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Automated Tests are executed through an external tool which controls the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes to predicted outcomes. They can automate some repetitive tasks in a formalized testing process already in place, or add additional testing that would be difficult do perform manually. The following automated Test types are available:


In Jira's administration, you may add other values for the "Test Type" custom field (see list below). For example, you may want to differentiate automated tests that may exist simultaneously in a project.


Test Type custom field possible valuesInternally will be handled as Test Type...
"Cucumber", "Automated[Cucumber]", "Gherkin", "Behave", "SpecFlow", "Behat"Cucumber
"Generic", "Automated[Generic]"Generic


Note: "Test Type" custom field values not shown above are not supported. 


Cucumber is a tool that executes plain-text functional descriptions as automated tests. The language that Cucumber understands is called Gherkin, which is a business-readable, domain-specific language that describes the software’s behavior without detailing how that behavior is implemented. It is line-oriented language and uses indentation to define structure. Line endings terminate statements (e.g., steps). Either spaces or tabs may be used for indentation (but spaces are more portable). Most lines start with a keyword.


Notes: On Jira versions greater or equal to 7.3.0, the Definition field supports Jira's Rich Text Editor. To enable the Rich Text Editor, you have to set the renderer of the definition custom field to  Wiki Style Renderer.  It is also possible to use Rich Text Editor on Jira versions greater than 7.2.0 by enabling the experimental Rich Text Editor in Jira configurations, but this feature is not totally supported by Xray. 

Manual Test Steps Table

In addition to inline editable fields, Xray provides a Restful table for inline editing manual Test steps direcly from the Test view issue screen.



Xray provides the ability to configure columns for the Test Runs table. This configuration is specific to each user and can be restored to the default configuration defined in the Default columns layout page in Xray app administration.

The last column (i.e., Test Run Status) is fixed and cannot be removed from the table.

To configure columns for the Test Runs table,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Click on the Columns select dropdown that appears in the Test Runs section, above the table in the top right corner. A list of the current configure columns and all available columns appears.

Step 3: Add or remove columns by clicking the checkboxes next to each field.

Step 4: Click the Done button when finished or Cancel to abort this operation. The table refreshes with the configured columns. 

Test Run Specific Columns

The following columns are not Jira fields, but they represent information stored internally by Xray for Test Runs. You can also choose these columns for your layout.

Restoring Columns to Default Configuration

To restore columns in the Test Runs table to the default configuration,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Click on Columns, select the dropdown that appears in the Test Runs section, above the table in the top right corner. A list of the current configure columns and all available columns appear.

Step 3: Click the Restore Columns link above the columns list. The table refreshes with the default configured columns.

Change the Order of Columns

To reorder columns in the Test Runs table,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Hover over the desired column header.

Step 3: Click in the column header and drag it to the desired position.




Xray provides the ability to configure columns for the Test Plans table. This configuration is specific to each user and can be restored to the default configuration defined in the Default columns layout page in Xray app administration.

To configure columns for the Test Plans table,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Click on Columns, select the dropdown that appears in the Test Plans section, above the table in the top right corner. A list of the current configure columns and all available columns appears.

Step 3: Add or remove columns by clicking the checkboxes next to each field.

Step 4: Click the Done button when finished or Cancel to abort this operation. The table refreshes with the configured columns.

Restoring Columns to Default Configuration

To restore columns in the Test Plans table to the default configuration,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Click on Columns, select the dropdown that appears in the Test Plans section, above the table in the top right corner. A list of the current configure columns and all available columns appears.

Step 3: Click the Restore Columns link above the columns list. The table refreshes with the default configured columns.

Change the Order of Columns

To reorder columns in the Test Plans table,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Hover over the desired column header.

Step 3: Click on the column header and drag it to the desired position.



Create Pre-Condition

To create a Pre-Condition directly associated to the current Test from the Test issue view screen:



Pre-Conditions within a Test issue can be reordered. There are two ways to change the order of Pre-Conditions:


To reorder Pre-Conditions,

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Hover over the desired Pre-Condition row (under the Pre-Condition section on the view page) and the drag handle column.

Step 3: Click the drag handle and move the Pre-Condition up or down in the current page.

Change Rank Action

This action allows users to change the Rank of a Pre-Condition between pages.

To change the rank of a Pre-Condition through the action:

Step 1: Open the Test issue.

Step 2: Hover over the desired Pre-Condition (under the Pre-Condition section on the view page).

Step 3: Click the gear that appears in the last column. The actions menu should pop up with the available actions.

Step 4: Click the Move To action. The change rank dialog appears.

Step 5: Enter the desired index number (1-based) and click OK.










Export to Cucumber

Cucumber Tests in Jira can be exported to feature files ready to be executed in Cucumber. The generated feature files follow the rules defined in Export Cucumber Features and take into account the context of the Jira Test issue.


The result will be a CSV file containing the Step, Data, Expected Result columns and, if the option is selected, the Attachments column that contains the attachments links.
