• Define tests using Spring Boot
  • Run the test and push the test report to Xray
  • Validate in Jira that the test results are available


Spring Framework is a well-known Java framework to build Java-based applications, supporting IoC (Inversion of Control) principle.

Sprint Boot provides an opinionated extension on top of Spring that aims to minimize configuration burden and ease the implementation of applications.

With Spring it's possible to create web applications, REST services, and more.


For this example we will use the built-in testing facilities provided by Spring to test the application developed in Spring Boot

 We will need:

  • Java and Maven installed in your machine
  • xray-junit-extension maven plugin, to take advantage of some annotations that allow us to embed additional information on the generated JUnit XML report (optional)
    • create a file to enable the generation of an enhanced JUnit XML report that Xray can take advantage of
      • app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.EnhancedLegacyXmlReportGeneratingListener
    • configure the new reporter to generate the report in specific file (e.g., reports/TEST-junit-jupiter.xml)
      • report_directory=reports

To start using Spring Boot please follow the Quick Start Guide documentation; you can also use Spring initializr to make a working skeleton of a project using Spring and its dependencies.

Usually, Spring applications have these layers:

  1. web/presentation layer
    1. controllers, exception handlers, filters, ...
  2. service layer
    1. services with business logic
  3. persistence/data layer
    1. JPA Repository, Entity
    2. database

The target SUT is a web application implemented using Spring Boot, having a REST API to manage users and some controllers that return text acting like typical servlets. 

Our Spring application provides:

We can run our Spring application from the command line.

mvn spring-boot:run



We'll implement JUnit 5 tests for all these layers:

Spring Boot supports test slicing; the idea is to provide slices of the whole ApplicationContext by loading fewer components, thus providing efficiency. We'll see more about @DataJpaTest and @WebMvcTest ahead.

To test at the data layer, we can use @DataJpaTest as a test slice to test our UserRepository repository and the User entity.

To test at the service layer, we won't need to boot the application; we can perform unit tests and mock dependency on the data layer.

To test at web layer we can follow different approaches by annotating the related test classes: 

Let's see some examples, precisely focused more on the web layer.

The following code snippet shows usage of @WebMvcTest to test a slice containing just the web layer. In this case we're testing the output of the root page.

Even though we don't have to use them, we'll also take advantage of 2 annotations provided by the xray-junit-extensions maven plugin to showcase additional features:

package com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot;

import static org.hamcrest.Matchers.equalTo;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.content;
import static org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.MockMvcResultMatchers.status;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcTest;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc;
import org.springframework.test.web.servlet.request.MockMvcRequestBuilders;
import com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.boundary.IndexController;

// @SpringBootTest
// @AutoConfigureMockMvc; it is implied whenever @WebMvcTest is used

// @WebMvcTest annotation is used to test only the web layer of the application
// It disables full auto-configuration and instead apply only configuration relevant to MVC tests
public class IndexControllerMockedIT {

	private MockMvc mvc;

	@XrayTest(key = "XT-676")
    public void getWelcomeMessage() throws Exception {
				.andExpect(content().string(equalTo("Welcome to this amazing website!")));

The following code snippet loads the whole application using @SpringBootTest to test the REST API endpoints used to manage users.

package com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot;

import org.json.JSONException;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.autoconfigure.jdbc.AutoConfigureTestDatabase;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.client.TestRestTemplate;
import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.http.HttpMethod;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder;
import org.springframework.boot.test.web.server.LocalServerPort;
import com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.data.User;
import com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.data.UserRepository;
import app.getxray.xray.junit.customjunitxml.annotations.XrayTest;
import java.util.List;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

/* @SpringBootTest loads the full application, including the web server
 * @AutoConfigureTestDatabase is used to configure a test database instead of the application-defined database
@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
class UserRestControllerIT {

    int randomServerPort;

    private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;

    private UserRepository repository;

    User user1;

    public void resetDb() {
        user1 = repository.save(new User("Sergio Freire", "sergiofreire", "dummypassword"));

     void createUserWithSuccess() {
        User john = new User("John Doe", "johndoe", "dummypassword");
        ResponseEntity<User> entity = restTemplate.postForEntity("/api/users", john, User.class);

        List<User> foundUsers = repository.findAll();

     void dontCreateUserForInvalidData() {
        User john = new User("John Doe", "", "dummypassword");
        ResponseEntity<User> response = restTemplate.postForEntity("/api/users", john, User.class);
        // ideally, the server shouldnt return 500, but 400 (bad request)
        List<User> found = repository.findAll();
        assertThat(found).extracting(User::getName).doesNotContain("John Doe");

    void getUserWithSuccess() {
        String endpoint = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
                .pathSegment("api", "users", user1.getId().toString() )

        ResponseEntity<User> response = restTemplate.exchange(endpoint, HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<User>() {
        User user = response.getBody();


    void getUserUnsuccess() throws JSONException {
        String endpoint = UriComponentsBuilder.newInstance()
                .pathSegment("api", "users", "-1" )


        ResponseEntity<JSONObject> response = restTemplate.exchange("/api/user/-1", HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<JSONObject>() {


     void listAllUsersWithSuccess()  {
        createTempUser("Amanda James", "amanda", "dummypassword");
        createTempUser("Robert Junior", "robert", "dummypassword");

        ResponseEntity<List<User>> response = restTemplate
                .exchange("/api/users", HttpMethod.GET, null, new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<User>>() {

        assertThat(response.getBody()).extracting(User::getName).containsExactly("Sergio Freire", "Amanda James", "Robert Junior");

    void deleteUserWithSuccess() {
        ResponseEntity<User> response = restTemplate.exchange("/api/users/" + user1.getId(), HttpMethod.DELETE, null, User.class);
        assertThat(response.getBody().getName()).isEqualTo("Sergio Freire");

        List<User> found = repository.findAll();

    void deleteUserUnsuccess() {
        ResponseEntity<User> response = restTemplate.exchange("/api/users/" + (user1.getId()+2), HttpMethod.DELETE, null, User.class);

        List<User> found = repository.findAll();

    private void createTempUser(String name, String username, String password) {
        User user = new User(name, username, password);


In our case, we have tests that will be picked by surefire plugin and other ones that will be picked by failsafe plugin.

Once the code is implemented it can be executed with the following command:

mvn test failsafe:integration-test

The results are immediately available in the terminal.

Ultimately this will lead to multiple JUnit XML reports (in target/surefire-reports/ and target/failsafe-reports/, respectively).

If we use the xray-junit-extensions maven plugin, it will generate 1 JUnit XML report (i.e., in reports/TEST-junit-jupiter.xml) with all results of the last task executed (i.e., the integration tests ran by failsafe on the previous mvn command). 

 In this example, all tests have succeeded, as seen in the previous terminal screenshot. It generates the following JUnit XML report.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuite name="JUnit Jupiter" tests="11" skipped="0" failures="0" errors="0" time="6"
    hostname="Sergios-MBP.lan" timestamp="2024-02-20T18:15:39">
        <property name="CONSOLE_LOG_CHARSET" value="UTF-8" />
        <property name="FILE_LOG_CHARSET" value="UTF-8" />
        <property name="user.country" value="PT" />
        <property name="user.timezone" value="Europe/Lisbon" />
    <testcase name="getPersonalizedGreeting"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.GreetingControllerMockedIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:37.51681" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:37.814122">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.GreetingControllerMockedIT]/[method:getPersonalizedGreeting()]
display-name: getPersonalizedGreeting()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="dontCreateUserForInvalidData"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.375802" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.766131">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:dontCreateUserForInvalidData()]
display-name: dontCreateUserForInvalidData()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="getUserUnsuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.845142" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.868507">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:getUserUnsuccess()]
display-name: getUserUnsuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="deleteUserWithSuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.804222" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.824641">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:deleteUserWithSuccess()]
display-name: deleteUserWithSuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="createUserWithSuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.825412" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.844362">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:createUserWithSuccess()]
display-name: createUserWithSuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="getDefaultGreeting"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.GreetingControllerMockedIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:37.814867" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:37.818444">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.GreetingControllerMockedIT]/[method:getDefaultGreeting()]
display-name: getDefaultGreeting()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="getWelcomeMessage"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.IndexControllerMockedIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:39.091011" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:39.097803">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.IndexControllerMockedIT]/[method:getWelcomeMessage()]
display-name: getWelcomeMessage()
            <property name="requirements" value="XT-675" />
            <property name="test_key" value="XT-676" />
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="getUserWithSuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.767197" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.803133">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:getUserWithSuccess()]
display-name: getUserWithSuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="listAllUsersWithSuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.888027" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.909762">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:listAllUsersWithSuccess()]
display-name: listAllUsersWithSuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="getWelcomeMessage"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.IndexControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:36.488501" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:37.25418">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.IndexControllerIT]/[method:getWelcomeMessage()]
display-name: getWelcomeMessage()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
    <testcase name="deleteUserUnsuccess"
        classname="com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT" time="0"
        started-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.869301" finished-at="2024-02-20T18:15:38.887141">
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]/[class:com.idera.xray.tutorials.springboot.UserRestControllerIT]/[method:deleteUserUnsuccess()]
display-name: deleteUserUnsuccess()
            <property name="_dummy_" value="" />
unique-id: [engine:junit-jupiter]
display-name: JUnit Jupiter

Integrating with Xray

Once we produced JUnit reports with the test results, it is a matter of importing those results into your Jira instance. This can be done by simply submitting automation results to Xray through the REST API, by using one of the available CI/CD plugins (e.g. for Jenkins), or using the Jira interface.


Once you have the report file available you can upload it to Xray through a request to the REST API endpoint for JUnit, and for that the first step is to follow the instructions in v1 or v2 (depending on your usage) to obtain the token we will be using in the subsequent requests.


The request made will look like:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{ "client_id": "CLIENTID","client_secret": "CLIENTSECRET" }'  https://xray.cloud.getxray.app/api/v2/authenticate

The response of this request will return the token to be used in the subsequent requests for authentication purposes.

JUnit XML results

Once you have the token we will use it in the API request with the definition of some common fields on the Test Execution, such as the target project, project version, etc.

curl -H "Content-Type: text/xml" -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer $token"  --data @"reports/TEST-junit-jupiter.xml" https://xray.cloud.getxray.app/api/v2/import/execution/junit?projectKey=XT&testPlanKey=XT-674

With this command we are creating a new Test Execution in the referred Test Plan with a generic summary and tests with a summary based on the test name. One of the tests was not auto-provisioned as it already existed beforehand and was referred in the the test code using the @XrayTest annotation.

Jira UI

Create a Test Execution linked to the Test Plan that you have.

Fill in the necessary fields and press "Create".

Open the Test Execution and import the JUnit report

Choose the results file and press "Submit"

The Test Execution is now updated with the test results imported.

Tests implemented using JUnit will have a corresponding Test entity in Xray. Once results are uploaded, Test issues corresponding to the tests are auto-provisioned (e.g., XT-678), unless they already exist; in our case, we have explicitly mentioned an existing Test issue (XT-676) from one of the tests. 

As we have annotated one of the tests with @Requirement (provided by the xray-junit-extensions project), the linkage/coverage of the user story (XT-675) is made whenever importing the results.

Xray uses a concatenation of the suite name and the test name as the unique identifier for the test.

In Xray, results are stored in a Test Execution, usually a new one. The Test Execution contains a Test Run per each test that was executed.

Detailed results, including logs and exceptions reported during execution of the test, can be seen on the execution screen details of each Test Run, accessible through the execution detailas we can see here:

As we linked one of the Tests  to an existing Story (using the @Requirement annotatiob provided by the xray-junit-extensions project), on the Story issue screen we can track coverage having in mind the result of that test. We could link other Tests on the code or later on in Xray, by adding them using the "Add Tests" option.


