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Shows the requirements traceability through tests, test runs and defects.

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open must satisfy the following conditon
titlePlease note


use this report, you must enable Requirement Coverage for your project

Requirement Coverage must be enabled.

Shows the requirement traceability, from requirements to defects. Analyze requirements and related Tests, Test Runs and defects, for quickly identifying uncovered or incomplete/faulty requirements.

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This report allows users to analyze the requirements and their traceability to tests, runs and defects.

. See how in Configure Jira project to be used as Requirements project.


This report enables you to follow the life of a requirement in both forwards and backwards direction (i.e., from its origin all the way through tests, test runs and defects). It facilitates analysis of the overall requirements coverage status.

Possible Some possible usage scenarios:

  • make full traceabiliy analysis, from requirements<=>Tests<=>Test Runs<=>Defectsrequirements <=> Tests <=> Test Runs <=> Defects
  • evaluate the requirement status for a given version and see all linked (open/closed) defects
  • see the tests covering and test runs that cover each requirement, and all their runs and analyze how that contributes to the overall requirement status
  • analyze the requirements and related executions and respective defects , in a context of a given Test Environment 
  • see what defects are impacting the requirements, or a subset of the requirements of a specific version

How to use

This report is accessible either accessible from "the Xray Reports" icon on the project's left side bar sidebar or from the standard "Reports" icon, which includes other kind kinds of reports besides Xray. 

Source requirements issues can be directly provided using a saved filter or by specified specifying some requirement fields:

  • Saved filter: A a saved filter containing requirement issues

  • Fix Version: version assigned to requirements
  • Assignee: the requirement's assignee
  • Key or Summary: the requirement's key or summary
  • Status: the workflow status
  • Resolution: the workflow resoluton
  • Include Previous Versions: include take into account previous versions when searching for a version


  • requirement


It's also possible to configure the report with additional parameters:

  • Hide Test Runs: hides the Test Runs column; this is quite useful whenever when you are using Continuous Integration and you have many multiple runs 



In On the left side, it's possible to define the analysis strategy, i.e., the way you want to analyze the selected/filtered requirements. You can either choose to analyze either by Version or Test Plan, and complement it with a Test Environment.

When choosing If you choose analysis by Version, then only the Test Executions for the specified version are taken into account.

If you choose choose analysis by Test Plan, then only the Test Executions (and related Tests and results) related with for the given Test Plan are considered for the calculation of the coverage status of each requirement.

The (If the Test ) Environment , when is specified, then it considers only executions made for the specified environmentthe executions within that Environment


Whenever When you choose analysis by Test Plan, the requirements are not filtered in any way. Therefore, if you want to restrict the list of requirements that are being shown (e.g., just to show the requirements being indirectly covered by the Tests that are part of the Tests belonging to a Test Plan), you must always use the Filter options and eventualy eventually, some saved filter for that purpose (such as the testPlanRequirements JQL function).


The issues and values that are shown in the report take into account the options selected for analysis, namely for finding out , the relevant Test Executions and respective corresponding Test Runs ( and also the related defects).

The report not only shows the traceability between entities, but it also presents some calculated values for the selected options. Examples of these include For example, the requirement status and the Test status that are shown in the Requirements and Tests columns, respectively. 



"requirements" and the calculated requirement status, taking into account the options selected for analysis
TestsTests and the calculated status, taking into account the options selected for analysis

Test Runs

Test Runs and their status from all related Test Executions

defects directly associated with the related Test Runs and also the ones Test Runs as well as those directly linked to the Tests (through via a "created" issue link) , for the given version (through the AffectsVersion).


titlePlease note

The defects that appear in on a separate row (i.e., that are not related with a specific Test Run) contain all defects associated with the Test. In other words, it contains all defects linked to the Test, including the ones reported for Test Runs made for Runs done on a different environment than the one under analysis. This allows you to see all "related defects" which may or not impact your version.



 Note: Requirements with Labels or Statuses configured to be ignored in the Requirement Requirements Coverage configurations settings will not appear on this report.