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Iterating Test Runs associated with a Test Execution

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of all the Test Tuns associated with a Test Execution. 


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	Execution Status: ${TestRuns[n].Execution Status}
	AssigneeID: ${AssigneeId}
	Rank: ${TestRuns[n].Rank}
	Executed By: ${TestRuns[n].Executed By}
	Started On: ${TestRuns[n].Started On}
	Finished On: ${TestRuns[n].Finished On}
	Comment: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].Comment}
	Execution Defects Count: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCount} 
	TestSteps Defects Count: ${TestRuns[n].TestStepsDefectsCount}
	Evidences Count: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCount}

Exporting Test Runs custom



To export Test Runs Custom Fields you just have to defined the placeholder with the name of you custom field.

Example: Image that you have a custom field called "Run CF". To get the value printed on you document you just have to use the following placeholder:

Code Block
#{for testruntestruns}
The Run CF value is: ${TestRunTestRuns[n].Run CF}

If your custom field type is a Number, Data or Date Time you can use formatting functions.

Iterating Pre-Conditions associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Pre-Conditions associated with a Test from a Test Run. 


Iterating Attachments associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of all the Attachments associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Evidences associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of all the Evidences associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Defects associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of all the defects associated with a Test Run.


Iterating Automated Test details associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Details from Automated Tests associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Manual Test Step details associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Details from Manual Tests associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Manual Test Step Attachments associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Attachments from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Manual Test Step Defects associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Defects from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


Iterating Manual Test Step Evidences associated with a Test Run

Xporter for Jira Document Generator allows rendering of the Evidences from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 



If you want to export the images, for example ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL} you can check here for instructions on how to do it.

Exporting Test Run Activity

Document Generator allows export all the activity of a Test Run.


$ {TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[ac]}

ac is the index of the Activity entry, starting from 0. The field ActivityEntriesCount was created in order to give the Activity entry of a Test Run.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#{for testruns}
#{for d=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntriesCount}
Action: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Action}
Author: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Author}
Created at: ${dateformat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"):TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Created}
#{for ch=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ActivityItemsCount}
Field: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ActivityItems[ch].Field}
OldValue: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ChangedItems[ch].OldValue}
NewValue: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ChangedItems[ch].NewValue}
