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The Test Plan Board is a Test Plan-level test organization feature that allows you to organize Tests hierarchically in a hierarchical way in folders. Always keep in mind remember that each Test Plan has an associated (Test Plan) Board and that a Test can only belong to one folder within the Board. 


titleLearn more

Please read the Overview of the Test Plan Board for a more detailed explanation of the Test Plan Board, pros and cons, recommendations, and additional information.

Table of Contents

Dynamic Test Plan on the Test Plan Board


(Xray Enterprise Feature)

titleDynamic Test Plan is a Xray Enterprise Feature

Image Added

 Dynamic Test Plans is a feature of Xray Enterprise. If you do not have Xray Enterprise installed, the dynamic test plans are unavailable in the Test Plan, and it is impossible to configure dynamic test lists. When installing Xray Enterprise for the first time, make sure to re-enable Xray to load all properties from Xray Enterprise.

In In the context of the Test Plan Board context, you can have a Test Plan configured with a Saved Filter. In this situation, there are some restrictions on the operations available:

  1. The "Add Tests" button is not available unavailable on the Test Plan Board.
  2. The Remove Tests action is not provided on the test cards on the Test Plan Board.
  3. It is not possible to create new Tests on the Test Plan board. 


The following picture depicts the several key areas of the Test Plan Board screen, which includes including the Board itself along with and other auxiliary folders.

T: Title section


    • A1: "All" and "Orphans" meta-folders
    • A2: the Test Repository itself, composed of folders and sub-folders with Tests organised organized within them
    • A3: CRUD actions for the current currently selected folder (e.g., create, rename, delete)
    • A4: information about the number of Tests within in the current folder and the total Tests, including sub-folders

B: Tests section

    • B1: the path of the folder
    • B2: overall execution status for this folder (takes into account the Test Environment selected) 
    • B3: Test Environment to consider for the computation of the overall execution status
    • B4: Test filters 
    • B5: displayed Tests vs the actual total number of Tests within the current folder 
    • B6: ranked list of Tests within the current folder (only direct children)
    • B7: calculated status for each Test, based on runs from related Test Executions in the selected Test Environment


To reach the Test Plan Board UI, you can simply use the proper project icon at the top "Tests" menu. 


After entering the Test Plan Board UI, you can switch between different Test Plans to manage their respective Boards. 

In order to To switch between Test Plans:


The Board presents the consolidated results for the Tests that are part of the Test Plan; in other words, you 're able to can see the latest status for each Test that is being tracked on the Test Plan, regardless of the number of runs you make have made for it. If you schedule and run multiple test cycles (i.e., Test Executions), the Board will group the results from those executions and will show you the calculated status for each Test.

You can then see the overall execution status of the Test Plan globally, globally taking into account considering all the planned Test Executions you create in the different environments.

If you need to drill-down and see the current status for a subset of Tests, you can do it at the folder level.

Overall progress

In order to To track the overall progress of the Test Plan, use the top progress bar (T3).


The overall execution status takes into account considers the joint results for all the Test Environments in which you have run your Tests (i.e., a Test will appear as PASS only if it passed in all the Test Environments for which you scheduled Test Executions).  


By allowing you to see the progress per folder (B2), you 're able to analyse can analyze the status of a subset of Tests that are part of the Test Plan.

The analysis per folder takes into account considers the selected Test Environment; by default, it shows the calculated status for "All Environments.".

The values shown for each folder only take into account consider the immediate child Tests (i.e., the Tests that are within that folder). Thus, this bar shows the totals for the Tests that are seen "underneath" it.


On the right side of each Test (B7), you will be able to can see the current calculated status for that Test , in the context of the Test Plan and the selected Test Environment. The status that is shown corresponds to the last run made for that Test in the scope of the related Test Executions, taking into account the selected Test Environment.


Tests can be analyzed by Test Environment (i.e., taking into account the results for some given Test Environment) using the proper action (B3) , so you can to see the current testing status for that environment.

Thus, you 're able to can analyze on a per Test Environment basis or see the overall status , if you choose "All Environments." . For more information on using Test Environments and the calculation of calculating the status for a given environment, please see Working with Test Environments.


You can choose between the traditional , hierarchical/folders view or a the flattened viewone.

If you choose "Folders View," then in the Tests section (B), you will see just the Tests that are direct childs children of the folder selected in on the left side , within the Folders section (A). In this case, you can only select Tests directly within the current currently selected folder.

On the other hand, if you prefer, you can switch to a "Flat View";  if so, you'll see on the right side (Tests section) all the Tests that belong to that folder and related sub-folders, grouped by folder. Then you can apply a filter , if you want, select some of the Tests (no matter in which sub-folder they're in) and do an operation for them.


Step 2: Click on the proper add icon at the bottom of the folders section.

Step 3: Type the name for of the folder.

Step 4: Press Enter or click outside of the selected folder.


You can easily remove an existing folder , and its descendant folders.

Tests that were in one of the removed folders will not be erased; Tests will be removed from the Test Repository to the Orphans meta-folder, so they can be organized in the Test Repository again , if needed.

In order to To remove a folder:

Step 1: Click on the parent folder.

Step 2: Click on the proper remove icon at the bottom of the folders section.

Step 3: Confirm removal of the folder.


Folders can be expanded or collapsed easily by clicking the folder.          


Expand all and collapse all actions are available as contextual actions. These actions alow 

In order to To expand all or collapse all the subfolders of a folder:


You can view the Test issues, from the selected folder and from its subfolders, in the issue search screen.

In order to To view the Test issues:

Step 1: Click on the folder.


A folder, including its descendants, can be moved to another folder just by dragging - and - dropping to the destination folder.


Note: If you wish to rank it as the last one (i.e., move it to the last position) within a parent folder, you just need to drag it to the parent folder.


You can create a Test and associate it automatically with the selected Test Plan Board folder.

In order to To create a Test in a folder,


Move into

Users can "add" Tests , that are already part of the Test Plan , to an existing folder based on some filters or JQL.

This action corresponds to "moving" them from any folder they may already be in (including the Orphans) to the destination folder. Thus, if you "add" a Test that is currently in some folder within the Board , to a destination folder, then it will be essentially be moved from the source folder to the destination folder. Note that the Test must already be part of the Test Plan.

If you want to add Tests to the Test Plan, then you need to go to the Test Plan issue screen and use the Add Tests button there.

In order to To "add" Tests to a folder:

Step 1: Right-click on the folder.

Step 2: Use the context action Move into.


Step 3: Choose the Tests you want using the provided filters, a previously saved filter, or by JQL.

Note: If An error message will be displayed if you try to add non-Test issues or Tests that are not part of the Test Plan (e.g., by using a saved filter), an error message will be displayed.

Create Test Set

Users can easily create a Test Set with all the Tests in a given folder and its descendant folders.

The ranking of the Tests within the Test Set will respect the their ranking they have in the Test Repository folder.

In order to To create a Test Set with all the Tests of a given folder, including its descendants:


Step 3: Fill out the Test Set fields and click Create. Your brand-new Test Set is created with all the Tests , in the proper order.



The ranking of the Tests within the Test Set will respect the their ranking they have in the Test Repository folder. If Tests already exist in the destination Test Set, their ranking in the Test Set is not changed.

In order to To add Tests from a folder, including its descendants, to an existing Test Set(s):


The ranking of the Tests within the Test Execution will respect the their ranking they have in the Board folder.

titlePlease note

In order to To create a related Test Execution from the Test Plan, the user must be allowed to the edit the current Test Plan since the results on of the Test Execution will affect the consolidated information shown at in the Test Plan. The user will only be able to create Test Executions in certain projects, therefore, the list of projects shown in the creation dialog will be filtered out accordingly.

In order to To create a Test Execution with all the Tests of a given folder, including its descendants:


Step 3: Choose the Tests based on their consolidated status in a specific Test Environment. You can choose all Tests using the top left-side option; the Test Environment can be chosen in the top right-side option. For all shown status, you You can see the amount number of Tests that are currently in that consolidated status for all shown statuses. You may choose one or more statuses. In the example below, we will be including include just the (1) Test that is currently failing.  


Step 4: Fill out the Test Execution fields and click Create. Your brand-new Test Execution is created with all the Tests, taking into account considering the previous selection, in the proper order.


Note that the destination Test Execution will not be automatically linked to the Test Plan. If you want to link it, you will have to must do it manually.

The ranking of the Tests within the Test Execution will respect the their ranking they have in the Test Repository folder. If Tests already exist in the destination Test Execution, their ranking in the Test Execution is not changed.

In order to To add Tests from a folder, including its descendants, to an existing Test Execution(s):


Tests can be selected by clicking on them. Multiple selection is selections are possible by using the "Ctrl" key (on Windows) or the "Cmd" key (on OS X). If you want to select more than one Test and the Tests are listed consecutively, use the "Shift" key to quickly select an entire group quickly. Click the first Test in the list you want to select, hold down the "Shift" key, scroll down to the last Test you want, and click it. This selects the first item, the last item , and all items in between.


After selecting one or more Tests, context actions can then be done on them, such as creating a Test Set, Test Execution, etc.


You can also use this operation for "adding" Tests (i.e., moving Tests) from the meta-folders (i.e., All, Orphans) to folders within the Test Repository.


Note that when creating a Test Execution from a folder , or selection of selecting Tests, this Test Execution will be linked to the Test Plan.


Note that the destination Test Execution will not be automatically linked to the Test Plan. If you want to link it, you will have to must do it manually.

Move to Orphans

You can move Tests to the Orphans folder, which is is equivalent to removing them from the Board.


You can use the context action View Issues to view the selected Tests in on the search issues page.

Step 1: Select the Tests you want.

Step 2: Use the context action View Issues.

How ranking works when creating


or adding Tests to


Test Sets, Test Executions, or Test Plans

Whenever creating a Test Set, Test Execution, or Test Plan , or adding Tests to an existing one, Xray will respect the order that the Tests have in the Board.


If a Test already exists in the destination entity (e.g., Test Set/Execution), then it is not added again, and the current ranking is maintained.
