Trigger a Jenkins project build from an issue

In this very simple scenario, we'll implement a rule, triggered manually, that will trigger a Jenkins project/job. The action will be available from the "Automation" panel, in all issues of the selected project.

We're assuming that:

  • you just want to trigger a CI job, period; this job may be totally unrelated to the issue from where you triggered it
  • what the CI job will do, including if it will report the results back to Xray or not, is not relevant

Jenkins configuration

In Jenkins, we need to generate an API token for some user, which can be done from the profile settings page.


At the project level, we need to enable remote build triggers, so we can obtain an "authentication token" to be used in the HTTP request afterwards.

The project itself is a normal one, without parameters.

Automation configuration

  1. create a new rule and define the "When" (i.e. when it to should be triggered), to be "Manually triggered"

2. define an action (i.e. the "Then") as "Send web request" and configure it as follows

  • the Webhook URL provided above follows this syntax:
    • <jenkins_base_url>/job/<name_of_jenkins_project_job>/build?token=<token>
  • besides the "Content-Type" header that should be "application/json", define also an "Authorization" header having the value "Basic <auth>", where  the base64 encoded <auth> can be generated using your Jenkins API credentials

After publishing the rule, you can go to the screen of an issue and trigger the Jenkins project/job.

In this case, since Jenkins was configured to report results back to Xray, a new Test Execution would be created in Jira/Xray.

Trigger a Jenkins project build from a Test Plan and report the results back to it

In this simple scenario, we'll implement a rule, triggered manually, that will trigger a Jenkins project/job. The action will be available from the "Automation" panel, for all Test Plan issues of the selected project.

We're assuming that:

  • you just want to trigger a CI job, period; this job may be totally unrelated to the issue from where you triggered it
  • the results will be submitted back to Xray, if the project is configured to do so in Jenkins

Jenkins configuration

In Jenkins, we need to generate an API token for some user, which can be done from the profile settings page.


At the project level, we need to enable remote build triggers, so we can obtain an "authentication token" to be used in the HTTP request afterwards.

The project itself is a normal one; the only thing relevant to mention is that this project is a parameterized one, so it receives TESTPLAN, that in our case will be coming from Jira Cloud.

Automation configuration

  1. create a new rule and define the "When" (i.e. when it to should be triggered ), to be "Manually triggered"

2. define the condition so that this rule can only be executed from Test Plan issue; this can be done on the manual trigger directly or  we can also define an explicit condition for it

3. define an action (i.e. the "Then") as "Send web request" and configure it as follows

  • the Webhook URL provided above follows this syntax:
    • <jenkins_base_url>/job/<name_of_jenkins_project_job>/buildWithParameters?token=<token>&TESTPLAN={{issue.key}}
  • besides the "Content-Type" header that should be "application/json", define also an "Authorization" header having the value "Basic <auth>", where  the base64 encoded <auth> can be generated using your Jenkins API credentials

After publishing the rule, you can go to the screen of an issue and trigger the Jenkins project/job.

In this case, since Jenkins was configured to report results back to Xray, a new Test Execution would be created and linked back to the source Test Plan where the automation was triggered from.
