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Code Block
*** Settings ***
Documentation     A resource file with reusable keywords and variables.
...               The system specific keywords created here form our own
...               domain specific language. They utilize keywords provided
...               by the imported SeleniumLibrary.
Library           SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}        Firefox
${DELAY}          0
${VALID USER}     demo
${LOGIN URL}      http://${SERVER}/
${WELCOME URL}    http://${SERVER}/welcome.html
${ERROR URL}      http://${SERVER}/error.html

*** Keywords ***
Open Browser To Login Page
    Open Browser    ${LOGIN URL}    ${BROWSER}
    Maximize Browser Window
    Set Selenium Speed    ${DELAY}
    Login Page Should Be Open

Login Page Should Be Open
    Title Should Be    Login Page

Go To Login Page
    Go To    ${LOGIN URL}
    Login Page Should Be Open

Input Username
    [Arguments]    ${username}
    Input Text    username_field    ${username}

Input Password
    [Arguments]    ${password}
    Input Text    password_field    ${password}

Submit Credentials
    Click Button    login_button

Welcome Page Should Be Open
    Location Should Be    ${WELCOME URL}
    Title Should Be    Welcome Page

Running the tests can be done from the command line or from within Jenkins (or any other CI tool).

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Importing results is as easy as submitting them to the REST API.with a POST request (e.g. curl), or by using one of the CI plugins available for free (e.g. Xray Jenkins plugin).

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titleExamples of running tests from the command line

Running tests is primarily done using the "robot" utility which provides many options that allow you to define which tests to run, the output directory and more.

You may also specify some variables and their values.

Next follows some different usage examples.

If you're using Python:

No Format
robot -d output --variable BROWSER:Firefox login_tests

If you're using Java:

No Format
java -jar robotframework-3.0.jar login_tests

An unstructured (i.e. "Generic") A Test issue will be auto-provisioned the first time you import the results, based on the name of the test case and of the corresponding test suites.


Otherwise, tags are mapped as labels on the corresponding Test issue.

Importing results is as easy as submitting them to the REST API with a POST request (e.g. curl), or by using one of the CI plugins available for free (e.g. Xray Jenkins plugin).

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In Jira, using Xray, the team can look at the Test Run details which include the overall result and also specifics about each keyword, including duration and status.

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We can all see that a Test case/issue was auto-provisioned based on the name of the test case and of the corresponding test suites.

After running the tests and generating the Robot XML report (e.g., output.xml), it can be imported to Xray via the REST API.

If you're using Python:

No Format
robot -d output .

If you're using Java:

No Format
java -jar robotframework-3.0.jar -d output  .


titlePlease note

Note that Robot Framework considers the base folder of the project as the first test suite. The way you run your tests also affects Robot's XML; so, if you execute the file from somewhere else or you execute the file directly by passing it as an argument, the test suite's information will potentially be different.

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You will see information about each Robot keyword A Test Execution will be created containing results for all test cases executed. In this case, you can see that it is also linked back to an existing Test Plan where you can track the consolidated results from multiple "iterations" (i.e. , step) and its corresponding status in the Context section of the Execution Details of the Generic Test.Test Executions).

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Within the execution screen details, accessible from each row, you can look at the Test Run details which include the overall result and also specifics about each keyword, including duration and status.

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Tracking it everywhere


At the Test Plan-level, the entity that defines the scope of testing and tracks its progress, we can quickly assess the latest consolidated test results (i.e. the latest result obtained for each Test being tracked).

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