Now it is time to review your Basic Setup! Make sure that: 

1 - Xray is in good health

2 - For you projects validate the issue types association with your projects by visiting summary details in project Xray Settings

Make sure that you have your desired Xray issue types present and "checked" in the summary.

As in the image above you don't need to have all issue types associated but your will need to have them selected as the use you intend to give to it.

3 - Check you have mapped the correct issue types as requirements

and defects are also correctly associated....

4 - Validate that the screens associated with the Xray issue types have the desired configuration.

Please note

Xray Cloud and Xray for Jira Server/on-premises are quite different in this aspect. While in Xray for Jira Server there are many custom fields that need to be configured on screens, either automatically or manually, on Xray Cloud you don't have most of those custom fields and thus you don't need to configure the screens for normal usage.

The only custom fields that we would say that should be present as best practices are :

  • No labels