Versions Compared


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Upon Xray installation, the following screens are created in your JIRA Jira installation. These screens include native fields, custom fields and sections specific to Xray that are particular to each issue type. These screens can be configured after they are installed. For each Xray issue type, a specific screen scheme is also created to configure which screens will be mapped to specific actions. 

NameScreen Schemes
Xray DefaultTest Screen
This is the default screen for test issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Screen Scheme

Xray ViewTest Screen
This is the view operation screen for test issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Screen Scheme

Xray DefaultTest Set Screen
This is the default screen for test set issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Set Screen Scheme

Xray ViewTest Set Screen
This is the view operation screen for test set issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Set Screen Scheme

Xray Default Pre-Condition Screen
This is the default screen for pre-condition issue type scheme

Default Xray Pre-Condition Screen Scheme

Xray ViewPre-Condition Screen
This is the view operation screen for pre-condition issue type scheme

Default Xray Pre-Condition Screen Scheme

Xray Default Test Execution Screen
This is the default screen for test execution issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Execution Screen Scheme

Xray ViewTest Execution Screen
This is the view operation screen for test execution issue type scheme

Default Xray Test Execution Screen Scheme

Xray Default Sub-Test Execution Screen

This is the default screen for the create/edit operations on Sub-Test Execution issues

Default Xray Sub-Test Execution Screen Scheme
Xray View Sub-Test Execution Screen
This is the view operation screen for Sub-Test Execution issue type
Default Xray Sub-Test Execution Screen Scheme
Xray Default Test Plan Screen
This is the default screen for the create/edit operations on Test Plan issues
Default Xray Test Plan Screen Scheme
Xray View Test Plan Screen
This is the view operation screen for Test Plan issue type
Default Xray Test Plan Screen Scheme


Custom Fields

Upon Xray installation, the following custom fields are created in your JIRA Jira installation. These custom fields are required for the normal operation of Xray. If these custom fields are not correctly configured for Xray issue types, you'll probably most likely experience errors. All Xray custom fields are included in the JIRA "Jira Default Field Configuration". If you have specific field configurations for your projects project, please make sure to also include the Xray custom fields in these field configurations.


titleLearn more

For a more detailed explanation of each custom field provided by Xray, please take a look at Using custom fields.

Field NameTypeAvailable Context(s)Screens
Begin Date
The start date for the test executiondate of the Test Execution or Test Plan
Date Time Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
The Pre-Condition conditions
Pre-Conditions Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Pre-Condition Screen (Pre-Condition Details)
Cucumber Scenario
The Cucumber Scenario clauses in Gherkin
Cucumber Test Steps Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Cucumber Test Type
The Cucumber Scenario Type
Automated Test Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
End Date
The finish The completion date for the test execution
Date Time Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
Generic Test Definition
The definition for automated generic Test
Generic Test Editor
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)

Manual Test Steps

The manual steps fields , in JSON format

Manual Test Steps
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Manual Test Steps (Export)
The manual steps fields for exporting manual tests
Manual Test Steps (Export View)
Issue type(s):

Pre-Condition Type
Choose the Pre-Condition Type. It must match the Test Type to Type with which this Pre-Condition is associated
Pre-Condition Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Pre-Condition Screen (Pre-Condition Details)
Pre-Condition association with a Test
The Pre-Condition issue to associate with this Test
Pre-Condition Association with a Test
Issue type(s):

Requirement Status*
The status of the Requirement status
Requirement Status Custom Field 
  • Default Screen
The system revision for the test execution
Text Field (single line)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Execution Screen
Steps Count
Number of Steps in a Manual Test
Manual Test Steps Count

Issue type(s): Image Added

Test Execution Status
The overall execution status for the tests in the test execution
Execution Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Test Plans associated with a Test
Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select from a list of existing Test Plans to associate with this Test
Test Plan Association with a Test

Issue type(s):Image Added

  • Default Test Screen (Test Plans)
Test Set Status*
The execution status for the tests in the test set
Execution Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Test Sets association with a Test
Start typing to get a list of possible matches or press down to select from a list of existing Test Sets to associate with this Test
Test Sets Picker
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Sets)
Test Type
Choose the Test Type
Test Type Select List (single choice)
Issue type(s):
  • Default Test Screen (Test Details)
Latest Test Run final status
Test Run Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):

Tests association with a Pre-Condition
Associated Tests with this Pre-Condition
Test Association with a Pre-Condition

Issue type(s):Image Added

Tests association with a Test Execution
Associated Tests with this Test Execution
Test Execution association with Tests
Issue type(s):

Tests associated with a Test Plan
Associated Tests with this Test Plan
Test Association with a Test Plan

Issue type(s):Image Added

Tests association with a Test Set 
Associated Tests with this Test Set
Tests Picker
Issue type(s):
Test Plan Status
The aggregated execution status for the tests in the test plan
Test Plan Status Custom Field
Issue type(s):
 Steps Count
Number of Steps in a Manual Test
Manual Test Steps Count
Issue type(s): Image Removed

Tests Count

Number of Tests within a Test Set or a Test Plan issue

Issue Links Count
Issue type(s):

Test Environments

Test Environment(s) associated with the Test Execution

Test Environments Custom Field

Issue type(s):Image AddedImage Added

  • Default Test Execution Screen

Test Execution Defects

Shows the number of defect issues associated with a Test Execution issue. These can be directly linked with the issue using JIRA Jira issue links or defects that were created during testing within Test Runs

Test Execution Defects
Issue type(s):



Test Repository Path

The Test Repository Path for this issue

Test Repository Path

Issue type(s):Image Added

    • Default Test Screen (General)

titleLearn more

*The behavior of these fields (i.e.,


(*) For more information on Requirement Status please see Requirement Coverage Analysis.

More info on TestRunStatus, Test Set Status and Requirement Status may be found ) depends on the configuration that is detailed in the page Custom Fields Preferencespage.

