In very simple terms, a Test is a sequence of steps coupled with conditions or variables, test inputs and an expected result. It is intended to establish the quality, performance or reliability of a piece of system, i.e., test target. Usually, every requirement or objective the test target is expected to achieve needs at least one Test. The success of the Test is determined by comparing expected and actual results.
Test Types
Each Test Type has one of three Test Kinds:
There are 3 default Test Types:
- Cucumber: of the Gherkin Kind;
- Generic: of the Unstructured Kind;
- Manual: of the Steps Kind.
In Global or Project settings, you may add other values for the Test Type.
In order to create a new Test Issue,
Step 1: Click the Create Issue at the top of the screen to open the Create Issue dialog box/page.
And in the old UI, click the "+" on the left:
Step 2: Select the Project and on Issue Type, select Test.
Step 3: Type a Summary for the test and fill all appropriate fields — at least, the mandatory ones marked with an asterisk.
Step 4: When you are satisfied with the content of your test, click the Create button.
Step 5: If you checked the Create another box, a new Create Issue dialog appears. This issue is automatically pre-populated with your previous test details, while leaving the Summary field blank.
Inline Editing Xray Tests
Xray Test issue sections support inline editing similar to Jira native and custom fields inline edit. This prevents full page reloads when modifying fields.
Inline Edit Fields
To inline edit a field, just hover over the field view area and click it.
The following Test fields support inline edit:
- Type: The Test issue type;
- Definition: The automated generic test definition (only visible for Generic tests).
To inline edit automated Test issues:
Step 1: If you are inline editing a Cucumber Test:
- You can hover over the actual Test Type, click it, and change it to another type that is available on the select box.
- You can hover over the Scenario field, click it, and edit its contents.
Step 2: If you are inline editing a Generic Test:
- You can hover over the actual Test Type, click it, and change it to another type available on the select box.
- You can hover over the Definition field, click it, and edit its contents.
Manual Test Steps Table
To edit the steps of a Manual Test, please check this page.
Edit Permissions
You can only inline edit Xray fields if you have permission to edit the Test issue.
Changing the Type of a Test
When the Type of a Test is changed, the details of the previous Info along with the associated Preconditions will be lost.
This operation is permanent and not reversible.
Cloning a Test issue creates a new Test with all the information of the cloned Test, except its executions. Therefore, the cloned issue will not be associated with any Test Execution issue.
To clone a Test issue, select the "Clone" action in the issue page:
After this, an additional dialog will be shown.
And after the issue is created, its page will be opened.
On some occasions the cloned issue page may open before the Xray information is actually cloned and as a result the new Test will appear empty.
When this happens the following information will be shown:
By clicking "Refresh issue", the issue page will be reloaded and the cloned information will be visible.
Xray History
Any changes made to the Test data are recorded on the Xray History section. These include:
- Changing the Test Type;
- Changing the Test Definition or Steps;
- Linking the Test with other entities (Preconditions, Test Plans, Test Sets, etc.);
- Moving the Test between folders on the Test Repository.