Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The installation is made manually. For more information on how to install add-ons, please refer to how to install add-ons.


This app was tested against Jenkins The Jenkins baseline for this app is v2.3260.x 3 and it may not work properly with previous versions. 


It invokes Xray's Import Cumcumber Tests REST API endpoint (see more information here)

JIRA instanceThe Jira instance where Xray is running.
Project KeyThis is the project where the Tests and Pre-Conditions will be created/updated.
Cucumber feature files directoryThis is the directory containing your feature files. All the files in this directory and sub directories will be imported.
Modified in the last hoursBy entering an integer n here, only files that where modified in the last n hours will be imported. 
Leave empty if you do not want to use this parameter.


Using a glob expression, you can import multiple results files in the following formats:

  • JunitJUnit
  • TestNG
  • NunitNUnit
  • Robot framework

For those formats, the file path needs to be relative to the workspace.


Jira instanceThe Jira instance where Xray is running
FormatA list of test result formats and its specific endpoint
Execution Report File

The results relative file path

Note: glob expressions are supported for

  • JunitJUnit
  • TestNG
  • NunitNUnit
  • Robot framework

Additional fields


format and specific endpointfielddescription

Behave JSON multipart

Cucumber JSON multipart

NUnit XML multipart

JUnit XML multipart

Robot XML multipart

TestNG XML multipart

Test execution fields

An object (JSON) specifying the fields for the issue. You may specify the object either directly in the field or in the file path.

titleLearn more

The custom field IDs can be obtained using the Jira REST API Browser tool included in Jira. Each ID is of the form "customfield_ID".

Another option, which does not require Jira administration rights, is to invoke the "Get edit issue meta" in an existing issue (e.g., in a Test issue) as mentioned here.

Example: GET http://yourserver/rest/api/2/issue/CALC-1/editmeta 



Robot XML


Import to Same Test ExecutionWhen this option is check, if you are importing multiple execution report files using a glob expression, the results will be imported to the same Test Execution
Project keyKey of the project where the Test Execution (if the Test Execution Key field wasn't provided) and the Tests (if they aren't created yet) are going to be created
Test execution key

Key of the Test Execution

Test plan keyKey of the Test Plan
Test environmentsList of Test Environments separated by ";"
RevisionSource code's revision being target by the Test Execution
Fix versionThe Fix Version associated with the test execution (it supports only one value)


In this example, we configured the task to import to the Project IF of the Xray instance all the .features and .zip files that are contained in \Cucumber directory and sub directories, which were modified in the last 3 hours.

Importing the execution results


Xray for Jenkins provides support for pipelines projects, allowing you to use Xray specific tasks.

Here is a simple example of a pipeline script using the Xray: Cucumber Features Export Task 

Code Block
titleJenkinsfile example (declarative)
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Export Cucumber') {
            steps {
               step([$class: 'XrayExportBuilder', filePath: '\\features', issues: 'IF-1', serverInstance: '2ffc3a3e-9e2f-4279-abcd-e9301fe47bed'])


titleLearn more

For Pipeline specific documentation, you may want to give a look at:



This is a declarative example, for JUnit based tests.

Code Block
titleJenkinsfile example (declarative)
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths', sparseCheckoutPaths: [[path: 'java-junit-calc/']]]], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                sh "mvn clean compile -f java-junit-calc/pom.xml"
                sh "mvn test -f java-junit-calc/pom.xml"
        stage('Import results to Xray') {
            steps {
                step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', endpointName: '/junit', fixVersion: 'v3.0', importFilePath: 'java-junit-calc/target/surefire-reports/*.xml', importToSameExecution: 'true', projectKey: 'CALC', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])

Cucumber ("standard" workflow)

This is a declarative example, for Cucumber tests using the "standard" workflow (see Testing with Cucumber).

Code Block
titleJenkinsfile example (declarative)
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
        stage('Export features from Xray'){
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                step([$class: 'XrayExportBuilder', filePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/features', filter: '11400', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])
                sh "cd cucumber_xray_tests && cucumber -x -f json -o data.json"
        stage('Import results to Xray') {
            steps {
                step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', endpointName: '/cucumber', importFilePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/data.json', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])

Cucumber ("VCS/Git based" workflow)

This is a declarative example, for Cucumber tests using the "VCS/Git based" workflow (see Testing with Cucumber).

Code Block
titleJenkinsfile example (declarative)
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
         stage('Synch (update) recent tests to Xray'){
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                step([$class: 'XrayImportFeatureBuilder', folderPath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/features', lastModified: '10', projectKey: 'CALC', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])
        stage('Export features from Xray'){
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                sh "rm -rf cucumber_xray_tests/features"
                step([$class: 'XrayExportBuilder', filePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/features', filter: '11400', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])
                sh "cd cucumber_xray_tests && cucumber -x -f json -o data.json"
        stage('Import results to Xray') {
            steps {
                step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', endpointName: '/cucumber', importFilePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/data.json', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])

Using parameters

You can ask for human input in your pipeline builds by passing parameters

Code Block
titleParameters usage
    agent any
    parameters {
        string(defaultValue: "NTP", description: '', name: 'projectKey')
        string(defaultValue: "Android", description: '', name: 'env')
    stages {
        stage ('Import Results') {
            steps {
                step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', 
                endpointName: '/junit', 
                importFilePath: 'java-junit-calc/target/surefire-reports/*.xml', 
                importToSameExecution: 'true', 
                projectKey: params.projectKey,
                revision: params.projectKey + env.BUILD_NUMBER,
                serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722',
                testEnvironments: params.env])


You can automatically generate your step scripts using the Jenkins Snippet Generator.

Image Added

Image Added

Image Removed

Image Removed

This is the simplest way to generate your step script, and we strongly recommend the use of this snippet due to the complexity of the Xray: Results Import Task some task related parameters. 

