Versions Compared


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Application CategoryUse Case DescriptionSample Plan Model as an example
GUI FunctionalA customer-facing web calculator with a mix of 4-5 text fields, dropdowns, and/or radio buttons (not counting the environment variables like device/browser). The business rules require testing multiple combinations of inputs and their effect on the rate outcome."Personal Loan Calculator - Automate"
Non-GUI FunctionalA customer-facing micro service for digital payments which allows to perform multiple payee-related operations (such as "get"). The request structure for that operation includes 3+ fields with multiple values each. The combination of those fields directly affects the response file.Reach out to us for the customized sample.
GUI Field/Element Visual ValidationAn employee-facing dashboard where the UI positions of elements need to be checked for various roles. Alternatively, an application where the repetitive set of objects (header, footer, links, etc.) needs to be verified on multiple pages.Reach out to us for the customized sample.
Non-GUI File ValidationAn application responsible for processing files and producing an output, where combinations of the file format and the output location need to be tested."ETL Testing Example"


Positive Influence:

  • Script Length

The minimal plans models (2×2) make more sense if the script contains 10+ detailed steps with data-driven expected results. Manual copying of the script always has room for error.


  • Output Format and Standardization

Creating a plan model in Test Case Designer may be the fastest route to get the Xray, Gherkin, Java, etc. file with the test cases. Further, you guarantee the consistency of the export format across projects.


The key challenge is that not every user story may be applicable (from the number of inputs & variations perspective) and, consequently, not every sprint may have sufficient scope. It is quite common that Test Case Designer is used in every 2nd or 3rd sprint, once the testing model has enough elements to justify the combinatorial exploration. And of course, once it comes to regression for each release, Test Case Designer test plans can models can be easily updated to accommodate the new functionalities.
