Versions Compared


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The test (specification) is initially created in Jira as a Cucumber Test and afterwards, it is exported using the UI or the REST API.



After creating the Tests in Jira and associating them with the requirements, etc., you can export the specifications of the test to a Cucumber .feature file via the REST API or the Export to Cucumber UI action from within the Test Execution issue.


With the code below, you'll create a simple feature file. Note that we intentionally introduced a bug in the Scenario Outline specification on purpose (i.e., "6/3=3").

Code Block
Feature: Basic Calculator Functions
  In order to check I've written the Calculator class correctly
  As a developer I want to check some basic operations
  So that I can have confidence in my Calculator class.

  @CALC-885 @CALC-886
  Scenario: First Key Press on the Display
    Given a new Calculator object
    And having pressed 1
    Then the display should show 1

  @CALC-886 @CALC-887
  Scenario Outline: Basic arithmetic
    Given a new Calculator object
    And having keyed <first>
    And having keyed <operator>
    And having keyed <second>
    And having pressed =
    Then the display should show <result>
      | first | operator | second | result |
      | 5.0   | +        | 5.0    | 10     |
      | 6     | /        | 3      | 3      |
      | 10    | *        | 7.550  | 75.5   |
      | 3     | -        | 10     | -7     |
