Versions Compared


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A coverable, or testable issue, is one whose issue type is configured at the project level settings to be handled as coverable issue type (more info in Project Settings: Test Coverage).

Typically, issue types such as Epic, Story may be configured to be handled as coverable issue types. However, the project administrator can define exactly which issue types can be handled in this way.

Coverable issues can be covered/validated by Tests (either manual or automated). Tests can then be organized (i.e. in Test Sets), planned (i.e. in Test Plans) and executed (i.e. in Test Executions).

The results obtained for the linked Tests will affect the calculation of the test coverage status of the covered issue.

Test Coverage View 

The Test Coverage view shows all tests associated with the Covered Issue (e.g. Story, requirement) and their respective status for the chosen analysis scope. In this view, you can create a new Test and associate it with the Covered Issue or just associate an already existing Test with it.

Test Coverage Analysis

The status of the covered issue and of the linked Tests can be analyzed from multiple perspectives/scopes.

As an example, a user story aimed for version 3.0 may be analyzed from the point of view of the executions made for version 3.0 or for the ones made afterwards on version 4.0; it can eventually be analyzed by taking into account the Tests and Test Executions linked to some Test Plan. Of if you don't care with exact versions and just want to see the calculated statuses based on the latest runs, analysis by "Latest" can be used for that purpose. Another analysis dimension is the Test Environment; if chosen, then only executions made for that Test Environment are considered for the shown statuses.

titleLearn more

The calculation of the Test status or the coverage status for some issue is explained in deep detail in Understanding the calculation of coverage status and the status of Tests



In the version category, it is possible to see the Requirement Status for each of the project's versions.

Test Plan

In the test plan category, it is possible to see the Requirement Status for each of the Test Plans. 

Test Environment

It's possible to see the status of each Test based on the Test Environment you chose in this option.


Create new Test

To create a new Test from the Requirement:

      1. Click the Create new Test option.
      2. The Jira issue dialog will appear giving the ability to create the Test case
      3. After filling out the fields, the Test issue will be created using the default Test Type, as configured in Project Settings: Test Types.
      4. Finally, you can add the remaining information for the Test (e.g. the steps, in case the Test is of kind "Manual").

Associate with an existing Test/Test Set

To associate an existing Test/Test Set with the Requirement:

      1. Click on the Link  option.
      2. The Jira Issue link dialog will appear. Make sure to selected the correct link type (e.g. "is tested by") along with the issue key of the Test(s)/Test Set(s)

Create new Sub Test Execution

To create a new Sub Test Execution from the Covered Issue, containing all linked Tests:

      1. Click the Create New Test Texecutiont option.
      2. The Jira issue dialog will appear giving the ability to create the Test case