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In this tutorial, we will create a mobile test using Calabash and, optionalyoptionally, the Xamarin Test Cloud.

In this case, the test (specification) is initialy initially created in JIRA Jira as a Cucumber Test and afterwards, it is exported using the UI or the REST API. 

titleAndroid and iOS

For the purpose of this tutorial, we will use an Android app as basis. However, the The only change relevant for iOS would be to use the "calabash-ios" command instead of the "calabash-android".



  • Android SDK (or iOS SDK)
  • install the Ruby gems: "calabash-android" (or "calabash-ios"), "calabash-cucumber", "xamarin-test-cloud", "rubyzip"


The code for our test will be the basic code that Android Studio generates, that is a code for the basic "Hello World!" application that Android Studio generates.

So the first step is to create create Create a Cucumber Test, of Cucumber Type "Scenario", in JIRAJira. The test will validate the presence of the "Hello World!" in on the device's screen. 

Code Block
Feature: App startup banner

  Scenario: Message banner after startup
    When I wait for 2 seconds
    Then I see "Hello World!"


"calabash-android" provides some steps that can be reused in order to write Cucumber Scenarios/Scenario Outlines; in other words, if you just reuse those steps, you don't have to write any code at all for your tests. 

After we create creating the Test in JIRA, Jira and associate associating it with requirements, etc., you can export the specification of the test to a Cucumber .feature file (e.g. by via the  REST API or by the UI action "Export to Cucumber" UI action from within the Test Execution issue).

The created file will be similar to the one above one , but will contain the references to the Test issue key and the covered requirement issue key. 

Project setup

In the project base folder, run the following command which will create a basic .feature.

No Format
 calabash-android gen


Note that the ApplicationManifest.xml must contain the "android.permission.INTERNET" permission. See example bellow. below:

Code Block
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

        <activity android:name=".MainActivity">
                <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

                <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />


No Format
 calabash-android run app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk  -x json -o data.json


In this case, the previous This command will generate a Cucumber JSON report file that can be imported to Xray in the same way you would generally do for Cucumber tests in general (either by , i.e., via the REST API or through "the Import Execution Results " action within the Test Execution).


Running tests in the Cloud with Xamarin Test Cloud

Before being able to submit the application, we First, you must execute "calabash-android" with the "build" argument.

No Format
 calabash-android build app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk


Before we submit submitting the application for testing, we you must know the API key on the Test Cloud   (obtainable under the team's section) .


Afterwards, we you can use the "test-cloud" utility in order to submit the packaged application (e.g., .apk) , by identifying the following:

  • API key
  • Test Cloud's username (i.e., email)
  • the devices device's list ID
  • the series name


Cucumber config file used by the "test-cloud" utility:

Code Block
android: PLATFORM=android -f json


Example syntax or invoking "test-cloud" for submission of the app:

No Format
 test-cloud submit app\build\outputs\apk\app-debug.apk a80654b0da3638a999a235e7b31d1433  --user  --devices 13684d00  --series "master" --locale "en_US" --async-json -p android --config config\cucumber.yml > test-cloud.json


As soon as the test run finishes in Xamarin's Test Cloud, the detailed report will be available in on the Test Cloud's page.

It's possible to see some Some relevant numbers are displayed, such as the total devices  and and tests with failures. 


It's also possible to You can analyze a given test failure and : see what step failed and , the device and test logs. 


Importing results to Xray

Note that Xray supports the submission of a zip file containing multiple Cucumber JSON reports, one per each device.

In order to obtain Test Cloud's results in a machine-friendly - way, we you need to use Test Cloud's REST API since , currently, the "test-cloud" unfortunately utility does not currently provide an immediate way of obtaining the results. 

However, it's possible to use the preliminary Test Cloud Ruby client SDK and API in order to produce a ZIP file containing the Cucumber JSON reports.


Bellow, Below is an example of such a potential an implementation , where we you pass the API key and the "test-cloud" output file as arguments, and that will produce a "" file.


Code Block
require 'tmpdir'
require 'open-uri'
require 'zip'
require './client.rb'

def download_file(url, dir, filename)
    open("#{dir}/#{filename}", 'wb+') do |file|
        file << open(url).read
api_key = ARGV[0]
testcloud_json_file = ARGV[1]
#api_key = "xxx"
#testrun_id = "xx"

testrun_id = JSON.parse(File.readlines(testcloud_json_file).last)["test_run_id"]
zipfile_name = ""

client =
while !client.test_runs.results(testrun_id).finished
 puts "waiting for results..."
 sleep 5
results = client.test_runs.results(testrun_id)

File.unlink zipfile_name
tmp_dir = Dir.mktmpdir
  results.logs.devices.each do |log_device|
      download_file(log_device.cucumber_json, tmp_dir, "#{log_device.device_configuration_id}.json")
    input_filenames =  Dir.entries("#{tmp_dir}").select {|f| ! f}, Zip::File::CREATE) do |zipfile|
        input_filenames.each do |filename|
            zipfile.add(filename, tmp_dir + '/' + filename)

  FileUtils.remove_entry tmp_dir


Creating a zip file with all Cucumber JSON reports:

No Format
 obtain_tc_results.rb  a80654b0da3638a999a235e7b31d1111 test-cloud.json


After importing the results using the REST API, the execution screen details will provide information of on the test run result, grouped by device.

The "Context" section will be by filled out with the name of the original Cucumber JSON report; in this case, it contains 's the name/id of the device.



titleLearn more

Please see Please refer to Testing with Cucumber for a high level an overview on how to use Cucumber Tests with Xray.


