Xray provides powerful capabilities for analysis of test results and coverage on a per environment basis, allowing users to easily understand how tests and requirements are on specific target environments.

However, Xray is somehow  limited on the management capabilites of Test Environments; they are created similar to labels and they're available to all your Jira projects. You may require more advanced management capabilities for your Test Environments, such as the ability of defining and manage them on a per-project basis. Fortunately, there is Apwide Test Environment Manager which complements Xray built-in features, allowing you to fully manage Test Environments, their availability amongst other.


Features and Limitations

The current integration allows you to:


In order to use  the new extenders that Xray provides, you need to:

  1. Install Xray version 3.2.0 or above;
  2. Install Apwide Test Environment Manager version 6.2.0 or above;
  3. Install Apwide Xray-Integration version 1.2.4 or above;


Use cases

Assign a Test Environment from Apwide in Test Executions

Assess in loco Test Environment information 

Define and restrict Test Environments per project
