Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
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Table of Contents


Scripts are a line-by-line description descriptions containing the information about the system transactions that should be performed to validate the application or system under test. Test The test script should list out each step that should be taken with the expected results.

With The Xray Test Case Designer Scripts feature , create creates detailed, consistent execution instructions with conditional conditionally expected results for your testing efforts.


… into customizable scripts. You can even add automatically generated Expected Results to your steps if you want to.


Automate scripts makes make it easy to write behavioral-driven development (BDD) automated acceptance tests in Gherkin format as data-driven scripts. These data-driven test scripts are based on a test model, so they are making them more maintainable than traditional BDD/Gherkin test scripts.

Automated test scripts are notoriously expensive to maintain, and BDD/Gherkin test scripts are not immune to this problem. Normally Typically changes to the system under test , or just changes to how the system will be tested means mean having to make changes to tens, hundreds, or (in some cases) thousands of feature files. With data-driven Automate test scripts though, that's not the case. Adding or removing parameter values, requirements, or constraints to the test model updates the data driving the automate Automate scripts, but there is no need to update the scripts themselves.

In addition, Automate Automated scripts make it easier to write correct Gherkin through its syntax highlighting and autocomplete features.


You can create as many Gherkin/Robot Framework files as you need for your test model, one per tab. Click the "+" button in the tab bar to add another file. Click the pencil icon on a tab to rename a file , and and the trash can icon to delete a file.

Gherkin Feature File

The Automate screen is a smart an intelligent Gherkin feature file editor. It is aware of the parameters, values, & generated test cases of the current model and the Gherkin syntax. It makes it easy to create a feature file with data-driven Scenario and/or Scenario Outline sections that are populated by the model's generated test cases of the model.


Each Gherkin script has a Feature as its first section keyword followed by ":" and a little bit of text to describe the scope, usually in the form of a user story which is demonstrated in the placeholder text. This section does not support parameterization of any kind.


A Background section is useful when a set of initial setup steps is repeated for every Scenario and/or Scenario Outline in the feature file. The steps of the Background are run before each Scenario Outline and Scenario. Starting a new line in the Background and further sections brings up a suggestion dialog with standard Gherkin keywords.

Keep in mind Remember that restricting a parameter in the Background (with {}, as explained below) is valid syntax and is used to apply applies only the selected value to all Scenarios or Scenario Outlines for a given Feature.


Next in the feature file is the enumeration of different testing scenarios. One way to describe a test case is with a Scenario block. It contains sequential steps, expressed as plain English Given/When/Then statements, that describe describing the necessary actions for executing to execute the automated test script. If the test model generates 28 test cases, then 28 Scenario sections would need to be written out in order to achieve the combinatorial coverage.


And they select <Color> for the car's color.

Means This means that for each generated Scenario section (one for each test case), the <Color> portion of the test step will be replaced with the value of the Color parameter in the generated test case:


And they select Deep Blue Metallic for the car's color.

Simply typing "<" will populate a list of autocomplete suggestions related to all of the parameters in the model, also adding:


Wherever the <Parameter Name> appears in the test steps, it will be replaced by the specified parameter's value from the associated row on the Scenarios screen. Automate feature file files can contain as many data-driven Scenario sections as needed to automate all the testing ideas contained in the model.



it is common to put dynamic elements into quotes (e.g., And they select "<Color>" for the car's color) to make them more visually distinguishable).


An Automate feature file can contain as many Scenario Outline sections as needed to automate all the testing ideas contained in the model.

You can include both the Scenario and Scenario Outline sections in the same feature file. Where possible, using Scenario Outline is preferable to Scenario as it minimizes the number of items in test management and automation frameworks, which simplifies planning, execution, reporting, and maintenance.


Edit Automate scripts

To edit a script you just need to make the necessary changes within the editor and save the changes by using the buttons for that effect or using the keyboard shortcuts:


Creating manual scripts in Xray Test Case Designer is similar to that. Instead of adding adjectives and nouns into pre-formed sentences, however, you’ll be more like the author of the Mad Libs sentences themselves. You need to:


UI Steps
UI Step

First, navigate to the Scripts -> Manual screen and (optionally) add instructions to be completed before execution for all these scenarios begins. (i.e., the details in the "Start" field have to must be common across the board).

Image RemovedImage Added

UI Step

Next, click on the “pencil” icon to enter instructions for your first test step instructions. Alternatively, you may click the text already present for the step. Enter detailed instructions for a tester for each step. For now, type Mad Libs-like sentences, as shown below, with blank lines to indicate where Values are to be inserted.

As shown above, for example, you will want to type the words that will remain the same from test to test and leave 3 blanks (one for each place that Values will change from test to test):

  • One blank for the class,
  • One blank for the destination country, and
  • One blank for the origin country.
UI Step

Next, replace those blank lines with the appropriate Parameter names.

  • Highlight the first blank line.

  • Confirm that the Parameter Name is to be inserted in the Parameter Name drop-down list (adjust if necessary)

  • Press “CTL-Y” on the keyboard (or the “Insert” link if you prefer)
    You’ll notice when
    When you’re entering and editing your Manual Scripts, you'll notice that sentences probably look strange, with the words inside the curvy brackets { } not "reading" well within the structure.  The trick is to think about what your steps will look like when the names of the actual Values will be are inserted into each sentence. As soon as you save each step, sanity prevails - you will see the “normal” sentences you’ve constructed (with Coach as the example below).

  • Press “CTL-Enter” on the keyboard (or the “Add/Save” link)

    The words that are the same between tests are in normal standard text. Words that change from test to test (the Values you entered on the Parameters screen) are shown in bold.

  • Rinse and repeat for the other blank lines.

Don’t forget to save each step before you add your next one! Thankfully, Xray Test Case Designer notifies you that there are unsaved edits under the last edited step that there are unsaved editsClick on different test cases at the bottom half of your screen (preview section that mirrors the Scenarios screen) to see how your script steps will change. Finally, in the “Finish” section, you may want to add some instructions that will appear only once at the end of all of the scenario scripts.

Incorporating “Parameterized expected results” into your plans

In the tests shown above, for example, we might want to include this Expected Result every time the necessary values appear together in a test case:


UI Steps
UI Step

In the Scripts -> Manual screen, find the specific test step you want to add your Expected Result to and hover over it

UI Step

Click on “Add Expected Results.”

You’re Here you’re setting up a simple “when / then” rules hereNote that you’re not restricted to rules with just 1 positive condition - you could also create a rule that reads “IS NOT” (click on “is” between dropdowns to switch the rule type).

If WHEN selection is blank, the expected result from the THEN field will apply to that step in all test cases, regardless of the test data.

Lastly, you can put parameter names with { } syntax inside the THEN statement – this is typically valuable in the validation use cases where the step would say “Enter X as {X}” and the expected result would say “Validate the X is shown as {X}.. Parameter names do not have to match, in case you have already included actual expected results on the Parameters screen. In such cases WHEN conditions are often left blank.


Essential Usage Tips and things to know about the Expected Results feature

1. This feature is a partial solution for straightforward Expected Results. It primarily exists so that you won’t have to manually type many , simple expected results manually. It is not designed to handle especially complex rules that you might have.

2. Be sure you understand the similarities & differences between Xray Test Case Designer Expected Results in the Manual Scripts screen and Expected Outcomes in the “Forced Interactions” one. There is a big, yet subtle, difference:

  • Expected Results take the scenario data table as a “read-only” precondition and generate the “Then” content ONLY IF the conditions are satisfied (i.e., “reactive approach”).
  • Expected Outcome guarantees that the test conditions to satisfy it will be included in the Scenarios table at least once (i.e., “proactive approach”approach,which may cause the an increase in the number of test cases).

If Suppose you want to define an Expected Result that requires   3 or more   specific Values to appear in a single test script, and you’re creating pairwise sets of tests. In that case, then you should use the “Forced Interactions” feature or higher algorithm strength to guarantee the scenario is included in your suite. Then use the Manual Scripts feature to document the Expected Result for export.

Xray Test Case Designer Automate can directly leverage that last column from Forced Interactions directly as an internal variable.

If you want to define an Expected Result that requires 2 or fewer specific Values to appear in a single test script (and you’re creating pairwise sets of tests), use the Manual Scripts feature without additional prep work.
