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Table of Contents


This proprietary Maven plugin has been deprecated in favor of a new open-source plugin maintained by the open-source community; this means that no new features will be added to this plugin.

The two plugins are not compatible, so you should plan the migration to the new open-source plugin.

The open-source Maven plugin has a broader feature set and users are recommended to give it a try; support for the open-source plugin should be handled through the respective GitHub project, and is in line with regular open-source projects. In other words, users can report issues, ideas, but they are also encouraged to make contributions. There is no SLA whatsoever for issues raised on this open-source project, as issues will be handled on a best effort by the community itself.

Table of Contents

titleMaven repository's URL change

Starting in version 1.1.1, beware that the repository URL changed to

You must update the repository to the following:

Code Block


The plugin supports single or multi-module projects and multiple test frameworks. With the execution of a single Maven target com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:<goal-name>, the plugin will upload the results of the tests to your Jira instance.

List of Available Properties

titlePlease note

The user present in the properties below must exist in the JIRA instance and have permission to Create Test and Test Execution Issues


titlePlease note

You may configure the plugin properties in your project pom.xml, the settings.xml file (see project guidelines below) or via the console with -D option (e.g., -Dxray.projectKey=PROJ).

List of Available Result Formats

Each result format points to a specific Xray REST Endpoint where the results are imported. The result format is configured in the property xray.resultsFormat and is case-sensitive.

Results Format (xray.resultsFormat)

DescriptionSupport for multipart endpoint
JUNITJUnit XML output format (more information regarding its endpoints here) (tick)
TESTNGTestNG XML output format (more information regarding its endpoints here)(tick)

Uploading the results to a specific endpoint

Xray-Maven-Plugin provides two plugin specific goals to upload the results to a specific endpoint:


Code Block
mvn com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:<goal-name> 

Maven Project Guidelines

There are three options when configuring the properties listed in the 'List of Available Properties': via settings.xml, via the Project's POM file or via the console with -D option (e.g., -Dxray.projectKey=PROJ).


  • Generate the Junit XML results file;
  • Upload the results to a JIRA instance with a specific address, based on a specific credential info.
  • Associate the results to a new Test Execution with Fix Version 'V1.0', in the Test Environment 'Android', in an existing Test Plan issue;


The plugin properties can be specified in the settings.xml file. In this example, in the <properties> tag, we configured the address of the JIRA instance and the credentials of the JIRA user. These properties will be within the Active Profile identified by the id 'MyActiveProfile'.

Code Block
<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <!-- OTHER CONFS-->
	<!-- OTHER CONFS-->

POM.xml - Simple Project

The plugin properties listed in 'List of Available Properties' can be scoped to a specific Project, by specifying them in the Project's POM.xml.


Code Block
mvn clean package surefire:test com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:xray

Importing the execution results with user-defined field values

If we wanted to upload the Junit results to a newly created Test Execution Issue and having control over its fields, for instance by creating it with a custom Issue Summary, then the option is to use the multipart endpoint.


Code Block
mvn clean package surefire:test com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:xray_multipart

POM.xml - Multi-Module Project

The Xray-Maven-Plugin can also be used with Multi-Module Projects.


Code Block
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
    <!-- CONF's -->
    <name>Module A</name>

        <!--XRay Properties -->
        <!--End Xray Properties -->


Unable to upload the results file: The process is failing with status code 403

The importing of the execution results file failed and when you check the log, it shows the following:


If you are a Jira administrator, you can go to Jira administration > User Management and reset the failed login.

Version History