This feature is only available to Jira & Xray users. You need to integrate the Exploratory Testing App with Jira, check out how at Connecting with Jira.

Performing a manual testing session

After creating a new session for an existing manual test, it's now time to execute the testing session.

Use this video as a reference, some UI elements may have changed in this version.

Using Test Steps

This Tab will only appear when using the App connected to Xray for Jira.

To execute the steps of your test, you need to access the "Steps" tab. Here you can:

  • Change the status of each test step;
  • Add videos, audios, screenshots, and notes to the test steps;
  • Add the actual result of each step;

To work on each step you can click on the corresponding card and execute it as you want. When you do this you can see a green border around the step card. 

Change step status

When you decide to define a status for your test step, you need to click on the status dropdown because, by default, it will always appear as To Do when you are performing a new testing session. 

The statuses that will appear here are the same statuses configured in the menus Manage Apps → Xray → Test Statuses and Test Steps Statuses at your Jira instance.

Update actual result for Test Steps

If you finished the execution of the step and want to add the Actual result to the step you can by clicking on this button  presented on the step card.

When performing this action a new window will appear for to you write the result, and after, click on Save. After saving the result a new section called "Actual Result" will be displayed on the card.

Attach evidence to Test Steps or Test Run

In a manual test it is possible to add evidence from:

  • The tab test, step, and timeline through the buttons that appear above the buttons Pause and End Session;
  • The action buttons appear on each test step card.

After adding evidence to a step, a new section called "Findings" will appear on the step card and here it is possible to see:

  • The type of evidence that has been added;
  • And the quantity of evidence that has been added to the step;

Different contexts for attaching evidence

  1. When you add evidence from the step card actions in the Media Preview, the field "Context", by default, will show you the step where you click to perform the action (left image);
  2. When you add evidence from the general buttons in the Media Preview the field "Context", by default, will show you the option test run (right image).

Track Testing Session Progress

When executing a Manual Test, every action you perform to the step or the test run will be saved on the "Timeline".

The evidence added to the Test Run always is presented with green icons on the left, and right at the beginning, below the white icon session started.

The evidence added to the steps is organized inside each step. The steps can be executed with the order the user wants because in the tab "Timeline", the app registers in the order of execution.

In this tab, you can edit the evidence, but when opening the Edit Dialog of the evidence you can't change the context, so this field will not appear on the window.

Edit and comment evidence

Every time you capture a screenshot, video, audio, or upload evidence, a new window will appear for you to edit the item, add a comment, and choose the type of comment. You can see an example in the image on the right.

Report issues to Jira

As you can see in the example of the image above, you are performing a new test session with a connection to Xray for Jira and you will be able to:

  • Create a new issue for the project you selected before with the item being attached to the issue by clicking on the option Add Issue;
  • Link an existing defect from your project or create a new defect with the item being attached to the issue by clicking on the option Add defect;

Each option will present you with a form to fill in, to correctly save the issues on your Jira instance.

Report a defect

If you decide to Add a Defect the following screens display:

  1. The first pop-up displays for you to choose if you want to Link or Create a defect
  2. If you choose to Link Defect the second screen will appear
  3. If you choose to Create Defect the third screen will appear

Create a generic issue

When you choose to add a new issue to your project with the item attached to that issue some fields display:

ProjectThe project where you want to create the issue. By default, the project you chose at the beginning of your session appears.
Issue TypeThe issue type of the new issue that will be created in your Jira instance
SummaryThe summary of the new issue

All these fields are mandatory and after filling them, the button Create issue is available to click.

Ending a session

  • If you click End session before you define a final test status for each step, a new popup will be presented to you before the session manager window appears, to know if you want to end the session without all the steps being executed or not
  • If you define a final status for each step the first point described does not happen
  • The final status considered by the app is the final status defined in your Jira instance at the menu Manage Apps → Xray → Test Statuses.

When it comes to a manual test, we have some changes on the final window, such as:

  • The cards display with all the information
  • The field Test Status is automatically calculated according to the status of each step when you end the session

The rules for the Test Status are as follows:

  1. If the status for all the steps is Passed, the execution status is going to be Passed
  2. If only one step has the status Failed, the final execution status is going to be Failed
  3. If there are some steps with the status Passed, To Do, or Executing, the execution status is going to be Executing
  4. If one of the steps has a customized status, the execution status is going to be Executing

The field Test Status is independent of the status, displays and you can change to the status you want.