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We're using "curl" utility that comes in Unix based OS'es but you can easily use another tool to make the HTTP request; however, "curl" is provided in the container used by GitLab.

Cucumber example

Standard workflow (Xray as master)

In this scenario, we are managing the specification of Cucumber Scenarios/Scenario Outline(s) based tests in Jira, using Xray, as detailed in the "standard workflow" mentioned in Testing with Cucumber


In this example, we're using a variable cucumber_keys defined in the CI/CD project level settings in GitLab. This variable contains one or more keys of the issues that will be used as source data for generating the Cucumber .feature files; it can be the key(s) of Test Plan(s), Test Execution(s), Test(s), requirement(s). For more info, please see: Exporting Cucumber Tests - REST.

VCS workflow (Git as master)

In this scenario, we are managing (i.e. editing) the specification of Cucumber Scenarios/Scenario Outline(s) based tests outside Jira, as detailed in the "VCS workflow" mentioned in Testing with Cucumber.

The GitLab configuration file .gitlab-ci.yml contains the definition of the build steps, including synchronizing the Scenarios/Backgrounds to Xray, extracting the cucumber specification from Xray, running the automated tests and submitting back the results.

Code Block
image: "ruby:2.3"

  - apt-get update -qq
  - apt-get -y install unzip zip
  - gem install cucumber
  - gem install rspec-expectations
  - 'cd features; zip -R "*.feature"; cd ..; curl -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -u $jira_user:$jira_password -F "file=@features/" "$jira_server_url/rest/raven/1.0/import/feature?projectKey=CALC" '
  - 'rm -f features/*.feature'
  - 'curl -u $jira_user:$jira_password "$jira_server_url/rest/raven/1.0/export/test?filter=$filter_id" -o features/'
  - unzip -o features/ -d features/
  - cucumber -x -f json -o data.json || true
  - 'curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u $jira_user:$jira_password --data @data.json "$jira_server_url/rest/raven/1.0/import/execution/cucumber"'
  - echo "done"

In this example, we're using a variable filter_id defined in the CI/CD project level settings in GitLab. This variable contains the id of the Jira issues based filterhat will be used as source data for generating the Cucumber .feature files; it can be the key(s) of Test Plan(s), Test Execution(s), Test(s), requirement(s). For more info, please see: Exporting Cucumber Tests - REST.