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UI Steps

Notifications are set using Jira native capabilities, such as setting them at Notification Scheme or by setting custom events as post-functions. 

UI Step

Check the custom Xray events available at Notification Scheme

Xray adds new events to your Notifications Schemes that can be used to set which user, group or role is going to receive the notification. 

Events available at the Notification Scheme are: 

Test or Pre-Condition Updated

This notification is triggered when: 

  • adding/removing/updating steps in Manual Tests
  • updating the "Generic Test Definition" of Generic Tests
  • updating the "Cucumber Scenario" of Cucumber Tests 
  • updating the "Conditions" of Pre-Conditions

Changes on the typical fields (e.g. description, summary, etc) will trigger the standard "Issue Updated" event and won't trigger the "Test or Pre-Condition Updated" event.

Test Run Assigned

This notification is triggered whenever a Test Run is assigned to some user.

Whenever a Test Execution is created, all Test Runs are assigned by default to the Test Execution assignee. In this case, the "Test Run Assigned" event is not triggered (possibly, the user will be already notified because of the issue created event);

Test Run Status set to Final

This notification is triggered whenever a Test Run is changed to final status, for example, PASS or FAIL.

Precedent Test Run Status set to Final

This notification is triggered to notify the next tester, whenever the precedent Test Run in a Test Execution has been concluded (i.e. changed to a ”final” status) and the following Test Run is assigned to a different user.

UI Step

Set Notifications

To set Notifications, you need to go to Jira Administration > Issues > Notifications Schemes and select the Notification Scheme you want to change. 

At each event, you need to click "Add" and select the user, group or role that will receive the notification.


You can grant other users to add Xray Notifications to "Current User" directly from the Project Settings of the Project. But please be aware this will change notification schemes that can be shared by other projects. 

Check the module "Configuring Permissions" to more information.


You can always add other notifications using the workflow post-functions by triggering custom events. This may be useful if you have custom workflows available for your Xray Issue Types.