Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The following screenshots shows an example of the sections you should expect in this report.

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How to use

This report can be generated from the Issue details screen.


In this section we are extracting the Test Plan key in the header and show the Begin and End Date (formatted as demonstrated below), the Summary and the Description present in the Test Plan.

FieldDescriptionSample Code
Begin DateTimestamp of the Begin Date field present in the Test Plan (with proper format)${dateformat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"):Begin Date}
End DateTimestamp of the End Date field present in the Test Plan (with proper format)${dateformat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"):End Date}
SummarySummary of the Test Plan${Summary}
DescriptionDescription of the Test Plan (as this field accepts wiki markup we will use "wiki:" in the code to be interpreted by the document)${wiki:Description}

The output will have the following information, notice that as the Description field support wiki markup we are using "wiki:" keyword so that it is correctly interpreted.

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Requirements covered by the Tests in this Test Plan


In the Server version we have a query that fetches the Requirements linked with a Test: testRequirements('${Tests[n].Key}').

FieldDescriptionSample Code
KeyKey of the requirement (in this case we are adding it as link)@{title=${JQLIssues[a].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${JQLIssues[a].Key}}
SummarySummary of the requirement${JQLIssues[a].Summary}
Workflow StatusWorkflow Status of the requirement${JQLIssues[a].Status}
Coverage StatusRequirement coverage status${JQLIssues[a].Requirement Status}

The requirements are listed in a table with the informations explained above.

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Overall Execution Status


To obtain this information we are using:

FieldDescriptionSample Code
TestsCountThe total number of Tests in this Test Plan${TestsCount}

To extract the count of the overall execution status per each <status> (TO DO, EXECUTING, PASS, FAIL, ABORTED)

${Overall Execution Status.<status>.Count}

To extract the percentage of the overall execution status per each <status> (TO DO, EXECUTING, PASS, FAIL, ABORTED)

${Overall Execution Status.<status>.Percentage}

This will produce the following output:

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In this section we are listing all the defects found that are associated with this Test Plan, we consider defects associated with TestRuns, defects in Test Steps or defects found during the iterations. We do not print duplicates.

FieldDescriptionSample Code
KeyKey of the Defect
  • TestRun
    • @{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Key}}
  • TestSteps
    • @{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[j].Defects[m].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[j].Defects[m].Key}}
  • Iteration TestSteps
    • @{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[it].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[it].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}}


Summary of the Defect
  • TestRun
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Summary}
  • TestSteps
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[j].Defects[m].Summary}
  • Iteration TestSteps
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[it].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Summary}
PriorityPriority of the Defect
  • TestRun
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Priority}
  • TestSteps
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[j].Defects[m].Priority}
  • Iteration TestSteps
    • ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[it].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Priority}

The Defects appear in the document as a table with information regarding the defects found during the executions of the Test Plan.

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Tests Summary

In this section we have a table with information regarding the Tests included in this Test Plan. You can find the following information about each Test:

FieldDescriptionSample Code
KeyKey of the Test in a link form@{title=${Tests[n].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${Tests[n].Key}}
SummaryThe Summary of the Test${Tests[n].Summary}
Issue AssigneeFull name of the assignee${fullname:Tests[n].Assignee}
RequirementsList of requirements covered by this Test (Check the template to see the extra cycle we need to list this information)


#Test ExecutionsNumber of Test Executions for each Test (Check the template to see the extra cycle we need to list this information)${jqlcount:issue in testTestExecutions('${Tests[n].Key}') and 'Test Plan' = ${Key}}
Latest StatusLatest Status of the execution${Tests[n].LatestStatus}

This information is presented in a table as we can see below:

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Some particularities to highlight a different behavior about the code needed to show the Tests Runs section:


This section have a table with information regarding each Test Execution in this Test Plan (and will repeat these sections for each Test Execution). The information is presented as a table with the following fields:

FieldDescriptionSample Code
Execution statusExecution Status of the Test Run${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Execution Status}
AssigneeFull Name of the Assignee of the Test Run${fullname:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Assignee}
Executed ByFull Name of the entity that has executed this Test Run${fullname:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Executed By}
Started OnTimestamp of the Started Date from the TestRun${dateformat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'):TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Started On}
Finished OnTimestamp of the Finished Date from the TestRun${dateformat('dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss'):TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Finished On}
VersionsFix Version field associated with the TestRun


RevisionRevision assigned to the TestRun


All of these fields have code to handle empty fields. The resulting table look like the one below.

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Execution Defects

If any Defects was found and associated globally with a TesRun it will appear here in the form of a table with the following fields:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
KeyJira Key of the Defect in the form of a link@{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Key}}
SummarySummary of the Defect${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Summary}
PriorityPriority associated with the defect${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionDefects[d].Priority}

The table will be similar to the one below.

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Execution Evidences


To obtain that information we have used the following code:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
File NameThe File Name of the Evidence attached to the Execution@{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionEvidences[d].Name}|href=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL}}
AuthorAuthor of the Evidence${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionEvidences[d].Author}
File SizeFile Size of the Evidence in bytes${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionEvidences[d].Size}
EvidenceThe Evidence attached to the Execution!{${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ExecutionEvidences[d].Evidence|maxwidth=100}}

The table in case of an Evidence is of the type image will have the following aspect:

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The comment associated to the TestRun (${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Comment}).


This section only appears if you have any attachments associated to the Test.

KeyDescriptionSample Code
File NameFile Name of the Attachment


AuthorThe Author of the attachment


File SizeFile Size of the attachments in bytes.


This appears in the document in a table form:

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This section only appear if you have a Precondition associated with the TestRun.

KeyDescriptionSample Code
KeyKey of the Precondition


SummarySummary of the Precondition


ConditionCondition field present in the Precondition${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].PreConditions[c].Conditions}

A sub section will appear with the preconditions definitions.

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This section lists the existing parameters of the TestRun (we are iterating through the Parameters of the TestRun with: #{for m=TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].ParametersCount}).

KeyDescriptionSample Code
NameKey of the parameter


ValueValue of the parameter${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Parameters[m].Value}

It will list the Key and the Value of each parameter in a table. 

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This section uses a sentence to show how many interactions we will go into more details in the next sections.

KeyDescriptionSample Code
IterationsThe iterations count of the Test Run${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].IterationsCount}

A sentence is added to the document with this information.

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Iteration Overall Execution Status

To obtain the overall execution status of the iteration we use two variables:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
List of StatusesShow the List of Statuses${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status}






Overall Execution Status per Status

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status.TO DO}

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING}

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status.PASS}

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status.FAIL}

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations Overall Execution Status.ABORTED}

The above code will produce the below table.

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Test Run details


We extract that information using the following fields:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
Iteration NameName of the iteration${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].Name}
StatusStatus of the iteration


Total ParametersTotal number of parameters


ParametersLists all parameters in the form of Key=Value${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].Parameters}

This section will have the below appearance:

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Iteration precondition definition

If a precondition is present we will use the following fields to extract that information:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
KeyIteration precondition key${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].Key}
DefinitionIteration precondition definition


This will produce an entry like the one below:

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Iteration parameters details

For that given Iteration we are listing the parameters used, that information is extracted with the following fields:

KeyDescriptionSample Code
NameParameter Key${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Key}
ValueParameter Value${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Value}

It generates a table of the following form:

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Iteration Test Step Details

In this section we are listing the details of an iteration, we are listing each step present with details, the code we use for that purpose i present in the below table.

KeyDescriptionSample Code


The Step Number ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].StepNumber}
ActionAction defined in the Test Step${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Action}
DataData defined in the Test Step${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Data}
Expected ResultExpected Result defined in the Test Step${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].ExpectedResult}
AttachmentsAttachments present in each Test Step (showing the FileURL and a screenshot in case of the Attachment being an image)



DefectsDefects associated to this Iteration


EvidenceFileURL and screenshot (if it is an image) of the Evidence

@{title=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Name}|href=${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].FileURL}} by ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Author} - ${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Iterations[m].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Size}


StatusTest Step Status


The above information is gathered in a table like the one below:

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Test Details

This section shows the Test details, for that we are considering the different possible Test we can have in Xray: Generic, Manual and Cucumber. For each type we will fetch different information.

It may seem similar with the Iteration Test Step Details section but in this section we will show the Test details (not instantiated in each Iteration like the previous section).

TypeKeyDescriptionSample CodeOutput
GenericTest TypeTest Type field


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SpecificationDefinition of the Generic test${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Generic Test Definition}
CucumberTest TypeTest Type field


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Gherkin SpecificationGherkin specification of the Test

${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Cucumber Scenario}

#{for h=JQLIssuesCount|clause=key in testExampleResult('${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Key')}



ManualStepStep Number${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[r].StepNumber}
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ActionAction of the Test Step${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[r].Action}
DataData of the Test Step${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[r].Data}
Expected ResultExpected Result of the Test Step${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[r].ExpectedResult}
AttachmentAttachment of the Test Step


CommentComment of the Test Step${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].TestSteps[r].Comment}
DefectsDefects associated with the Test Step


EvidenceEvidence with the Test Step


StatusStatus of the Test Step


Requirements linked with this test

For each Test we are listing the Requirements linked 

KeyDescriptionSample Code
Requirement KeyKey of the Requirement${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Requirements[x].Key}
Requirement SummarySummary of the Requirement${wiki:TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Requirements[x].Summary}
Workflow StatusWorkflow status of the Requirement${TestExecutions[n].TestRuns[a].Requirements[x].Status}

This section present a table with that information like the one below:

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Appendix A: Approval

This section is added for the cases where you need to have a signature validating the document.

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Customizing the report


titleExample of setting a variable to, in this case, render information on the section "Test Executions"

${set(showTestRunDetails, 1)}



render this section

  • format: 0 or 1


${set(showTestRunDetails, 0)}


render this section

  • format: 0 or 1

${set(showTestRunEvidences, 0)}


render this section

  • format: 0 or 1

${set(showTestRunAttachments, 0)}


render this section

  • format: 0 or 1

${set(showTestRunIterations, 0)}


render Test Summary section whose reported status is one in this list first (delimited by comma); use an empty string '' to include all statuses

  • format: '<status1>,<status2>"


(i.e., all statuses)

${set(statusesToInclude, 'FAILED')}

${set(statusesToInclude, 'FAIL,EXECUTING')}

${set(statusesToInclude, '')}

Adding or removing information to/from the report
