This feature works in a different way depending on the App mode. See more info about App modes at Xray Exploratory App Desktop Application.

Performing a testing session with Xray & Jira integration

After you create a new session and fill all the necessary fields, or execute a session for an existing test you need to:

  1. Click on Start Session;
  2. Choose if you want to create now or later Test Execution;
  3. Select the screen or the window to record the test session.

Execute testing session

As soon as you start a session you are able to:

  • Take screenshots and notes;
  • Record videos and audios;
  • Pause the testing session;
  • End the session;

in the tabs "Test" and "Timeline." When you add items to your session they are going to be saved in Timeline in order to track the progress of the test session.

Track testing session progress

In the "Timeline" tab, you are able to see all items you added to your tests, such as videos, audios, screenshots, notes, or evidences, as well as check the progress of your session. All the items you added to your session will appear on this screen.

Apart from tracking your testing session, you can also use the "Timeline" to Upload evidence that you can see at the end of your timeline.

If you select an item by clicking in the checkbox, you can perform the following actions:

  • Edit, delete, and export the item;
  • Add a new issue to your Jira instance through the item;
  • Link an existing defect from your project or create a new defect to your Jira instance through the item. 

Edit and comment evidence

Every time you capture a screenshot, video, audio, or upload evidence, a new window will appear in order for you to edit the item, add a comment and choose the type of comment. You can see an example in the image on the side.

Report issues to Jira

As you can see in the example of the image above, you are performing a new test session with connection to Xray for Jira and you will be able to:

  • Create a new issue for the project you selected before with the item being attached to the issue by clicking on the option Add Issue;
  • Link an existing defect from your project or create a new defect with the item being attached to the issue by clicking on the option Add defect;

Each option will present you with a form to fill in, in order to correctly save the issues on your Jira instance.

Report a defect

If you decide to Add a defect you will be presented with the screens you can see in the following images:

  1. The first pop-up that appears in order for to you choose if you want to Link or Create a defect;
  2. If you choose Link Defect the second screen will appear;
  3. If you choose to Create Defect the third screen will appear.

Create a generic issue

When you choose to add a new issue into your project with the item attached to that issue some fields will appear:

ProjectThe project where you want to create the issue. By default, you will see the project you chose at the beginning of your session
Issue TypeThe issue type of the new issue that will be created in your Jira instance
SummaryThe summary of the new issue

All these fields are mandatory and after filling them the button Create Issue will be available to click.

Control time limit for your session

When you set a time limit for your test session and after you start the session, you can follow the corresponding "Remaining time" that appears on the footer of the app. When this time ends a popup will appear asking if you want to continue or end your session.

Share results

When you are using the connection to Xray for Jira and decide to end your session you will be able to:

Submit results to Xray

If you want to submit your session to Jira, you can click on the green button Submit Test Run.

As you created a new session, this action will:

  • Create a new test, test execution and test run in your Jira project;
  • Create a PDF report with the data saved during the session from the details of the issues to the evidence;
  • Attach the PDF and the items as evidence in the "Finding" section of the new test run;

After you click on this option, you will see the keys of your new issues and you can click to redirect you to the Jira issue in the browser to see the findings captured during the execution of your exploratory testing session.

Please take into account that this process can take a while, depending on the information that is needed to submit.

Every time you change something, you can submit that change into Jira. However, a popup will appear asking if you want to keep the old PDF report or replace it with the new one. If you choose to keep all the PDF will appear in section Findings → Evidences in the respective test run on Jira.

Export results to PDF

If you need to export results to PDF, you can click on "Export Session Report." When clicking on this option, you will be asked where to save the file with the information.

The file has the extension .zip and contains the following information:

  • The PDF report with all the information saved during the session;
  • A folder for each type of evidence you capture, depending on what you execute during your session, and inside of each folder the respective items. 

This option is going to be available only if you submit the test run.

Performing a testing session in Standalone Mode

After you create a new session and fill all the necessary fields you need to:

  1. Click on Start Session;
  2. Select the screen or the window to record the test session.

As soon as you start the session you are able to:

  • Take screenshots and notes;
  • Record videos and audios;
  • Pause the testing session;
  • End the session;

in the tab "Test" and "Timeline." When you add items to your session they are going to be saved in the "Timeline" in order to track the progress of the test session.

Tracking testing session progress

At the Timeline, you are able to see all items you added to your tests, such as videos, audios, screenshots, notes, or evidence and you can check the progress of your session. All the items you added to your session will appear on this screen.

Apart from tracking your testing session, you can also use the Timeline to Upload evidence that you can see at the end of your timeline.

If you select one item, just by clicking in the checkbox you can edit, delete, and export the item.

Edit and comment evidence

Every time you capture a screenshot, video, audio, or upload evidence, a new window will appear in order for you to edit the item, add a comment and choose the type of comment. You can see an example in the image on the side.

Ending session and Share Results

As you are using the app without a connection to Jira and Xray you only be able to:

  • Edit, delete, and export the items added during your session;
  • Export the session report.

Export session Report

If you need to export results to PDF you can click on "Export Session Report." When clicking on this option, the App will ask you where you want to save the file with the information.

The file has the extension .zip that contains the PDF report and all the evidence from your session.