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To build the model, we can either use a visual tool and ((Altom's Model-Editor, or GraphWalker Studio) and export it to a JSON file, or an IDE instead (e.g. VSCode with a specific extension).

Mapping concepts to Xray


  • Use MBT not to replace existing test scripts but in cases where yoou need to provide greater coverage
  • Discuss the model(s) with the team and the ones that can be most useful for your use case
  • You can control the seed of the random generator used by GraphWalker, so you can easily reproduce bugs (i.e. by reproducing the generated path)
  • You can use GraphWalker Player to see the graph being walked in real-time. You can use a sample HTML file that contains the code to connect to a WebSocket server that you need to instantiate in the runner side (example) .
    • Example:
      • open the file index.html in your browser, using an URL such as "file:///Users/you/index.html?wsURI=localhost:8887?wsURI=localhost:8887"
      • execute GraphWalker, using the custom runner
        • mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="" 
  • Multiple runs of your tests can be grouped and consolidate in a Test Plan, so you can have an updated overview of their current state
  • After importing the results, you can link the corresponding Test issues with an existing requirement or user story and thus truck coverage directly on the respective issue, or even on an Agile board
