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Title Last Updated By Updated
Page: Testing Angular apps using Protractor in JavaScript user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing APIs using Karate DSL Cristiano Cunha Feb 17, 2022
Page: Testing APIs using Katalon Studio Sergio Freire Oct 26, 2018
Page: Testing APIs using Pact-js Cristiano Cunha Feb 16, 2022
Page: Testing Flutter (iOS, Android, web, desktop) Applications Cristiano Cunha Oct 21, 2022
Page: Testing in BDD with Gherkin based frameworks (e.g. Cucumber) Sergio Freire Dec 10, 2020
Page: Testing infrastructure using Chef InSpec Sergio Freire Jan 08, 2020
Page: Testing iOS applications using Appium and JUnit in Java user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing iOS apps using XCTest in Swift Sergio Freire Nov 14, 2019
Page: Testing mobile apps in the cloud (BrowserStack) using Appium and Cucumber in Ruby Sergio Freire Nov 05, 2018
Page: Testing mobile apps in the cloud (Sauce Labs) using Webdriver and Mocha in Javascript Sergio Freire Jul 16, 2018
Page: Testing Node.js apps using Cucumber.js in JavaScript Unknown User (tdda) Jun 30, 2021
Page: Testing REST services and APIs in Java using REST Assured and JUnit Unknown User (tdda) Jun 30, 2021
Page: Testing Salesforce apps using Apex Sergio Freire Jan 30, 2020
Page: Testing the UI of iOS apps using XCTest and XCUITest in Swift Sergio Freire Nov 14, 2019
Page: Testing using Behave in Python Sergio Freire Jun 19, 2021
Page: Testing using Calabash and Xamarin Test Cloud in Ruby Sergio Freire Jan 25, 2019
Page: Testing using CasperJS and PhantomJS in JavaScript Sergio Freire Jan 25, 2019
Page: Testing using Cucumber in Java Sergio Freire Jun 18, 2021
Page: Testing using Cucumber in Perl user-0caa0 Nov 25, 2017
Page: Testing using Cucumber in Ruby/JRuby Sergio Freire Nov 11, 2020
Page: Testing using Cypress and Cucumber in JavaScript Sergio Freire Sep 28, 2022
Page: Testing using Cypress in JavaScript Sergio Freire Apr 01, 2019
Page: Testing using FitNesse and JUnit Sergio Freire Jan 22, 2018
Page: Testing using Google Test in C++ user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing using Jasmine (Node.js) in JavaScript user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing using MiniTest in Ruby user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing using Mocha in JavaScript user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
Page: Testing using NUnit in C# Sergio Freire May 25, 2021
Page: Testing using PHPUnit in PHP user-0caa0 Nov 23, 2017
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