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Taking a simple flight booking site as an example, we can easily have thousands of combinations for Departure Airport, Destination AirportFlying From, Flying to, Class, Number (number of) Adults, Number (number of) Children input parameters.

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It's possible to remove some values of the combinations to be generated. For example, we can exclude the "First" Class. That would lead to less scenarios to test (e.g., 162 => 108).

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This leads to a potential high-number of scenarios to be tested. For the previous example, and considering a model where parameters have just a limited number of possible values, that would still lead to 3*3*3*2*3=162 scenarios.

IIs . Is it feasible? Does it even make sense? Are any of those scenarios redundant, or in other words, is there any manageaable subset of scenarios that can be tested that can still help us find bugs?


In sum, there is a balance between the number of tests we execute and the coverage we will obtain.

titlePlease note

Let's say that we have 5 parameters. In this case, 5-way testing would generate all the possible combinations of these 5 parameters. Therefore, 5-way testing is precisely the same as saying that we're going to test all combination of parameter values.

Not all combinations make sense for several reasons.

For example, in our flight booking scenario the Departure and Destination parameters need to be different. Also, we may have some rules in place where, for example, the First class is not available to children.

These are restrictons that we can use in order to limit the generation of parameter combinations used by our test scenario.

titleExample with Xray's Test Case Designer

In Test Case Designer we can apply "constraints" involving the combination of 2 parameter values. We can apply several constrains as shown in the followin example: Class=First cannot exist together neither with Children=1 nor Children=Mode than 1.

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But not all combination of parameters may be equaly representative. Sometimes there are parameter combinations we know that are highly important as they represent highly used happy paths, or whose business impact is high.

We can enforce these to appear in the generated scenarios and be the first ones.

titleExample with Xray's Test Case Designer

In Test Case Designer we can . In the following example, we considered an interaction that we need to test due to an hypothetic legislation where some warning must be shown to users who are departing from USA, using the First class, and have more than 1 children. That scenario will be added on the generated ones.

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