Versions Compared


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This report lists some details of the selected Test Executions in Xray, enabling them to be extracted in an Excel format. With this ability to extract the report you can use it for analysis of trends and current testing status, or process this information to generate some metrics, for example, or even share it with someone else who still needs access to Jira.


The following table shows an example of the columns/rows you should expect.

Image RemovedImage Added

How to use

This report can be generated from different places/contexts, including:


This sheet will present a line per each Test Execution.



Issue key of the Test Execution
SummarySummary of the Test Execution
Fix versions

Fix version(s) defined in the Test Execution


Revision defined in the Test Execution

Begin Date

Timestamp of when the Test Execution started, in the format "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"

End Date

Timestamp of when the Test Execution  ended, in the format "dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm:ss"

Test Environment

Test Environment(s) defined in the Test Execution

Test Plan

Test Plan(s) linked to the Test Execution


Defects linked to the Test Execution (at either the test run or the test step level)

Elapsed Time

Sum of elapsed time of all associated test runs in HH:MM:SS format. Please note that it will output "00:00:00" when there are no tests associated with the execution (or your executions are really fast) and " " when there are tests in progress (i.e. "Executing" or "To Do" status).

#Test Runs

Number of test runs that are part of the Test Execution.


Number of runs in the passed status.

Passed (%)

Percentage of runs in the passed status.


Number of runs in the failed status.

Failed (%)

Percentage of runs in the failed status.


Number of runs in the executing status.

Executing (%)

Percentage of runs in the executing status.

To do

Number of runs in the to do status.

To do (%)

Percentage of runs in the to do status.


Number of runs in the aborted status.

Aborted (%)

Percentage of runs in the aborted status.

Customizing the report

The common customization actions are:
