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This proprietary Maven plugin has been deprecated in favor of a new open-source plugin maintained by the open-source community; this means that no new features will be added to this plugin.

The two plugins are not compatible, so you should plan the migration to the new open-source plugin.

The open-source Maven plugin has a broader feature set and users are recommended to give it a try; support for the open-source plugin should be handled through the respective GitHub project, and is in line with regular open-source projects. In other words, users can report issues, ideas, but they are also encouraged to make contributions. There is no SLA whatsoever for issues raised on this open-source project, as issues will be handled on a best effort by the community itself.

Maven repository's URL change

Starting in version 1.1.1, beware that the repository URL changed to

You must update the repository to the following:


In order to make the integration in your Java Maven projects easier, we have developed the Xray-Maven-Plugin. It enables the upload of your Tests directly to Xray with a single Maven command.

The plugin supports single or multi-module projects and multiple test frameworks. With the execution of a single Maven target com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:<goal-name>, the plugin will upload the results of the tests to your Jira instance.

List of Available Properties

Please note

The user present in the properties below must exist in the JIRA instance and have permission to Create Test and Test Execution Issues

Property NameRequired ((tick)-Yes,(question)-Optional)DescriptionExamples
(tick)Full URL of Jira, including the relative path, if its being used

Results format.

Available formats:


(more on format specifics in

Import Execution Results - REST)

case sensitive

(tick)Jira Username

Jira Password

plain-text only

(tick)Jira Project KeyMYPROJKEY
(question)Test Execution Issue IDMYT2-5
(question)Test Plan Issue IDMYT2-54
(question)Test EnvironmentiOS
(question)Fix Version. It supports only one value.Release 1.0
(tick) (used only for multipart endpoints)Path to the JSON info file. Used by JIRA to create new issues.
(tick)Folder with .xml files or xml file to be uploaded

Please note

You may configure the plugin properties in your project pom.xml, the settings.xml file (see project guidelines below) or via the console with -D option (e.g., -Dxray.projectKey=PROJ).

List of Available Result Formats

Each result format points to a specific Xray REST Endpoint where the results are imported. The result format is configured in the property xray.resultsFormat and is case-sensitive.

Results Format (xray.resultsFormat)

DescriptionSupport for multipart endpoint
JUNITJUnit XML output format (more information regarding its endpoints here) (tick)
TESTNGTestNG XML output format (more information regarding its endpoints here)(tick)

Uploading the results to a specific endpoint

Xray-Maven-Plugin provides two plugin specific goals to upload the results to a specific endpoint:

  • xray: uploads the results file to the normal endpoint;
  • xray_multipart: uploads the results file to the multipart endpoint;

The goal name must then be specified in maven command so the plugin uploads the results file to the selected Xray endpoint:

  • Build, Test the project and then Upload results
mvn clean package surefire:test com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:<goal-name>

Or if the project is already built and tested, if you desire only to upload the results:

  • Upload results Only

mvn com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:<goal-name> 

Maven Project Guidelines

There are three options when configuring the properties listed in the 'List of Available Properties': via settings.xml, via the Project's POM file or via the console with -D option (e.g., -Dxray.projectKey=PROJ).

To understand better how the configurations via settings.xml and the Project POM can be combined, we will be describing an example where we want to import Junit results into Jira. We will assume the Test Cases are already implemented so we only focus on the usage of the this plugin.

In sum the goal is to:

  • Generate the Junit XML results file;
  • Upload the results to a JIRA instance with a specific address, based on a specific credential info.
  • Associate the results to a new Test Execution with Fix Version 'V1.0', in the Test Environment 'Android', in an existing Test Plan issue;


The plugin properties can be specified in the settings.xml file. In this example, in the <properties> tag, we configured the address of the JIRA instance and the credentials of the JIRA user. These properties will be within the Active Profile identified by the id 'MyActiveProfile'.

<settings xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
  <!-- OTHER CONFS-->
	<!-- OTHER CONFS-->

POM.xml - Simple Project

The plugin properties listed in 'List of Available Properties' can be scoped to a specific Project, by specifying them in the Project's POM.xml.

Since, in this example, we already defined the JIRA address and the credentials in the settings.xml, when Maven loads the Project's POM, it will pick up the activated profiles from the <activeProfiles> section of the settings.xml file and inject the properties declared within the profile.

So, in this example, we only need to specify the JIRA Project, the Test Plan issue we want to upload the results into and the field values (Test Environment, Fix version and Revision) for the newly created Test Execution.


These properties will instruct the plugin:

  • To upload the results to project with key 'MYPROJECTKEY'
  • The newly created Test Execution will be associated with the Test Plan with issue key 'MYPROJECTKEY-124'
  • The Test Execution will be associated with the Test Environment 'Android'
  • The Test Execution's Fix Version custom field will be populated with V1.0
  • The Test Executions Revision custom field will be populated with the Revision 'Build-1.0'
  • The results file we are uploading is in Junit format
  • The results file can be found in this directory: ${basedir}/target/surefire-reports

Please note

If the goal was also to upload the results to an existing Test Execution issue, then we should configure the xray.testExecKey property by specifying the Test Execution issue key.

These properties will then be added to the POM file as illustrated below.

Please note

This example also describes the usage of the plugin on a standard simple, single-module Project. Note that we declared the plugin inside the <reporting> tag, wherein we identify which version to be used. The tag <pluginRepositories> specifies where the plugin should be downloaded from.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- CONF's -->
        <!--XRay Properties -->

        <!--IN PROFILE ~.m2/settings.xml-->
	<!-- If we want to reuse the configured credentials in settings.xml, then we do not need to configure them here
        <!--End Xray Properties -->






To build, test the Project and upload the results to Jira, we need to execute the command as explained previously in 'Uploading the results to a specific endpoint'.

In this example the goal is to push the results to the normal endpoint, so we choose the 'xray' goal name:

mvn clean package surefire:test com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:xray

Importing the execution results with user-defined field values

If we wanted to upload the Junit results to a newly created Test Execution Issue and having control over its fields, for instance by creating it with a custom Issue Summary, then the option is to use the multipart endpoint.

In addition to the xray.resultsFormat and the xray.surefire.location we'll need to configure a JSON file which holds some metadata (used by JIRA to create new issues) and save it in a directory accessible by the plugin. More details regarding how Jira creates new issues here.

In this example, we configured the following object:

  "fields": {
    "project": {
      "key": "MYPROJECTKEY"
    "summary": "Test Execution for Junit results",
    "issuetype": {
      "id": "10007"

And in the Project's POM the properties we need to configure are the following:


These properties will instruct the plugin:

  • The results file we are uploading is in Junit format
  • The results file can be found in this directory: ${basedir}/target/surefire-reports
  • The JSON metadata file can be found in this directory: ${basedir}/info.json

Lastly, since the goal is to push the results to the multipart endpoint, we run the command by choosing the 'xray_multipart' as the goal name:

mvn clean package surefire:test com.xpandit.xray:xray-maven-plugin:xray_multipart

POM.xml - Multi-Module Project

The Xray-Maven-Plugin can also be used with Multi-Module Projects.

This example describes the usage of the plugin on a Module Project, in this case just one sub-module.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- CONF's -->
        <!--XRay Properties -->

       <!-- If we want to reuse the configured credentials in settings.xml, then we do not need to configure them here
        <!--End Xray Properties -->





<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="
    <!-- CONF's -->
    <name>Module A</name>

        <!--XRay Properties -->
        <!--End Xray Properties -->


Unable to upload the results file: The process is failing with status code 403

The importing of the execution results file failed and when you check the log, it shows the following:

By default, when you successively try to log into Jira with the wrong credentials, the Jira instance will prompt you to provide a CAPTCHA the next time you try to log in. It is not possible to provide this information via the Maven project configuration, so it will fail with status code 403 Forbidden.

You will need to log into Jira via the browser and provide the CAPTCHA.

If you are a Jira administrator, you can go to Jira administration > User Management and reset the failed login.

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