By archiving Test Runs, you can hide them in Xray while also preserving the data it contains in case you need it later. It’s good practice to archive Older Test Runs, so that they don’t clutter Xray views. This is especially useful when importing automated test results into Xray since the number of Test Runs can increase very fast and normally you only care about the latest results for these tests. Threshold for archiving Test Runs can be configured to a value between 1 Day and 2 Years. This way, older Test Runs are eligible to be archived automatically by Xray.
What happens when Test Runs are archived?
Archiving Test Runs will not delete the Test Run information. Archived Test Runs are just hidden from issue views and reports. It is still possible to browse archived Test Runs and even navigate into the execution page of an archived Test Run to see the execution results.
Which Test Runs will be archived?
All Test Runs are eligible to be archived except the Test Runs that are affecting analysis scopes. For instance, the latest Test Run for a specific Version or Test Plan will never be archived and reports in Xray will still consider these Test Runs. The same is true for Test Runs that are affecting the latest result for a given environment.
When are Test Runs archived?
Test Runs are archived automatically by Xray. The archive is triggered when:
- A Test is executed. A Test Run created, updated(status changed), or deleted.
- A recalculation for the Test Run Status is requested for a given Test.
- A project is reindexed.
Fixed limit of Test Runs per Test
In conjunction with this threshold, there is also a fixed limit of 50 Test Runs per Test. If this limit is exceeded, older Test Runs are candidates to be be archived automatically as well. Test Runs in analysis scopes do not count for this limit.