Versions Compared


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  1.  Avoid having many sub-requirements (>100>500) per requirement (e.g. Stories per Epic) as it can impact the calculation of their statuses
    1. normally it is a signal that the requirement needs to be further decomposed. Besides hardening analysis and its management, it will also require additional resources during computation of its status upon changes in any of the related sub-requirements, that in turn are affected by the status of the related Tests.
  2.  Requirements being covered by many (>>100) Tests
    1. normally it is a signal that the requirement needs to be further decomposed. Besides hardening analysis and its management, it will also require additional resources during computation of its status, that in turn is affected by the status of the related Tests.


  1.  Although there isn’t a hard limit, we recommend having no more than 2000 Tests in a given Test Set mostly to ease their management. This limit may be easily superseded depending on Jira instance deployment configuration.


  1.  Clean-up old, unneeded executions related data, to make calculations faster throughout the application and thus make reports and some panels, for example, also faster.
    1. If your organization performs a high number of Test Executions (consequently creating also a high number of Test Runs) we recommend deleting old Test Executions issues from time to time. This recommendation applies to organizations that import many automated executions daily using the REST API.

      The clean-up process must be scheduled for a low Jira usage period because when Test Executions are deleted, Xray will re-calculate TestRunStatus and Requirement Status. This might temporarily slow down the Jira instance depending on the number of issues affected.

    2. Deleting Test Runs can affect the calculated and consolidated status of your Tests and of your requirements for all scopes (e.g. versions or Test Plans + Test Environments); please proceed carefully.
  2.  Although there isn’t a hard limit, we recommend having no more than 2000 Tests in a given Test Execution mostly to ease their management. This limit may be easily superseded depending on Jira instance deployment configuration.


  1.  Xray provides a setting ("Max number of Tests per Test Plan") where you may define a soft limit for the number of Tests within Test Plans. Although you may adjust this value, we recommend having no more than 2000 Tests in a given Test Plan:
    1. to ease their management;
    2. and to make it more performant and lighter.
    This limit may be easily superseded depending on Jira instance deployment configuration.
    Note that a Test Plan aggregates and consolidates the results of the related Test Executions and Tests, thus the overall number of Test Runs you'll have can add some overhead to the calculation of the consolidated results.
