Shows a list of Tests and their attributes, along with the calculated status for the Tests, for the selected version or Test Plan, and/or Test Environment.


The Tests List Report shows a list of Test issues and their corresponding execution status, for some defined scope. The status depends on the Analysis & Scope (i.e., on how you want to analyze the Tests). This allows a transversal analysis of the Tests for a project in a particular version and environment.

The status of a Test is calculated based on the latest consolidated result obtained for each Test (see how the status of a Test is calculated here).

Possible usage scenarios:

How to use

This report is accessible either from the Xray icon on the project left sidebar or from the standard Reports icon, which includes other kinds of reports besides Xray. 

At the top of the report, you have some options that need to be configured.

By default, only Tests from the selected project are shown. To show Tests from different projects, you have to use a saved filter.


Aside from the available custom fields for Test issues, there are also some special columns that can be included:



Test TypeThe Test Type of each Test
StatusThe calculated status for the Test, based on the defined Analysis & Scope


Exporting the Report

The report can be exported to a CSV file, which will export up to 1000 issues and not just the visible ones.

Click on Export and select To csv.