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Jira Datacenter supports archiving of issues and projects since v8.1. By archiving issues, Jira will remove them from the indexes. The archived issues will still be accessible in read-only mode, however, they will not appear in Jira searches. This enhances Jira performance because Jira stores less data.

This page This Page describes the known impact and limitations of archiving issues in Xray.


We have plans to support the Jira archiving feature and even extend this feature so that Xray issues can be archived without some of the undesirable side effects that are described on this page. A good use case for archiving Xray issues, will be to archive old Test Executions, especially if continuous integration processes keep importing new execution results into Xray on a daily basis.

This feature is on our Roadmap.

For more information on archiving issues please visit JIRA documentation.


The Test Execution will still contribute for the Test Run Status of the Test. This may confuse the user because the However the Test Execution will not be listed in the Test Run Section of the Test and there will be no indication that an archived Issue is affecting the Test Run Status.


The Test Issue still contributes to the Requirement Status, even after reseting this custom field. However the Test is not included in the Test Coverage and this may confuse the user because there and there is no indication that an archived Test is affecting the Requirement Status.


When archiving a Test it will still contributes to the Overall Execution Status. However this may confuse the user because the , the Test will not be listed in the Tests Section.


Even though the Test is read-only, the Test Run can still be edited using the endpoints (PUT|POST|DELETE) /rest/raven/1.0/api/testrun/{id}/status/*.

see Test Runs - REST.

Test Repository

When Using GET /rest/raven/1.0/api/testrepository/<projectKey>/folders the archived Test is included in counts.

PUT and POST can also be executed, even though the Test Issue is read-only.

see Test Repository - REST.

Import Execution Results
