730", "status": "PASS", "defects": { "add": [ "test-114", "test-115", "test-116", "appId=a364a9c7-9ac0-3183-9175-353c1331692a&issue=SDP-5" ] }, "evidences": { "add": [{ "filename": "test1.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }, { "filename": "test2.txt", "contentType": "plain/text", "data": "(base64 encoding...)" }], "remove": ["274", "543"] } }] }
{ "status": "FAIL", "defects": {"add":["appId=a364a9c7-9ac0-3183-9175-353c1331692a&issue=SDP-5"], "remove":["DCW-9", "appId=a364a9c7-9ac0-3183-9175-353c1331692a&issue=SDP-1"]}, "evidences": [], "steps": [ { "id": 43, "status": "PASS", "comment": "", "defects": {"add":[], "remove":["DCW-9"]}, "evidences": [] }, { "id": 44, "status": "FAIL", "defects": {}, "evidences": [] }, { "id": 45, "status": "FAIL", "defects": {}, "evidences": [] } ] }
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred updating the test run.
- To view the status of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To update the status, an additional parameter is required: the Status that you want the Test Run to have.
Return a json that contains the test run status.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - ID of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns the name of the test run Status.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the test run status.
Updates the test run status.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - ID of the test run. |
parameter | type | description |
status | String | - The status you want the test run to have. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when updating the test run status.
Execution defects
- To view the defects of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To add a new defect to the Test Run, a JSON with an of issue keys is required.
- To delete one or more defects from the Test Run, you need to specify the key of the issue you want to delete.
Return a json that contains an array with all the defects the test run has.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run defects.
[ { "id":15017, "key":"TEST-114", "summary":"summary 1", "status":"Open" }, { "id":15018, "key":"TEST-115", "summary":"summary 2", "status":"Open" }, { "id":15019, "key":"TEST-116", "summary":"summary 3", "status":"Open" } ]
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the test run defects.
Add new defects to the Test Run.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
[ "TEST-114", "TEST-115", "TEST-116", "TEST-117", "appId=a364a9c7-9ac0-3183-9175-353c1331692a&issue=SDP-1" (in case of defects from remote JIRA servers) ]
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when inserting the defects.
Remove one or more defects from the test run.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - ID of the test run. |
issueIdOrKey | String or Integer | - ID or key of the issue you want to remove from the defects. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when inserting the defects.
Execution Evidences
- To view the execution evidences of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To add a new execution evidence to the Test Run, a JSON is required.
- To delete one or more execution evidences from the Test Run, you need to send a JSON with the file name of the evidence you want to delete. Another way to delete an execution evidence is to specify the evidence ID.
Return a json that contains an array with all the execution evidences the test run has.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run execution evidences.
[ { "id":253, "fileName":"TestdataPoorPerfomance.csv", "fileSize":"35 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin", "fileURL": "http://YOURJIRA/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/253/TestdataPoorPerfomance.csv" }, { "id":254, "fileName":"testfile.txt", "fileSize":"35 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T16:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin" "fileURL": "http://YOURJIRA/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/254/testfile.txt" } ]
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the evidences.
Add a new evidence to the test run.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
{ "data":"iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAA(...base64 file enconding)", "filename":"image21.jpg", "contentType":"image/jpeg" }
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when inserting the evidences.
Remove all evidences with the same filename from the test run.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - ID of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when deleting the evidences .
Remove the evidence with the given attachment id.
parameter | type | description |
id | Integer | - id of the test run. |
attachmentid | Integer | - id of the attachment we want to delete. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful.
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when deleting the evidences.
- To view the comment of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To update the comment, you need to send a JSON with the comment that you want the Test Run to have.
Return a json that contains the test run comment in raw and rendered state.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run comment.
{ "raw":"this is the test run comment.", "rendered":"<p>this is the test run comment.</p>" }
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the test run comment.
Update the comment and the return a json that contains the updated test run comment in raw and rendered state.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
This is the new test run comment.
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run comment.
{ "raw":"this is the new test run comment.", "rendered":"<p>this is the new test run comment.</p>" }
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when updating the test run comment.
- To view all examples of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To view or edit a specific test example, check out Test Examples - REST
Return a json that contains all of the test run examples .
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run examples.
[ { "id": 5068, "rank": 1, "values": [ "0", "factorial", "1" ], "status": "PASS", "duration": "0 millisec", "backgrounds": [ { "id": 1337, "rank": 1, "type": "background", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "a calculator I just turned on", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "hooks": [ { "id": 1338, "rank": 2, "type": "hook", "keyword": "Before", "name": "FactorialCalculator.setUp()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1339, "rank": 3, "type": "hook", "keyword": "After", "name": "FactorialCalculator.tearDown()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "steps": [ { "id": 1340, "rank": 4, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 3 into the calculator", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1341, "rank": 5, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press factorial", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1342, "rank": 6, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 6 on the screen", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ] }, { "id": 5069, "rank": 2, "values": [ "1", "factorial", "1" ], "status": "FAIL", "duration": "2 millisec", "backgrounds": [ { "id": 1343, "rank": 7, "type": "background", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "a calculator I just turned on", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "hooks": [ { "id": 1344, "rank": 8, "type": "hook", "keyword": "Before", "name": "FactorialCalculator.setUp()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1345, "rank": 9, "type": "hook", "keyword": "After", "name": "FactorialCalculator.tearDown()", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" } ], "steps": [ { "id": 1346, "rank": 10, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Given ", "name": "I have entered 4 into the calculator", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1347, "rank": 11, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "When ", "name": "I press factorial", "duration": "0 millisec", "status": "PASS" }, { "id": 1348, "rank": 12, "type": "scenario", "keyword": "Then ", "name": "the result should be 65 on the screen", "duration": "2 millisec", "logError": "java.lang.AssertionError: \nExpected: is <65L>\n but: was <24L>\r\n\tat org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert.assertThat(MatcherAssert.java:20)\r\n\tat org.junit.Assert.assertThat(Assert.java:956)\r\n\tat org.junit.Assert.assertThat(Assert.java:923)\r\n\tat com.xpandit.automation.cucumber.FactorialCalculator.theResultShouldBeOutputOnTheScreen(FactorialCalculator.java:47)\r\n\tat ✽.Then the result should be 65 on the screen(com/xpandit/automation/cucumber/2_factorial_error.feature:11)", "status": "FAIL" } ] } ]
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the test run examples.
Test Steps
- To view all the test steps of a Test Run, you need to specify the ID of the Test Run.
- To view or edit a specific test step, check out Test Steps - REST
Return a json that contains all of the test run steps.
parameter | type | description |
id | integer | - id of the test run. |
Example Request
200 OK : text/plain : Successful. Returns a json with the test run steps.
[ { "id":729, "index":1, "step":{ "raw":"ssaf", "rendered":"<p>ssaf</p>" }, "data":{ "raw":"asdf", "rendered":"<p>asdf</p>" }, "result":{ "raw":"asdfasdf", "rendered":"<p>asdfasdf</p>" }, "attachments":[ ], "status":"EXECUTING", "comment":{ "raw":"asdasdasdasdasd", "rendered":"<p>asdasdasdasdasd</p>" }, "defects":[ { "id":15018, "key":"CALC-115", "summary":"Ad-hoc execution for CALC-93", "status":"Open" } ], "evidences":[ { "id":216, "fileName":"1 (24).feature", "fileSize":"0,4 kB", "created":"2016-10-24T15:50:57+01:00", "author":"admin" "fileURL": "http://YOURJIRA/jira/plugins/servlet/raven/attachment/253/1 (24).feature" } ] }, { "id":730, "index":2, "step":{ "raw":"asfd", "rendered":"<p>asfd</p>" }, "data":{ "raw":"aaa", "rendered":"<p>aaa</p>" }, "result":{ "raw":"aaaa", "rendered":"<p>aaaa</p>" }, "attachments":[ ], "status":"FAIL", "comment":{ "raw":"aaaaa\n", "rendered":"<p>aaaaa</p>" }, "defects":[ ], "evidences":[ ] } ]
400 BAD_REQUEST : text/plain : Returns the error.
401 UNAUTHORIZED : text/plain : The Xray license is not valid.
500 INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : text/plain : An internal error occurred when getting the test run steps.