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Pre-Conditions specify the condition which needs conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to execute a test.

 A Pre-Condition is like defining the step "0" for your tests. This is very useful on in many use cases where you have to start by doing exactly the same thing (e.g. . For example, if you are going to do something in on a system, you most probably you have to authenticate first, right? ). But sometimes, you have to do several things  (e.g., restore DB, authenticate) before going through your Test steps. And each of those things may be used independentely (done and used independently, i.e.g. , some Test Tests may require just to restore restoring the DB, another may require just to authenticateauthentication, and others may require that both things , or even more, need to be done before starting executing the steps).  

Table of Contents

Pre-Condition Types

Pre-Conditions Types must be the same Type of the Test they are associated with, so they can be Manual or Automated.

  • On Manual Type Pre-Conditions, are inputted the : Conditions to be executed by the user before starting the Associated Test.
  • On Automated[Generic] Type Pre-Conditions, are inputted the : Conditions to be executed by the external tool before starting the Associated Test.
  • On Automated[Cucumber] Type Pre-Conditions, are inputted the : Cucumber Background Gherkin clauses to be executed before starting the associated Scenarios.


Step 3: Type a Summary for the Pre-Condition and complete any all appropriate fields — at least, the required ones which are marked by an asterisk.


Step 4: On the Pre-Condition Details tab, select the Pre-Condition Type and complete any all appropriate fields;.

- Click on the Tests tab to associate the current issue with Tests;.

Step 5: When you are satisfied with the content of your Pre-Condition, click the Create button. If you selected the Create another check box (above), a new Create Issue dialog appears. This issue is automatically pre-populated with your previous Pre-Condition details, while leaving the Summary field blank.


- Click on the Tests tab to edit Test associations;.

Step 4: Click the Update button to save your changes.

Using the Inline Edit for


Jira App

To Edit an existing Pre-Condition issue using inline - edit:

Step 1: On the Pre-Condition page view, hover your mouse over a field and click it to Edit Inline.

- You can hover on the actual Pre-Condition Type, click it to enter the edit mode, and choose other available option on the select selected field;.
- You can hover on the Condition field, click it to enter the edit mode, and modify the contents;.

Step 2: To save the changes, just click outside of the field area of click in the save button located in the bottom right corner of the editing field. 


Step 2: Select More > Clone. The Clone Issue screen will appear.

Step 3: You can edit the clone Pre-condition's Summary if you wish.


- Input the desired Test Issue Key on the Tests field;
- Click on the Down Arrow on the Tests field and select the Test from its History Search list;
- Click on the + button wich which will prompt an Issue Selector Pop-Up; Up 
- Click on the Search tab to use the Find JIRA Jira issues browser - More here;(more details here)

Search Test Issues - In order to search for Tests to be associated you can, under the Search tab:

- Browse for the desired Test ProjectType or terms it Contains;
- Click on the More button to add more browse fields such as LabelFix Version, Test SetTest Set Fix VersionRequirementRequirement Fix Version, Saved Filters and Workflow Status;
- Click on the Magnifier button after filling the browse fields , to get a list of matching entries; entries 
- Click on the Advanced button to perform a JQL search - More here;search (more details here)

Step 4: Click Add.

Remove Tests

To remove Tests from a Pre-Condition from using the Pre-Condition issue view screen:


Step 2: On the Tests table, hover over the desired Test row and click on the Trash button that appears in at the end of the row. You will be prompted with a confirmation dialog.
