Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Configuration alias
  2. Hosting: Hosting (instance type) in this case Server/Data CenterCloud.
  3. Server Address: The address of the Jira Server where Xray is running
  4. Credentials:
    1. Use the Jenkins Credentials Plugin to set the API key/secret (please check Global Settings: API Keys for more info on creating API keys)
    2. Make sure that was used to create the API key has the following permissions in the projects where you want to import the results and import/export feature files: View, Edit, Create.
    3. This field is optional - if you don't want to use a System scoped credential to authenticate in your instance, you can leave this field empty and force the users to use a User scoped credential in the build task.
    4. To add a new Credential: 

      1. Xray Client ID should be placed in the Username field

      2. Xray Client Secret should be placed in the Password field

Note: the Configuration ID is not editable. This value can be used in the pipeline scripts.


It invokes Xray's Export Cucumber Tests REST API endpoint (see more information here).


Some fields need to be configured in order to export the Cucumber Tests. As input, you can either specify issue keys (see the endpoint documention documentation here) or the ID of the saved filter in Jira.


This build step will import existing cucumber Tests from existing Cucumber feature files into Xray issues. This Task will import from .feature files and also from .zip files.

It invokes Xray's Import Cumcumber Cucumber Tests REST API endpoint (see more information here)

Jira instanceThe Jira instance where Xray is running.
CredentialsIf the above Jira Instance does not have any credential configured, you must define an User scoped credential here
Project KeyThis is the project where the Tests and Pre-Conditions will be created/updated.
Cucumber feature files directoryThis is the directory containing your feature files. All the files in this directory and sub directories will be imported. Supports both relative and absolute paths.
Modified in the last hoursBy entering an integer n here, only files that where modified in the last n hours will be imported. 
Leave empty if you do not want to use this parameter.


The app provides easy access to Xray's Import Execution Results REST API endpoints (see more information here). Therefore, it mimics the endpoints input parameters.


Since version 2.2.0, the Xray plugin will now set some build environment variables according to the operation result after each of the Xray Steps mentioned above.

Build Enviroment Environment Variable NameMeaning and Value


Contains the string 'true' if all requests made by the step were successful, or 'false' otherwise.


All Issue keys that were modified and/or created by the step, separated by ';' with no duplicated entries (E.g. 'CALC-100;CALC-101;CALC-102').


The unprocessed JSON response of all requests made by the step, separated by ';'.


All Test Execution Issue keys that were modified and/or created by the step, separated by ';' with no duplicated entries (E.g. 'CALC-200;CALC-201;CALC-202').

Please note that in same cases, it will be not possible to determine the issue type of the Issue key returned in the request response and in that case, the key it will only be added to the XRAY_ISSUES_MODIFIED variable.


All Test Issue keys that were modified and/or created by the step, separated by ';' with no duplicated entries (E.g. 'CALC-300;CALC-301;CALC-302').

Please note that in same cases, it will be not possible to determine the issue type of the Issue key returned in the request response and in that case, the key it will only be added to the XRAY_ISSUES_MODIFIED variable.




In a typical Cucumber Workflow, after having created a Cucumber project and the Cucumber tests specified in Jira, you may want to have a project that exports the features from Jira, executes the automated tests on a CI environment and then imports back its results.


titleGenerated syntax helper

For each of the steps mentioned above, you can check the generated syntax reference in the official Jenkins documentation website.

titleSee and try some examples by yourself

Please see a tutorial with working Examples using Jenkins pipeline, showcasing different scenarios, which you can download and try by yourself.

Step: XrayImportBuilder (import test execution results)


serverInstanceYesStringThe ID of the Jira instance configured in the Jenkins System Configuration

The result file type to be imported. Allowed Values:

  • "" (Xray Json format)
  • "/multipart"  (Xray JSON multipart format)
  • "/cucumber"
  • "/cucumber/multipart"
  • "/behave"
  • "/behave/multipart"
  • "/junit"
  • "/junit/multipart"
  • "/nunit"
  • "/nunit/multipart"
  • "/robot"
  • "/robot/multipart"
  • "/bundle" (import of zip file with several cucumber results)
  • "/testng"
  • "/testng/multipart"
  • "/xunit"
  • "/xunit/multipart"

Please note that not all endpoints are available for Jira Sever/Cloud. Please refer to the REST API documentation to see what is available in your instance.

projectKeyYesStringThe Jira project key where you want to import your results

File path where the result files can be found.

credentialIdYes, if the Jira instance was configured without credentials in System ConfigurationStringCredential ID from the Credentials plugin to be used to authenticate the Jira requests

Test enviroments environments to be added to the Test Execution issue, seperated separated by ";".

(warning) This value will only be used if the endpointName is not multipart


All Tests will be added to the given Test Plan key, if provided.

(warning) This value will only be used if the endpointName is not multipart


Fix version to be added to the Test Execution issue.

(warning) This value will only be used if the endpointName is not multipart


Key of the test Exeution Execution issue to be updated. Leave empty to create a new issue with the import.

(warning) This value will only be used if the endpointName is not multipart


Source code and documentation version used in the test execution.

(warning) This value will only be used if the endpointName is not multipart

importInfoYes, if multipart endpointStringFile path to the Test Execution info file OR JSON String with the info.
inputInfoSwitcherYes, if importInfo is being usedString

Allowed values:

  • "filePath" - if importInfo field is used and represents a file path
  • "fileContent" - if importInfo field is used and represents a JSON text
testImportInfoNoStringFile path to the Test info file.
inputTestInfoSwitcherYes, if testImportInfo is being usedString

Allowed values:

  • "filePath" - if testImportInfo field is used and represents a file path
  • "fileContent" - if testImportInfo field is used and represents a JSON text

Allowed values:

  • "true" - to import all created tests and linked them to a single Test Execution issue
  • "" - link a Test Execution issue to every imported Test issue

Allowed values:

  • "true" - to import all result files (if there are multiple) in parallel, in order to speed up the import process
  • "" - to import all result files (if there are multiple) sequentially


serverInstanceYesStringThe ID of the Jira instance configured in the Jenkins System Configuration


(not required if filter is used)


Xray Tests/Test Plans/Test Sets/Test Execution issue keys, seperated separated by ';'.



(not required if issues is used)

StringThe Jira filter ID containing Xray Tests/Test Plans/Test Sets/Test Execution issues

The default value is "/features"

File path where the feature files will be downloaded

credentialIdYes, if the Jira instance was configured without credentials in System ConfigurationStringCredential ID from the Credentials plugin to be used to authenticate the Jira requests


This is a declarative example, for Cucumber tests using the "VCS/Git based" workflow (see Testing in BDD with Gherkin based frameworks (e.g. Cucumber)).

Code Block
titleJenkinsfile example (declarative)
pipeline {
    agent any
    stages {
         stage('Synch (update) recent tests to Xray'){
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                step([$class: 'XrayImportFeatureBuilder', folderPath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/features', lastModified: '10', projectKey: 'CALC', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])
        stage('Export features from Xray'){
            steps {
                checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', branches: [[name: '*/master']], doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [], submoduleCfg: [], userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'a3285253-a867-4ea7-a843-da349fd36490', url: 'ssh://git@localhost/home/git/repos/automation-samples.git']]])
                sh "rm -rf cucumber_xray_tests/features"
                step([$class: 'XrayExportBuilder', filePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/features', filter: '11400', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])
                sh "cd cucumber_xray_tests && cucumber -x -f json -o data.json"
        stage('Import results to Xray') {
            steps {
                step([$class: 'XrayImportBuilder', endpointName: '/cucumber', importFilePath: 'cucumber_xray_tests/data.json', serverInstance: '552d0cb6-6f8d-48ba-bbad-50e94f39b722'])


Jira instances configuration via Groovy script (Jenkins Script Console)

If you use a containerized containerised version of Jenkins, or simply want to avoid creating the Jira configurations manually (using the Jenkins UI), you can use the following script in the Jenkins Script Console.
