Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Field NameTypeAvailable Context(s)Screens
Begin Date
The start date of the Test Execution or Test Plan
Date Time Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
The Pre-Condition conditions
Pre-Conditions Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Pre-Condition Screen (Pre-Condition Details)
Cucumber Scenario
The Cucumber Scenario clauses in Gherkin
Cucumber Test Steps Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Cucumber Test Type
The Cucumber Scenario Type
Automated Test Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
End Date
The completion date for the test execution
Date Time Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
Generic Test Definition
The definition for automated generic Test
Generic Test Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)

Manual Test Steps

The manual steps fields in JSON format

Manual Test Steps
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Manual Test Steps (Export)
The manual steps fields for exporting manual tests
Manual Test Steps (Export View)
Issue type(s):

Pre-Condition Type
Choose the Pre-Condition Type. It must match the Test Type with which this Pre-Condition is associated
Pre-Condition Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Pre-Condition Screen (Pre-Condition Details)
Pre-Condition association with a Test
The Pre-Condition issue to associate with this Test
Pre-Condition Association with a Test
Issue type(s):

Requirement Status*
The status of the Requirement
Requirement Status Custom Field
  • Default Screen
The system revision for the test execution
Text Field (single line)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
Steps Count
Number of Steps in a Manual Test
Manual Test Steps Count

Issue type(s):

Test Execution Status
The overall execution status for the tests in the test execution
Execution Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Test Set Status*
The execution status for the tests in the test set
Execution Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Test Sets association with a Test
Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select from a list of existing Test Sets to associate with this Test
Test Sets Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Sets)
Test Type
Choose the Test Type
Test Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Latest Test Run final status
Test Run Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Tests association with a Test Execution
Associated Tests with this Test Execution
Test Execution association with Tests
Issue type(s):

Tests associated with a Test Plan
Associated Tests with this Test Plan
Test Association with a Test Plan

Issue type(s):Image Added

Tests association with a Test Set 
Associated Tests with this Test Set
Tests Picker
Issue type(s):

Test Plan Status
The aggregated execution status for the tests in the test plan
Test Plan Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Tests Count

Number of Tests within a Test Set or a Test Plan issue

Issue Links Count
Issue type(s):

Test Environments

Test Environment(s) associated with the Test Execution

Test Environments Custom Field

Issue type(s):

  • Default Test Execution Screen

Test Execution Defects

Shows the number of defect issues associated with a Test Execution issue. These can be directly linked with the issue using Jira issue links or defects that were created during testing within Test Runs

Test Execution Defects
Issue type(s):

Test Repository Path

The Test Repository Path for this issue

Test Repository Path

Issue type(s):

    • Default Test Screen (General)
