Versions Compared


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  • Focus more on customer
    • test more thoroughly what customers are more concerned with
      • deliver what is most important to business
  • Reduce probability and impact of negative risks
    • by focusing testing on higher, negative risks, probability of missing important defects lowers and therefore the probability assigned to the risk lowers as its corresponding risk level; on the other hand, as testing also provides feedback to the team including its developers, impact of a certain risk may be also decreased as the feature being worked out may be done differently/better
  • Increase confidence
    • RBT can help on finding more important defects first, by focused testing on higher risks (paper)
    • by focused testing on the higher risks (or risky areas/features), RBT ensures that important items are exhaustively tested and important defects are found sooner; thus, product and it's most important items (e.g. features) can be released with a high degree of confidence, while ensuring they meet expected quality goals
  • Optimize QA effort and cost
    • RBT can answer questions such as...
      • What should we test? Everything? But we don't have time...
      • Where should I start from?
      • When can we stop testing? We have to make the release and move on...
      • Can we reduce the testing effort somehow? How and at what "cost"?
      • If we have more time for testing, what is the best way to take advantage of it?
    • RBT provides the means to define the testing scope, focusing on what is relevant, by identifying what tests to execute and their execution priority, given time and resource constraints; the overall amount of test cases may be reduced as not everything needs to be tested or be tested in the same depth 
    • RBT provides a way (based on risks) to choose tests for regression testing
    • RBT provides some clues for selecting candidates for automation
  • Increase risk level of positive risks
    • If an opportunity is identified, RBT can be used to provide thoroughly testing and take advantage of it. If a feature is being implemented and if the team finds that making it slighter differently, perhaps by generalizing it further, for examplem or making it more visible, it can increase the probability of the positive risk happen, as end users may start using it for additional scenarios and thus increase the product added value. Using testing as a constructive feedback loop, knowing the opportunities and their relative relevance, can increase the likelihood, impact and the overall risk level for opportunities
  • Make a release go/no go decision based on risks
    • sometimes you may need to ship the product sooner, for time or budget constraints
      • RBT can give you visibility of risks, so you can take a go/no go decision "knowing the risk"
    • RBT can be used to overcome risks that block "acceptance" (i.e. customer acceptance of the release)
    • RBT implicitly explains why certain tests where executed over other ones, and thus eases communication with other stakeholders and avoids discussion on why some tests where not executed at all


  1. Risk Identification & Risk Assessment
    1. BAs together with the team discuss risks on the ”Requirement Analysis” phase 
  2. Risk Treatment
    1. performed by testers, during the “Testing” phase
      1. Test Planning takes the inputs of Risk Assessment to define the testing strategy and effort; the testing scope is agreed
      2. if adopting the scripted testing approach, tester testers start by detailing exaustively test cases for the most risky item, during Test Design
      3. testers will perform more in-depth testing on the risky items during Test Execution
      4. if important bugs are found on the risky items, the software can go back to "Implementation" phase as-soon-as-possible
  3. Risk Monitoring and Reviewing
    1. throughout the project lifecycle
