Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Document Generator allows rendering of the Pre-Conditions associated with a Test from a Test Run. 





n is the index of Test Runs, starting from 0. The fields available for Pre-Conditions are:


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	    #Getting data from Pre-Condition
	Pre-Condition Key:Conditions
    #{for p=TestRuns[n].PreConditionsCount}
      Pre-Condition SummaryKey: ${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Summary}
	Condition:	PreConditions[p].Key}
      Pre-Condition Summary: ${TestRuns[n].PreConditions[p].Summary}
      Condition:  ${TestRuns[n].PreConditionPreConditions[p].Conditions}
	      Type: ${TestRuns[n].PreConditionPreConditions[p].Pre-Condition Type}

Iterating Attachments associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the Attachments associated with a Test Run. 


Code Block
titleDEPRECATED - Expand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Getting data from Pre-Condition
	Pre-Condition Key: ${TestRuns[n]


sa is the index of the Attachments, starting from 0. The field AttachmentsCount was created in order to give the total number of Attachments of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating Test Attachments
	#{for sa=TestRuns[n].AttachmentsCount}
	Pre-Condition Summary: ${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Summary}
	Condition:	${TestRuns[n].PreCondition.Conditions}
	Type: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].Name}
		Author: ${TestRuns[n].Attachments[sa].Author}
		ID: PreCondition.Pre-Condition Type}

Iterating Attachments associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the Attachments associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].





sa is the index of the Attachments, starting from 0. The field AttachmentsCount was created in order to give the total number of Attachments of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.



If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Evidences associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the Evidences associated with a Test Run. 



d is the index of the Evidences, starting from 0. The field ExecutionEvidencesCount was created in order to give the total number of Evidences of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating overTest EvidencesAttachments
	#{for dsa=TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesCountAttachmentsCount}
		Id: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Id}
		Name: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesAttachments[dsa].Name}
		Author: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesAttachments[dsa].Author}
		LinkID: @{title=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesAttachments[dsa].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL}}ID}
		Size: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidencesAttachments[dsa].Size}
		Created: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Created}
		HumanReadableSize: #{end}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Evidences associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the Evidences associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d]



d is the index of the Evidences, starting from 0. The field ExecutionEvidencesCount was created in order to give the total number of Evidences of a Test Run.

Since a

Iterating Defects associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the defects associated with a Test Run.



e is the index of the defects, starting from 0. The field ExecutionDefectsCount was created in order to give the total number of Defects of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over defects from each test run
	#{for eEvidences
	#{for d=TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsCountExecutionEvidencesCount}
		LinkId: @{title=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsExecutionEvidences[ed].Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/Id}
		Name: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsExecutionEvidences[ed].KeyName}}
		SummaryAuthor: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionDefectsExecutionEvidences[ed].SummaryAuthor}

Iterating Automated Test details associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Details from Automated Tests associated with a Test Run. 



	Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].


		Size: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].


n is the index of the Test Runs, starting from 0. The fields Cucumber Scenario/Generic Test Definition were created in order to give the step details of Automated Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Test Run Step Details
	Cucumber ScenarioSize}
		Created: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].Created}
		HumanReadableSize: ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].HumanReadableSize}
		MimeType: ${TestRuns[n].Cucumber ScenarioExecutionEvidences[d].MimeType}
	Test Definition	Evidence: ${TestRuns[n].Generic Test DefinitionExecutionEvidences[d].Evidence}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance


Iterating Defects associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of all the Details from Manual Tests defects associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestStepsExecutionDefects[re]}

r e is the index of the Test Stepsdefects, starting from 0. The field TestStepsCount or TeststepsCount was ExecutionDefectsCount was created in order to give the step details of Manual Tests total number of Defects of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manualdefects Testfrom Stepseach fromtest Test Runrun
	#{for re=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCountExecutionDefectsCount}
		StepNumber:	Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].TestStepsExecutionDefects[re].StepNumber}
		Action: ${wiki:Key}|href=${BaseURL}/browse/${TestRuns[n].TestStepsExecutionDefects[re].ActionKey}}
		DataSummary: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestStepsExecutionDefects[re].DataSummary}
		Expected Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].ExpectedResult}
		Comment: ${wiki:#{end}

Iterating Automated Test details associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Details from Automated Tests associated with a Test Run. 


Cucumber Scenario: $ {TestRuns[n].


Cucumber Scenario}

Test Definition: $ {TestRuns[n].


Generic Test Definition}

n is the index of the Test Runs, starting from 0. The fields Cucumber Scenario/Generic Test Definition were

Iterating Manual Test Step Attachments associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Attachments from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 



$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa]}

sa is the index of the Test Step Attachments, starting from 0. The field AttachmentsCount was created in order to give the step attachments details of Manual Automated Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating#Test overRun Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=Step Details
	Cucumber Scenario: ${TestRuns[n].TestStepsCountCucumber Scenario}
		#Iterating over Test Step Attachments
		#{for sa=Definition: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].AttachmentsCount}
			Name: {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].Name}
			Author: Generic Test Definition}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Manual Test Step details associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Details from Manual Tests associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r]}

r is the index of the Test Steps, starting from 0. The field TestStepsCount or TeststepsCount was created in order to give the step details of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		StepNumber:	$.Attachments[sa].Author}
			Link: {title={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].FileURL}|href={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].FileURL}}
			Size: {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Attachments[sa].SizeStepNumber}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Manual Test Step Defects associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Defects from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 



Action: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].


dc is the index of the Test Step Defects, starting from 0. The field DefectsCount was created in order to give the step defects of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Defects
		#{for dc=Action}
		Data: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Data}
		Expected Result: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].ExpectedResult}
		Comment: ${wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Comment}
		Status:	${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].DefectsCountStatus}
			LinkActual Result: ${title={wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}|href={BaseURL}/browse/{TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}}
			Summary: {wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Summary}
		Actual Result}


Iterating Manual Test Step


Attachments associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Evidences Attachments from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa]}

e sa is the index of the Test Step EvidencesAttachments, starting from 0. The field EvidencesCountAttachmentsCount was created in order to give the step evidences attachments of Manual Tests of a Test Run.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step EvidencesAttachments
		#{for esa=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesCountAttachmentsCount}
			Name: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa].Name}
			Author: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa].Author}
			Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa].FileURL}}
			Size: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesAttachments[esa].Size}
        	Created: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Created}
        	HumanReadableSize: 		#{end}

If a Test Execution contains a lot of information, it can decrease Jira performance

Iterating Manual Test Step Defects associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Defects from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].







dc is the index of the Test Step Defects, starting from 0. The field DefectsCount was created in order to give the step defects of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Defects
		#{for dc=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].DefectsCount}
			Link: {title={TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}|href={BaseURL}/browse/{TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Key}}
			Summary: {wiki:TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Defects[dc].Summary}


Iterating Manual Test Step Evidences associated with a Test Run

Document Generator allows rendering of the Evidences from Manual Tests Steps associated with a Test Run. 


$ {TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e]}

e is the index of the Test Step Evidences, starting from 0. The field EvidencesCount was created in order to give the step evidences of Manual Tests of a Test Run.

Since a Test Run isn't a Jira Issue, you can render only the following mappings.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Iterating over Test Step Evidences
		#{for e=TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].EvidencesCount}
			Name: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Name}
			Author: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Author}
			Link: @{title=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].FileURL}|href=${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].FileURL}}
			Size: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Size}
        	Created: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].Created}
        	HumanReadableSize: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].HumanReadableSize}
        	MimeType: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Evidences[e].MimeType}


If you want to export the images, for example ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL} you can check here for instructions on how to do it.

Manual Test Step Custom Fields associated with a Test Run

To export Test Steps Custom Fields within a Test Run you just have to define the placeholder with the name of your custom field.

Example: Image that you have a custom field called "Run CF". To get the value printed on your document you just have to use the following placeholder:

Code Block
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Add Custom Field name, for example Run CF
		Run CF: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Run CF}

If your custom field type is a Number, Data, or Date Time you can use formatting functions.

Exporting Test Run Activity

Document Generator allows export all the activity of a Test Run.


$ {TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[ac]}

ac is the index of the Activity entry, starting from 0. The field ActivityEntriesCount was created in order to give the Activity entry of a Test Run.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#{for testruns}
#{for d=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntriesCount}
Action: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Action}
Author: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Author}
Created at: ${dateformat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"):TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Created}
#{for ch=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ActivityItemsCount}
Field: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ActivityItems[ch].Field}
OldValue: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ChangedItems[ch].OldValue}
NewValue: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ChangedItems[ch].NewValue}


Exporting Parameterized Tests from a Test Run

To export all this data, we first need to execute the test run. If we change any data, we need to return to the Execution Page and merge it with the new data.


Returns "true" if the current test run is data-driven; otherwise, it returns "false"

Iterations Overall Execution Status.STATUS.PercentageThe percentage of STATUS in the test run iterations


List of all the statuses in the current test run iteration and their percentages
IterationsOverallExecutionStatus.STATUS.CountThe number of STATUS in the test run iterations
ParametersList of the parameters from each test run iteration
ParametersCountTotal of Parameters declared in Dataset

The field IsDataDriven is going to return TRUE only if the test run has more than one iteration.

Exporting Test Runs Parameters from a Test Execution

For each Test Run Parameter you can export the following fields:

  • Key
  • Value

Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Test Run Parameters associated with a Test Execution.

Code Block
titleSome mappings we can export from Test Runs Parameters
// Iterating each test run
#{for testruns}
    // Iterating over parameters for each test run
    Parameters Total: ${TestRuns[n].ParametersCount}
    #{for m=TestRuns[n].ParametersCount}
        Key: ${TestRuns[n].Parameters[m].Key}
        Value: ${TestRuns[n].Parameters[m].Value}

Exporting Test Runs Iterations from a Test Execution

For each Test Run Iteration you can export the following fields:

  • Overall Execution Status
  • Data from Test Run Iterations
  • Parameters from Test Run Iterations
  • PreConditions from Test Run Iterations
  • Test steps from Test Run Iterations

Below you can find an example of how to iterate over the list of Test Run Iterations associated with a Test Execution.

Code Block
titleSome mappings we can export from Test Run Iterations
// Iterating each test run
#{for testruns}
    IsDataDriven: ${TestRuns[n].IsDataDriven}  
    // Iterations Overall Execution Status (percentage + total of testes per status)
    List of Statuses: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status}
    TO DO: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.TO DO}% - ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.TO DO.Count}
    EXECUTING: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING}% - ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.EXECUTING.Count}
    PASSED: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.PASSED}% - ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.PASSED.Count}
    FAILED: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.FAILED}% - ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.FAILED.Count}
    ABORTED: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.ABORTED}% - ${TestRuns[n].Iterations Overall Execution Status.ABORTED.Count}
    // Iterating over test runs iterations
    Total of Iterations from a Test Run: ${TestRuns[n].IterationsCount}
    #{for m=TestRuns[n].IterationsCount}
        Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Name}
        Status: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Status}
        Parameters: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters}
        // Iterating over parameters for each test run iteration
        Parameters Total: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].ParametersCount}
        #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].ParametersCount}
            Key: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Key}
            Value: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].Parameters[l].Value}
        // Iterating over preconditions for each test run iteration
        Preconditions Total: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditionsCount}
        #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditionsCount}
			Key: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].Key}
			Summary: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].Summary}
            Definition: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].Conditions}
            Type: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].PreConditions[l].Pre-Condition Type}
        //Iterating over test steps for each test run iteration
        #{for i=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestStepsCount}
            Step Number: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].StepNumber}
            Action: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Action}
            Data: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Data}
            Expected Result: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].ExpectedResult}
            Status: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Status}
            Comment: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Comment}
            Actual Result: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].ActualResult}
            // Replace the placeholder text to export any custom field associated with the test step.
            Step Custom Field:${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].<Step Custom Field>}
            // Iteration Test Step Attachments
            #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].AttachmentsCount}
                Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Id}
                Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Name}
                Image: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].Attachment}
                FileURL: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Attachments[l].FileURL}
            // Iteration Test Step Evidences
            #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].EvidencesCount}
                Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].Id}
                Name: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Evidences[l].Name}

If you want to export the images, for example ${TestRuns[n].ExecutionEvidences[d].FileURL} you can check here for instructions on how to do it.

Manual Test Step Custom Fields associated with a Test Run

To export Test Steps Custom Fields within a Test Run you just have to define the placeholder with the name of your custom field.

Example: Image that you have a custom field called "Run CF". To get the value printed on your document you just have to use the following placeholder:

Code Block
#Iterating over Test Runs
#{for testruns}
	#Iterating over Manual Test Steps from Test Run
	#{for r=TestRuns[n].TestStepsCount}
		#Add Custom Field name, for example Run CF
		Run CF: ${TestRuns[n].TestSteps[r].Run CF}

If your custom field type is a Number, Data, or Date Time you can use formatting functions.

Exporting Test Run Activity

Document Generator allows export all the activity of a Test Run.



$ {TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[ac]}

ac is the index of the Activity entry, starting from 0. The field ActivityEntriesCount was created in order to give the Activity entry of a Test Run.


Code Block
titleExpand to see the example on sample code
#{for testruns}
#{for d=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntriesCount}
Action: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntriesIterations[dm].Action}
Author: ${TestRuns[nTestSteps[i].ActivityEntriesEvidences[d].Author}
Created at: ${dateformat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"):TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].Created}
#{for ch=TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[d].ActivityItemsCount}
            // Iteration Test Step Defects
            #{for l=TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].DefectsCount}
                Description: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].TestSteps[i].Defects[l].Description}
                Id: ${TestRuns[n].Iterations[m].ActivityEntriesTestSteps[di].ActivityItemsDefects[chl].FieldId}
OldValue                Key: ${TestRuns[nn].Iterations[m].ActivityEntriesTestSteps[di].ChangedItemsDefects[chl].OldValueKey}
NewValue                Summary: ${TestRuns[n].ActivityEntries[dIterations[m].TestSteps[i].ChangedItemsDefects[chl].NewValueSummary}