Versions Compared


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titleWhat you'll learn
  • Brief introduction to Robot Framework
  • Creation of Robot scripts in TCD
  • Comparison of coverage and execution metrics

In the previous tutorial, we covered data-driven automation with TCD and made a quick note that the efficient script-based approach is also possible. So, we wanted to explore that topic more and give the spotlight to integrating TCD with Robot Framework.

Robot Framework is an open source test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development. It follows different test case styles − keyword-driven, behaviour-driven and data-driven − for writing test cases. 

Some of the key Robot Framework advantages include ease of installation and use, good support for both external libraries and built-in/custom keywords, and more readable & maintainable test cases.

Tutorial Scope

One of the most common concerns we hear from clients is:

“Our current tests are good enough. Why invest the time and resources in adopting the Test Case Designer methodology if it doesn’t move the needle?”

That may be true, but we don’t have to guess - TCD Analysis capabilities allow us to make a pretty accurate comparison (you can learn more here). For this tutorial, we will use 2 test suites created for the same requirement/coverage goal:

  • "TCDBookingTests", representing the optimized output from TCD with 15 tests
  • "TypicalBookingTests", representing the manually designed suite with 33 tests (based on our experience, it shows an example of a "pretty good job" for the manual effort type)

The requirement is:

  • providing different combinations of booking details at

  • validating that clicking the "Search" button successfully leads to the "Results" page (by "properties found" page content)

We will first describe the integration steps for "TCDBookingTests" and then compare the coverage and execution metrics between the two.

Integration Steps


As mentioned above, this tutorial demonstrates the approach where "complete" Robot tests in Gherkin style are generated from TCD. A data-driven implementation similar to the other 3 tutorials is also possible via a CSV/pipe-delimited data table exported from the TCD Scenarios screen + the Test Template in RF (or using a specialized library).

TCD Model

It is built using a fairly straightforward approach of a parameter per UI field with a couple things to note:

  • For the Destination field, we are more interested in classes of search terms, less in the syntax rules. So, we use 2 Values to represent categories, then add specific search terms using Value Expansions (black schema icons).

  • The date-related parameters will need to be updated within the model to maintain execution accuracy. The screenshot represents the model state at the time of publication. Alternatively, you can consider using abstract values in TCD ("this month", "next month", "last day of the month", etc.), then let automation determine the specifics.

  • For conditional steps, Robot Framework allows to use any syntax as the trigger, so we can adjust the value naming to match the context - "checks" for the checkbox, numbers for the rating stars. Neither wording has any special function within TCD itself.

Constraints should account for the date logic and the room-vs-people limitations:

For scenario generation, we assume the exact checkout date and the ratings are not as important, so we switch them to 1-way:

You can import the model and try this process yourselves:

View file


The key advantage at this step is that a user creates & maintains a single data-driven template in TCD Automate and exports as many tests as there are rows on the TCD Scenarios screen, with all the parameter values replaced inline. That combines efficiency and clarity/ease of use.


For simplicity of the example, all executable code is in 1 file. You can split it into Resource.robot and Booking.robot, if desired.

Code Block
titleTCD Automate Script
*** Settings ***
Documentation     A test suite with TCD RF export in Gherkin style. TCD Automate allows to create & maintain 1 data-driven template while generating many Robot test cases with in-line variable values. 
...	This file contains the risk-based (mixed-strength) TCD suite (15 TCs) with lower priority on checkout date and rating

Library         	BuiltIn
Library				Dialogs
Library         	SeleniumLibrary

*** Variables ***
${BROWSER}           			chrome
${DELAY}             			1
${DESTINATION TXTFIELD}			//*[@id="hotels-destination"]
${CHECKIN BTN}					//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[2]/div/div[1]

${ROOMSPLUS BTN}				//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[1]/div/span[3]
${ADULTSPLUS BTN}				//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[2]/div/span[3]
${CHILDRENPLUS BTN}				//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[3]/div/span[3]
${CHILDRENNAGE DIV}				//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[4]/div
${CHILD1AGE DROPDOWN}			//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[4]/div[1]/select
${CHILD2AGE DROPDOWN}			//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[4]/div[2]/select
${DONE1 BTN}					//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[4]/span
${DONE2 BTN}					//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[3]/div/div[3]/div[5]/span

${WORKTRAVEL CHECKBOX}			//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/div/div[1]/div[1]

${SEARCH BTN}		 			//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/ul/li[5]/div

*** Test Cases ***
Valid Booking Requests_TC<Test Case>_for <destination> with <rooms> rooms and <adults> adults
    [Tags]      TAC-242 
    Given browser is opened to start page
    When user selects destination "<destination>"
	And user selects Apr 2023 "<checkindate>" check-in date and "<checkoutmonth>" "<checkoutdate>" check-out date
	And user selects "<rooms>" rooms for "<adults>" adults and "<children>" children
	And user "<workcheckbox>" work checkbox and selects "<rating>" star rating
    Then clicking "Search" button generates results successfully

*** Keywords ***
Browser is opened to start page
	Open Browser    ${START URL}    ${BROWSER}		options=add_experimental_option("excludeSwitches", ["enable-logging"])
	Maximize Browser Window
	Set Selenium Speed      ${DELAY}
	Page Should Contain		Your Trip Starts Here
user selects destination "${destination}"
	Input Text		${DESTINATION TXTFIELD}		${destination}
user selects Apr 2023 "${checkindate}" check-in date and "${checkoutmonth}" "${checkoutdate}" check-out date
	Click Element	${CHECKIN BTN}

	Click Element	//div[@class = 'c-calendar-month__title' and text() = 'Apr 2023']/following-sibling::div//span[@class = 'day' and text() = '${checkindate}']
	Click Element	//div[@class = 'c-calendar-month__title' and text() = '${checkoutmonth}']/following-sibling::div//span[@class = 'day' and text() = '${checkoutdate}']

user selects "${rooms}" rooms for "${adults}" adults and "${children}" children
	Sleep 	2s
	Run Keyword If	'${rooms}' == '2'		Click Element	${ROOMSPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${rooms}' == '3'		Double Click Element	${ROOMSPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${adults}' == '3' and '${rooms}' in ['1','2']		Click Element	${ADULTSPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${adults}' == '4' and '${rooms}' in ['1','2']		Double Click Element	${ADULTSPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${adults}' == '4' and '${rooms}' == '3' 			Click Element	${ADULTSPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '1'	Click Element	${CHILDRENPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '1'	Select From List By Value	${CHILD1AGE DROPDOWN}	12
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '2'	Double Click Element	${CHILDRENPLUS BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '2'	Select From List By Value	${CHILD1AGE DROPDOWN}	<1
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '2'	Select From List By Value	${CHILD2AGE DROPDOWN}	17
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '0'	Click Element	${DONE1 BTN}
	Run Keyword If	'${children}' != '0'	Click Element	${DONE2 BTN}

user "${workcheckbox}" work checkbox and selects "${rating}" star rating
	Run Keyword If	'${workcheckbox}' == 'checks'			Click Element	${WORKTRAVEL CHECKBOX}
	Run Keyword If	'${rating}' in ['2', '3', '4', '5']		Click Element	//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/div/div[2]/span[${rating}]
	Run Keyword If	'${rating}' == '3 or 4'					Click Element	//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/div/div[2]/span[3]
	Run Keyword If	'${rating}' == '3 or 4'					Click Element	//*[@id="searchBoxCon"]/div/div/div/div[2]/span[4]

clicking "Search" button generates results successfully
	Click Element			${SEARCH BTN}
	Page Should Contain		properties found
	Close Browser

Settings and Variables are defined similarly to any other Robot script. In the Test Cases section, there are a couple of points to highlight:

Code Block
titleTCD Automate ScriptcollapsetrueTest Cases section
*** Test Cases ***
Valid Booking Requests_TC<Test Case>_for <destination> with <rooms> rooms and <adults> adults
    [Tags]      TAC-242 
    Given browser is opened to start page
    When user selects destination "<destination>"
	And user selects Apr 2023 "<checkindate>" check-in date and "<checkoutmonth>" "<checkoutdate>" check-out date
	And user selects "<rooms>" rooms for "<adults>" adults and "<children>" children
	And user "<workcheckbox>" work checkbox and selects "<rating>" star rating
    Then clicking "Search" button generates results successfully results successfully

  • TCD only supports the Gherkin style of Robot scripting.
  • Requirement linking is handled via Tags.
  • Similar to other TCD Scripting examples, the steps are parameterized, to connect them to the Scenarios table (e.g. "<destination>").

In the Keywords section, there are typically 3 types of handling TCD parameters:

  1. Direct argument

    Code Block
    titleTest Cases section
    user selects destination "${destination}"
    	Input Text		${DESTINATION TXTFIELD}		${destination}
  2. Part of xpath

    Code Block
    titleTest Cases section
    Click Element	//div[@class = 'c-calendar-month__title' and text() = '${checkoutmonth}']/following-sibling::div//span[@class = 'day' and text() = '${checkoutdate}']
  3. Part of condition (in this example, the age of children was not important enough to be a parameter/value expansion, so it's hardcoded directly in the script)

    Code Block
    titleTest Cases section
    Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '1'	Click Element	${CHILDRENPLUS BTN}
    Run Keyword If	'${children}' == '1'	Select From List By Value	${CHILD1AGE DROPDOWN}	12

Once the script is ready, we will export it into the Robot format:


You can choose to leverage your own IDE for the template writing (to benefit from IntelliSense, etc.) then copy it into TCD for the export process.

Execution and report import

We can run the tests from the command line, specifying the report name and format:

Code Block
titleCommand Line Import
robot -d reports  --output TCDDemoReport.xml  TCDBookingTests.robot

Once the script completes the execution, we can import the results via, e.g., curl (parts in {} should be customized based on your details):

Code Block
titleCommand Line Import
curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u {username}:{password} -F "file=@{ReportName}.xml" “https://{JiraURL}/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/junit?projectKey={ProjectKey}&testPlanKey={TestPlanIssueKey}”

For the CI/CD process, please refer to this collection of tutorials. Specifically, you can learn more about Robot Framework integrations from these 2 articles:
Taking advantage of Robot XML reports

Testing using Robot Framework integration in Python or Java

As a result, you should see 15 Test issues (linked to the requirement story and to the Test Plan issue) and a Test Execution issue (with the step-by-step breakdown under Execution details of each run):

One scenario in "TCDBookingTests" fails because the UI error tooltip appears about the maximum stay duration of 31 days. Before the selections, that limitation doesn't seem to be noted anywhere.

This could be an example of the execution feedback loop for combinatorial test design: we will often exercise the combinations that haven't been explicitly mentioned in requirements. If the 31-day limit hasn't been caught during the collaborative model creation, then, based on the execution failure, we would confirm the expected behavior and, if the error is valid,

  • add the constraint to the TCD model between checkindate[15,24] and checkoutdate[30, 31] and/or
  • replace the value lists to focus more on the valid range.

A few scenarios in "TypicalBookingTests" fail for the same reason.

Comparison and Conclusion

Table of Contents

CSS Stylesheet
.toc-btf {
    position: fixed;