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The sample project contains two classes with the automated Tests. Below you can find one, as an example. 

Code Block
package appium.tutorial.androidios;

import appium.tutorial.androidios.util.AppiumTest;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import static appium.tutorial.androidios.util.Helpers.*;

public class AutomatingASimpleActionTest extends AppiumTest {

    public void one() throws Exception {
        text("AccessibilityVarious uses of UIButton").click();
        text_exact("Accessibility Node ProviderButtons");

    public void two() throws Exception {
        wait(for_text("AccessibilityVarious uses of UIButton")).click();
        wait(for_text_exact("Accessibility Node ProviderButtons"));

    public void three() throws Exception {
        WebElement cell_1 = wait(for_text(2)).click();
        find("Custom Evaluator");
    }String page_title = cell_1.getAttribute("name").split(",")[0];

    public void throws Exception {;


    List<String> @org.junit.Test
    public void four() throws Exception {
        List<String> cell_names = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (WebElement cell : tags("android.widget.TextViewTableCell")) {

        //for delete(String title cell
       name : cell_names.remove(0);
) {
        for (String cell_name : cell_names) {

        setWait(30); // restore old implicit wait

In fact the above class and other ones, such as, had to be changed due to changes introduced by Apple in the automation API with XCUITest.

Code Block
package appium.tutorial.ios.util;

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;
import io.appium.java_client.MobileElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public abstract class Helpers {

  private static AppiumDriver driver;
  private static WebDriverWait driverWait;

   * Initialize the webdriver. Must be called before using any helper methods. *
  public static void init(AppiumDriver webDriver) {
    driver = webDriver;
    int timeoutInSeconds = 60;
    // must wait at least 60 seconds for running on Sauce.
    // waiting for 30 seconds works locally however it fails on Sauce.
    driverWait = new WebDriverWait(webDriver, timeoutInSeconds);

   * Wrap WebElement in MobileElement *
  private static MobileElement w(WebElement element) {
    return new MobileElement((RemoteWebElement) element, driver);

   * Wrap WebElement in MobileElement *
  private static List<MobileElement> w(List<WebElement> elements) {
    List list = new ArrayList(elements.size());
    for (WebElement element : elements) {

    return list;

   * Return an element by locator *
  public static MobileElement element(By locator) {
    return w(driver.findElement(locator));

   * Return a list of elements by locator *
  public static List<MobileElement> elements(By locator) {
    return w(driver.findElements(locator));

   * Press the back button *
  public static void back() {

   * Return a list of elements by tag name *
  public static List<MobileElement> tags(String tagName) {
    return elements(for_tags(tagName));

   * Return a tag name locator *
  public static By for_tags(String tagName) {
    return By.className(tagName);

   * Return a static text element by xpath index *
  public static MobileElement text(int xpathIndex) {
    return element(for_text(xpathIndex));

   * Return a static text locator by xpath index *
  public static By for_text(int xpathIndex) {
    //return By.xpath("//UIAStaticText[" + xpathIndex + "]");
    return By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[" + xpathIndex + "]");

   * Return a static text element that contains text *
  public static MobileElement text(String text) {
    return element(for_text(text));

   * Return a static text locator that contains text *
  public static By for_text(String text) {
    String up = text.toUpperCase();
    String down = text.toLowerCase();

    //return By.xpath("//UIAStaticText[@visible=\"true\" and (contains(translate(@name,\"" + up
    return By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@visible=\"true\" and (contains(translate(@name,\"" + up
        + "\",\"" + down + "\"), \"" + down + "\") or contains(translate(@hint,\"" + up
        + "\",\"" + down + "\"), \"" + down + "\") or contains(translate(@label,\"" + up
        + "\",\"" + down + "\"), \"" + down + "\") or contains(translate(@value,\"" + up
        + "\",\"" + down + "\"), \"" + down + "\"))]");

   * Return a static text element by exact text *
  public static MobileElement text_exact(String text) {
    return element(for_text_exact(text));

   * Return a static text locator by exact text *
  public static By for_text_exact(String text) {

    return By.xpath("//XCUIElementTypeStaticText[@visible=\"true\" and (@name=\"" + text
    //return By.xpath("//UIAStaticText[@visible=\"true\" and (@name=\"" + text
        + "\" or @hint=\"" + text + "\" or @label=\"" + text
        + "\" or @value=\"" + text + "\")]");

   * Wait 30 seconds for locator to find an element *
  public static MobileElement wait(By locator) {
    return w(driverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfElementLocated(locator)));

   * Wait 60 seconds for locator to find all elements *
  public static List<MobileElement> waitAll(By locator) {
    return w(driverWait.until(ExpectedConditions.visibilityOfAllElementsLocatedBy(locator)));

Tests can be run by using Maven.


Each JUnit's Test Case is mapped to a Generic Test in JIRA, and the "Generic Test Definition" field contains the name of the package, the class and the method name that implements the Test Case. The summary of each Test issue is filled out from the name of the method corresponding to the JUnit Test.

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The Execution Details of the Generic Test contains information about the Test Suite, which in this case corresponds to the Test Case class, including its namespace. 

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