Sometimes, it may be useful to trigger CI jobs directly from Jira and see the results in the test management tool (i.e. Xray).

Currently (as of v3.6), this is not possible out-of-the-box yet. However, with some minor customization, this can already be achieved as depicted in these ScriptRunner-related instructions.

Depending on the use case, this may be quite simple or a little more complex to implement.


In order to implement triggering from Xray, and while it is not built-in, you'll need to use an additional Jira app/plugin for that. This app must provide some sort of Jira customization, giving you the ability to add an action (e.g. button) on the UI; besides that, it shall also provide a way of implementing the corresponding code/action that will invoke the CI tool.

Which app to use depends on your context (e.g. existing apps installed in your Jira instance) and the exact use case you aim to implement; depending on that, simpler apps may be used; as a last resource, you may use ScriptRunner even though it requires coding skills.

Possible (tested) apps include:

Other (untested) apps include:

Ultimately, advanced users may prefer to implement a very simple Jira app for this.

Use Cases

Trigger a CI job blindly

In this scenario, we're assuming that:

For most CI tools, this only requires that you perform some HTTP request passing the CI job as an argument, somehow.

"Jenkins integration for Jira", "Automation for Jira", "ScriptRunner" apps can be used to implement this scenario.


Trigger a CI job and report back to the current issue

In this scenario, we're assuming that:

"Jenkins Integration for Jira", "Automation for Jira", "ScriptRunner" apps can be used to implement this scenario.


Trigger a CI job for the selected tests and report back to the current issue

In this scenario, we're assuming that:

This scenario, though feasible, is a bit more complex for two reasons:

  1. because you'll need to pass the information about the tests that you run to the CI tool
  2. the CI job needs to process the previous information and somehow orchestrate test runner; this is highly dependent on the automation framework

"ScriptRunner" app can be used to implement this scenario.

