Versions Compared


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Shows a daily historical view of the Requirement Requirements coverage. It is possible to see the evolution of the Requirement's coverage status over time for a particular Analysis Version (or Test Plan) and Test Environment

titlePlease note

To be able to use this report, your project must have the Requirement Coverage enabled. See how in Configure JIRA project to be used as Requirements project.



This report allows users to evaluate the progress of the requirement coverage status, which implicitly takes into account the testing results associated with each requirement.

How to use

This report is either accessible from "Xray Reports" icon on the project left side bar sidebar or from the standard "Reports" icon, which includes other kind kinds of reports besides Xray. 

You need to configure the source data (i.e., the requirements) for the chart and how to calculate the requirement status for each one of the requirements

Source data

Source "requirement" issues can be directly provided using a saved filter or by specificiend specifying some requirement fields:

  • Saved filter: A a saved filter containing requirement issues

  • Fix Version: version assigned to the requirement (you You can also choose whether to include the previous versions - equivalent in JQL to fixVersion <= X. The default value for this option can be changed in the Xray configuration.)
  • Key or Summary: requirement's key or summary
  • Assignee: requirement's assignee
  • Component: component assigned to requirement
  • Workflow Status: workflow status
  • Resolution: workflow resoluton



In On the left side, it's possible to define the analysis strategy, i.e., the way you want to analyze the selected/filtered requirements. You can either choose to analyze either by Version or Test Plan, and complement it with a Test Environment.

When choosing If you choose analysis by Version, then the latest results from Test Executions for the specified version are taken into account. If you choose Test Plan, only Test Executions (and related results) related associated with the given Test Plan are considered for in the calculation of the requirement status.

The (If the Test ) Environment , when is specified, it considers only the executions made for that ran in the specified environment. 



For more info information on requirement the requirements coverage analysis, please see please check out the Requirements Coverage Analysis.


The user can also enter a time period to analyse the daily coverage of requirements.


This graphical report is composed by of two similar vertical stacked bar charts. One : one showing absolute values and the other showing relative percentage normalised normalized values. Both charts are interactive. Hovering over the different bars shows a small popup with the information of about the specific series (Status~Grouping, Date and Percentage/Value).  Also, it is possible to   You can deactivate a particular series by clicking in the series legend.

Each chart column shows the Requirement coverage status for a given day. Each status has a different color and is divided by Requirement Grouping with a gradient.