Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


When importing execution results using Xray JSON result format in a Continuous Integration environment, you can specify which Test Execution issue to import the results on using the "testExecutionKey" property. Alternatively, you can create a new Test Execution for the execution results and specify the Test Execution issue fields in the "info" object.

Updating an existing Test Run using Xray format REST API will reset all dataset related fields. This means that all current iteration data and dataset present in the Test Run will be replaced with the new information given in the REST API request.

titlePOST /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution
3: create new Test

Import the execution results present in query variable "executionResults".


Example 1: new Test Execution
Code Block
titleExample Input
    "info" : {
        "project" : "DEMO",
        "summary" : "Execution of automated tests for release v1.3",
		"description" : "This execution is automatically created when importing execution results from an external source",
		"version" : "v1.3",
		"user" : "admin",
		"revision" : "1.0.42134",
		"startDate" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
		"finishDate" : "2014-08-30T11:53:00+01:00",
		"testPlanKey" : "DEMO-100",
		"testEnvironments": ["iOS", "Android"]
    "tests" : [
            "testKey" : "DEMO-6",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00",
            "comment" : "Successful execution",
            "status" : "PASS"
            "testKey" : "DEMO-7",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:51:00+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:52:30+01:00",
            "comment" : "Execution failed. Example #5 FAIL.",
            "status" : "FAIL",
			"evidences" : [
                	"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)",
					"filename": "image21.jpg",
                    "contentType": "image/jpeg"
            "examples" : [
			"steps": [
                    "status": "PASS",
                    "comment": "Coment on Test Step Result 1",
                    "evidences" : [
                            "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)",
							"filename": "image22.jpg",
                            "contentType": "image/jpeg"
					"actualResult": "Actual result on Test Step 1"
		    "defects" : [

Example 2: update existing Test Execution
Code Block
titleExample Input
    "testExecutionKey": "DEMO-1206",
    "info" : {
        "summary" : "Execution of automated tests for release v1.3",
		"description" : "This execution is automatically created when importing execution results from an external source",
		"version" : "v1.3",
		"user" : "admin",
		"revision" : "1.0.42134",
		"startDate" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
		"finishDate" : "2014-08-30T11:53:00+01:00",
		"testPlanKey" : "DEMO-100",
		"testEnvironments": ["iOS", "Android"]
    "tests" : [
            "testKey" : "DEMO-6",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00",
            "comment" : "Successful execution",
            "status" : "PASS"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u admin:admin --data @data.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution
Code Block


200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.

titleExample OutputInput
    "testExecutionKey" : "DEMO-1206",
    "testExecIssuetests" : [
            "idstatus": "10000FAIL",
            "keysteps": "DEMO-123",
                    "selfstatus": ""
                    "status": "FAIL"
            "testInfo": {
                "summary": "Create new test",
                "testType": "Manual",
                "projectKey": "DEMO",
                "steps": [
                        "action": "Step action 1",
                        "data": "Data 1",
                        "result": "Step result 1"
                        "action": "Step action 2",
                        "data": "Data 2",
                        "result": "Step result 2"
Example 4: update existing Test
Code Block
titleExample Input
    "testExecutionKey" : "DEMO-1206",
    "tests" : [
            "status": "FAIL",
            "steps": [
                    "status": "PASS"
                    "status": "FAIL"
            "testKey": "DEMO-1207",
            "testInfo": {
                "summary": "Update existing test",
                "testType": "Manual",
                "projectKey": "DEMO",
                "steps": [
                        "action": "Step action 1",
                        "data": "Data 1",
                        "result": "Step result 1"
                        "action": "Step action 2",
                        "data": "Data 2",
                        "result": "Step result 2"
titleExample Request
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -u admin:admin --data @data.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution


200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.

Code Block
titleExample Output
    "testExecIssue": {
           "id": "10000",
           "key": "DEMO-123",
           "self": ""

400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.


Xray provides another endpoint if you want to create or update a Test Executions and have control over all Test Execution fields. It allows you to send two JSON files, the normal Xray JSON result and a JSON similar to the one Jira uses to create/update issues. For more information about that second format, check the Jira documentation here. Note that in this endpoint the info property in the Xray Json result part will be ignored.

Updating an existing Test Run using Xray format REST API will reset all dataset related fields. This means that all current iteration data and dataset present in the Test Run will be replaced with the new information given in the REST API request.

titlePOST /rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/multipart

Import the execution results present in query variable "executionResults".


Example 1: new Test Execution
Code Block
titleResult Json
    "tests" : [
            "testKey" : "DEMO-6",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00",
            "comment" : "Successful execution",
            "status" : "PASS"
            "testKey" : "DEMO-7",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:51:00+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:52:30+01:00",
            "comment" : "Execution failed. Example #5 FAIL.",
            "status" : "FAIL",
			"evidences" : [
                	"data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)",
					"filename": "image21.jpg",
                    "contentType": "image/jpeg"
            "examples" : [
			"steps": [
                    "status": "PASS",
                    "comment": "Comment on Test Step Result 1",
                    "evidences" : [
                            "data": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAABkIAAAO9CAYAAADezXv6AAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARnQU1BAACxjwv8YQUAAAAJcEhZcwAAEn(...base64 file enconding)",
							"filename": "image22.jpg",
                            "contentType": "image/jpeg"
					"actualResult": "Actual Result on Test Step 1"
		    "defects" : [
Code Block
titleInfo JSON (Test Execution)
	"fields": {
		"project": {
			"id": "10402"
		"summary": "Brand new Test execution",
		"issuetype": {
			"id": "10007"
		"components" : [
		"customfield_10032" : [
Example 2: update existing Test Execution
Code Block
titleResult Json
    "testExecutionKey": "DEMO-1206",
    "tests" : [
            "testKey" : "DEMO-6",
            "start" : "2014-08-30T11:47:35+01:00",
            "finish" : "2014-08-30T11:50:56+01:00",
            "comment" : "Successful execution",
            "status" : "PASS"
Code Block
titleInfo JSON (Test Execution)
	"fields": {
		"customfield_10032" : [
		"description": "update the issue description"
titleExample Request

curl -u admin:admin -F info=@issueFields.json -F result=@results.json http://yourserver/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/multipart


200 OK : application/json : Successful. The results where successfully imported to Jira.

Code Block
titleExample Output
    "testExecIssue": {
           "id": "10000",
           "key": "DEMO-123",
           "self": ""

400 BAD_REQUEST : application/json : No execution results where provided.

401 UNAUTHORIZED : application/json : The Xray license is not valid.

500  INTERNAL SERVER ERROR : application/json : An internal error occurred when importing execution results.
