Versions Compared


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titleSupport Jira Issue Archiving

Jira Datacenter supports archiving of issues and projects since v8.1. By archiving issues, Jira will remove them from the indexes. The archived issues will still be accessible in read-only mode, however, they will not appear in Jira searches. This enhances Jira performance because Jira stores less data.

The goal of this feature is to support issue archiving so that Xray issues can be archived without some of the undesirable side effects (described here). A good use case for archiving Xray issues is to archive old Test Executions, especially if continuous integration processes are used. These can quickly create many Test Execution issues while importing new execution results into Xray on a daily basis. These issues are good candidates to be archived.

Future Versions

titleUpdated Xray connector app for BambooCross-project reports

The Xray Connector app for Bamboo will be updated in order to support new functionality and APIs already available in Xray. The Xray Connector will also support Xray cloud APIs and connectivity.

Most of Xray's native reports are tied to the project level. We plan to add multi-project support for these reports by allowing a saved filer with issues from multiple projects to be used as the report data source.

Future Versions

titleTest Environment variablesnatures

This feature will allow test engineers to create or generate environments with variables such as Browser, Operating System, Database, etc. These environments (or configurations) can be managed and assigned to Test Plans and Test Plan folders. Test Executions can then be created automatically for each environment/configuration.cover a common scenario where manual Test cases evolve to automated Tests. In this case, the user can either change/select the Test type to see different definitions (refer to the configuration option: Delete test definition when changing Test type) or create separate Test issues to cover all the natures for the Test.

With Test natures, we plan to make it more explicit that multiple Test definitions can coexist within the same Test case. Users will also be able to set the current definition so that Test Runs are always created using the "current" definitionXray will provide a report to track the progress of Test Runs by environment in the context of a specific Test Plan.

titleDynamic Test Plans

Currently, the Test Plan is composed of a static list of Test cases. This means you must explicitly add the Tests to the Test Plan. If the Tests are all known and well defined when you start your Test Plan, this is ok. However, if you are working in an agile context where a Test Plan is created for a specific sprint, Tests will only be specified during the sprint and later added to the Test Plan. This process is not ideal because users might forget to add the Tests to the Test Plan.

Dynamic Test Plans can be defined with a JQL query which will be the source for Test cases. Considering the use case described above, we can define a JQL query that will get all Tests covering requirements of a specific sprint.

titleTest naturesEnvironment variables

This feature will cover a common scenario where manual Test cases evolve to automated Tests. In this case, the user can either change/select the Test type to see different definitions (refer to the configuration option: Delete test definition when changing Test type) or create separate Test issues to cover all the natures for the Test.With Test natures, we plan to make it more explicit that multiple Test definitions can coexist within the same Test case. Users will also be able to set the current definition so that Test Runs are always created using the "current" definitionallow test engineers to create or generate environments with variables such as Browser, Operating System, Database, etc. These environments (or configurations) can be managed and assigned to Test Plans and Test Plan folders. Test Executions can then be created automatically for each environment/configuration.

Xray will provide a report to track the progress of Test Runs by environment in the context of a specific Test Plan.

titleUpdated Xray connector app for Bamboo

The Xray Connector app for Bamboo will be updated in order to support new functionality and APIs already available in Xray. The Xray Connector will also support Xray cloud APIs and connectivity.

titleCustom Test types

Ability to provide management for test types and thus provide additional, user-defined test types besides the standard ones (i.e. Manual, Cucumber, Generic).

Currently, it is possible to create new Test types using the "Test Type" custom field. However, any custom test type (except for some pre-determined names) will default to the Generic kind in Xray.

We plan to create a custom view where users can define new Test types and also the kind for each Test type. For instance, one can create a new Test type named "SpecFlow" and choose the "Gherkin" field. This means SpecFlow Tests would display a field with Gherkin syntax highlight. 

titleCross-project reports

Most of Xray's native reports are tied to the project level. We plan to add multi-project support for these reports by allowing a saved filer with issues from multiple projects to be used as the report data source.

titleTime Tracking

Right now, a Test Run contains the start and finish date which are set automatically, although users can also change the start date manually. However, users can not stop and start the execution as needed and the total time spent on the Test Run (finish - start) might not reflect the time spent by the user executing the Test.

We plan to provide a feature to allow users to pause and continue with the execution directly on the Test Run screen. 
