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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Integration with Confluence Sergio Freire Nov 05, 2018
Page: Integration with Cucumber and variants Sergio Freire Oct 18, 2018
Page: Integration with eazyBI Sergio Freire Feb 20, 2020
Page: Integration with GitLab Sergio Freire Feb 14, 2019
Page: Integration with Jenkins Sergio Freire Feb 14, 2020
Page: Integration with JUnit-based test runners Sergio Freire Oct 18, 2018
Page: Integration with Maven Bruno Conde Jun 24, 2019
Page: Integration with NeoLoad Sergio Freire May 20, 2020
Page: Integration with NUnit-based test runners Sergio Freire Oct 18, 2018
Page: Integration with Robot framework Sergio Freire Oct 18, 2018
Page: Integration with Structure Sergio Freire Nov 17, 2018
Page: Integration with TeamCity Sergio Freire Oct 25, 2018
Page: Integration with TeamCity (legacy) Sergio Freire Sep 24, 2018
Page: Integration with TestNG-based test runners Sergio Freire Oct 18, 2018
Page: Integration with Xporter Sergio Freire Oct 15, 2019
Page: Integrations & API Sergio Freire Jan 08, 2020
Page: Integrity Checker Claudio Sousa May 10, 2019
Page: Issue Picker Dialog Isabel Moreira Jun 17, 2019
Page: Issue Type Mapping Sergio Freire Jul 30, 2018
Page: ISTQB glossary vs Xray terminology Diamantino Campos Jan 28, 2020
Page: Leveraging Agility in Agile teams Sergio Freire May 03, 2019
Page: License user-0caa0 Nov 26, 2017
Page: Load Testing using Gatling and JUnit in Scala user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Manage Test Statuses Sergio Freire Aug 23, 2018
Page: Manage Test Step Statuses user-0caa0 Nov 26, 2017
Page: Miscellaneous Sergio Freire Dec 16, 2019
Page: Organizing user-0caa0 Oct 30, 2017
Page: Overall Requirement Coverage Report David Duarte Sep 17, 2019
Page: Overall Requirements Coverage Gadget Nuno Santos Aug 02, 2019
Page: Overall Test Results Gadget Bruno Conde Jul 24, 2019
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