October 30, 2021 

The Xray team is proud to announce the major release of Xray Cloud 1.1.62-3.000.000. This version features Modular Test Design,  a new Test Sets filter on the Xray issue picker dialog, and email notifications when assigning Test Runs.

Release highlights 

Modular Test Design (smile)

Modular test design is a way of promoting test case reusability and composition across a large test repository. In order to design modular tests, you can create a test where some steps call or include other test cases. This prevents testers from having to write the same steps over and over again in different high-level tests.

Using a modular design approach, any test becomes a building block of more extensive test scenarios. Still, they can also be executed individually if needed.

A common use case for modular tests is end-to-end testing. End-to-end tests often need to pass through the same area or component of the application before asserting the final result. With modular test design, you can reuse the tests for these common areas or components.

Find out more about this feature here.

Test Sets filter on the Xray issue picker

When searching for tests to associate with another issue (Requirement, Test Set, Test Plan, or Test Execution), you can now use a Test Set filter to select tests associated with a particular Test Set issue.

Ex: Adding tests to a test plan that are contained in a test set but also have the "Regression" component.

Learn more here.

Test Run assignee email notifications

Xray will now be able to send email notifications whenever a Test Run is assigned to a user. 

This option is disabled by default but you can enable it in the Xray project settings.

Learn more about this feature here.

And much more...

Execution page



Just one last, yet important, thing...

Documentation is always very helpful and sometimes you might miss new articles.
We've added these sections to our extensive wiki, feel free to take a look at them:

Features and Bug Fixes in this release